* @copyright 2012 - 2020 Timothy J. Warren * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link https://git.timshomepage.net/aviat/Query * @version 3.0.0 */ namespace Query\Drivers; use InvalidArgumentException; use PDO; use PDOStatement; use function call_user_func_array; use function dbFilter; use function is_object; use function is_string; /** * Base Database class * * Extends PDO to simplify cross-database issues */ abstract class AbstractDriver extends PDO implements DriverInterface { /** * Reference to the last executed query */ protected PDOStatement $statement; /** * Start character to escape identifiers */ protected string $escapeCharOpen = '"'; /** * End character to escape identifiers */ protected string $escapeCharClose = '"'; /** * Reference to sql class */ protected SQLInterface $driverSQL; /** * Reference to util class */ protected AbstractUtil $util; /** * Last query executed */ protected string $lastQuery = ''; /** * Prefix to apply to table names */ protected string $tablePrefix = ''; /** * Whether the driver supports 'TRUNCATE' */ protected bool $hasTruncate = TRUE; /** * PDO constructor wrapper */ public function __construct(string $dsn, string $username=NULL, string $password=NULL, array $driverOptions=[]) { // Set PDO to display errors as exceptions, and apply driver options $driverOptions[PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE] = PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION; parent::__construct($dsn, $username, $password, $driverOptions); $this->_loadSubClasses(); } /** * Loads the subclasses for the driver */ protected function _loadSubClasses(): void { // Load the sql and util class for the driver $thisClass = $this::class; $nsArray = explode("\\", $thisClass); array_pop($nsArray); $driver = array_pop($nsArray); $sqlClass = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\{$driver}\\SQL"; $utilClass = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\{$driver}\\Util"; $this->driverSQL = new $sqlClass(); $this->util = new $utilClass($this); } /** * Allow invoke to work on table object * * @codeCoverageIgnore * @return mixed */ public function __call(string $name, array $args = []) { if ( isset($this->$name) && is_object($this->$name) && method_exists($this->$name, '__invoke') ) { return call_user_func_array([$this->$name, '__invoke'], $args); } return NULL; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! Accessors / Mutators // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get the last sql query executed */ public function getLastQuery(): string { return $this->lastQuery; } /** * Set the last query sql */ public function setLastQuery(string $queryString): void { $this->lastQuery = $queryString; } /** * Get the SQL class for the current driver */ public function getSql(): SQLInterface { return $this->driverSQL; } /** * Get the Util class for the current driver */ public function getUtil(): AbstractUtil { return $this->util; } /** * Set the common table name prefix */ public function setTablePrefix(string $prefix): void { $this->tablePrefix = $prefix; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! Concrete functions that can be overridden in child classes // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Simplifies prepared statements for database queries * * @return PDOStatement | FALSE * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function prepareQuery(string $sql, array $data): PDOStatement { // Prepare the sql, save the statement for easy access later $this->statement = $this->prepare($sql); // Bind the parameters foreach($data as $k => $value) { // Parameters are 1-based, the data is 0-based // So, if the key is numeric, add 1 if(is_numeric($k)) { $k++; } $this->statement->bindValue($k, $value); } return $this->statement; } /** * Create and execute a prepared statement with the provided parameters * * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function prepareExecute(string $sql, array $params): PDOStatement { $this->statement = $this->prepareQuery($sql, $params); $this->statement->execute(); return $this->statement; } /** * Returns number of rows affected by an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE type query */ public function affectedRows(): int { // Return number of rows affected return $this->statement->rowCount(); } /** * Prefixes a table if it is not already prefixed */ public function prefixTable(string $table): string { // Add the prefix to the table name // before quoting it if ( ! empty($this->tablePrefix)) { // Split identifier by period, will split into: // database.schema.table OR // schema.table OR // database.table OR // table $identifiers = explode('.', $table); $segments = count($identifiers); // Quote the last item, and add the database prefix $identifiers[$segments - 1] = $this->_prefix(end($identifiers)); // Rejoin $table = implode('.', $identifiers); } return $table; } /** * Quote database table name, and set prefix */ public function quoteTable(string $table): string { $table = $this->prefixTable($table); // Finally, quote the table return $this->quoteIdent($table); } /** * Surrounds the string with the databases identifier escape characters */ public function quoteIdent(string|array $identifier): string|array { if (is_array($identifier)) { return array_map([$this, __METHOD__], $identifier); } // Make all the string-handling methods happy // $identifier = (string)$identifier; // Handle comma-separated identifiers if (str_contains($identifier, ',')) { $parts = array_map('mb_trim', explode(',', $identifier)); $parts = array_map([$this, __METHOD__], $parts); $identifier = implode(',', $parts); } // Split each identifier by the period $hiers = explode('.', $identifier); $hiers = array_map('mb_trim', $hiers); // Re-compile the string $raw = implode('.', array_map([$this, '_quote'], $hiers)); // Fix functions $funcs = []; preg_match_all("#{$this->escapeCharOpen}([a-zA-Z0-9_]+(\((.*?)\))){$this->escapeCharClose}#iu", $raw, $funcs, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach($funcs as $f) { // Unquote the function // Quote the inside identifiers $raw = str_replace([$f[0], $f[3]], [$f[1], $this->quoteIdent($f[3])], $raw); } return $raw; } /** * Return schemas for databases that list them */ public function getSchemas(): ?array { // Most DBMSs conflate schemas and databases return $this->getDbs(); } /** * Return list of tables for the current database */ public function getTables(): ?array { $tables = $this->driverQuery('tableList'); natsort($tables); return $tables; } /** * Return list of dbs for the current connection, if possible */ public function getDbs(): ?array { return $this->driverQuery('dbList'); } /** * Return list of views for the current database */ public function getViews(): ?array { $views = $this->driverQuery('viewList'); sort($views); return $views; } /** * Return list of sequences for the current database, if they exist */ public function getSequences(): ?array { return $this->driverQuery('sequenceList'); } /** * Return list of functions for the current database */ public function getFunctions(): ?array { return $this->driverQuery('functionList', FALSE); } /** * Return list of stored procedures for the current database */ public function getProcedures(): ?array { return $this->driverQuery('procedureList', FALSE); } /** * Return list of triggers for the current database */ public function getTriggers(): ?array { return $this->driverQuery('triggerList', FALSE); } /** * Retrieves an array of non-user-created tables for * the connection/database */ public function getSystemTables(): ?array { return $this->driverQuery('systemTableList'); } /** * Retrieve column information for the current database table */ public function getColumns(string $table): ?array { return $this->driverQuery($this->getSql()->columnList($this->prefixTable($table)), FALSE); } /** * Retrieve foreign keys for the table */ public function getFks(string $table): ?array { return $this->driverQuery($this->getSql()->fkList($table), FALSE); } /** * Retrieve indexes for the table */ public function getIndexes(string $table): ?array { return $this->driverQuery($this->getSql()->indexList($this->prefixTable($table)), FALSE); } /** * Retrieve list of data types for the database */ public function getTypes(): ?array { return $this->driverQuery('typeList', FALSE); } /** * Get the version of the database engine */ public function getVersion(): string { return $this->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION); } /** * Method to simplify retrieving db results for meta-data queries * * @param string|array|null $query * @param bool $filteredIndex */ public function driverQuery($query, $filteredIndex=TRUE): ?array { // Call the appropriate method, if it exists if (is_string($query) && method_exists($this->driverSQL, $query)) { $query = $this->getSql()->$query(); } // Return if the values are returned instead of a query, // or if the query doesn't apply to the driver if ( ! is_string($query)) { return $query; } // Run the query! $res = $this->query($query); $flag = $filteredIndex ? PDO::FETCH_NUM : PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; $all = $res->fetchAll($flag); return $filteredIndex ? dbFilter($all, 0) : $all; } /** * Return the number of rows returned for a SELECT query * * @see http://us3.php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.rowcount.php#87110 */ public function numRows(): ?int { $regex = '/^SELECT\s+(?:ALL\s+|DISTINCT\s+)?(?:.*?)\s+FROM\s+(.*)$/i'; $output = []; if (preg_match($regex, $this->lastQuery, $output) > 0) { $stmt = $this->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$output[1]}"); return (int) $stmt->fetchColumn(); } return NULL; } /** * Create sql for batch insert * * @param mixed $data * @return array */ public function insertBatch(string $table, array $data=[]): array { $data = (array) $data; $firstRow = (array) current($data); // Values for insertion $vals = []; foreach($data as $group) { $vals = [...$vals, ...array_values($group)]; } $table = $this->quoteTable($table); $fields = array_keys($firstRow); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} (" . implode(',', $this->quoteIdent($fields)) . ') VALUES '; // Create the placeholder groups $params = array_fill(0, count($fields), '?'); $paramString = '(' . implode(',', $params) . ')'; $paramList = array_fill(0, count($data), $paramString); // Append the placeholder groups to the query $sql .= implode(',', $paramList); return [$sql, $vals]; } /** * Creates a batch update, and executes it. * Returns the number of affected rows * * @param string $table The table to update * @param array $data an array of update values * @param string $where The where key * @return array */ public function updateBatch(string $table, array $data, string $where): array { $affectedRows = 0; $insertData = []; $fieldLines = []; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->quoteTable($table) . ' SET '; // Get the keys of the current set of data, except the one used to // set the update condition $fields = array_unique( array_reduce($data, static function ($previous, $current) use (&$affectedRows, $where): array { $affectedRows++; $keys = array_diff(array_keys($current), [$where]); if ($previous === NULL) { return $keys; } return array_merge($previous, $keys); }) ); // Create the CASE blocks for each data set foreach ($fields as $field) { $line = $this->quoteIdent($field) . " = CASE\n"; $cases = []; foreach ($data as $case) { if (array_key_exists($field, $case)) { $insertData[] = $case[$where]; $insertData[] = $case[$field]; $cases[] = 'WHEN ' . $this->quoteIdent($where) . ' =? ' . 'THEN ? '; } } $line .= implode("\n", $cases) . "\n"; $line .= 'ELSE ' . $this->quoteIdent($field) . ' END'; $fieldLines[] = $line; } $sql .= implode(",\n", $fieldLines) . "\n"; $whereValues = array_column($data, $where); foreach ($whereValues as $value) { $insertData[] = $value; } // Create the placeholders for the WHERE IN clause $placeholders = array_fill(0, count($whereValues), '?'); $sql .= 'WHERE ' . $this->quoteIdent($where) . ' IN '; $sql .= '(' . implode(',', $placeholders) . ')'; return [$sql, $insertData, $affectedRows]; } /** * Empty the passed table */ public function truncate(string $table): PDOStatement { $sql = $this->hasTruncate ? 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' : 'DELETE FROM '; $sql .= $this->quoteTable($table); $this->statement = $this->query($sql); return $this->statement; } /** * Generate the returning clause for the current database */ public function returning(string $query, string $select): string { return "{$query} RETURNING {$select}"; } /** * Helper method for quote_ident * * @param mixed $str * @return mixed */ public function _quote($str) { // Check that the current value is a string, // and is not already quoted before quoting // that value, otherwise, return the original value return ( is_string($str) && ( ! str_starts_with($str, $this->escapeCharOpen)) && strrpos($str, $this->escapeCharClose) !== 0 ) ? "{$this->escapeCharOpen}{$str}{$this->escapeCharClose}" : $str; } /** * Sets the table prefix on the passed string */ protected function _prefix(string $str): string { // Don't prefix an already prefixed table if (str_contains($str, $this->tablePrefix)) { return $str; } return $this->tablePrefix . $str; } }