<?php declare(strict_types=1);
 * Query
 * SQL Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer
 * PHP version 7.1
 * @package     Query
 * @author      Timothy J. Warren <tim@timshomepage.net>
 * @copyright   2012 - 2018 Timothy J. Warren
 * @license     http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
 * @link        https://git.timshomepage.net/aviat4ion/Query
namespace Query\Tests;

use DomainException;
use Query\{ConnectionManager, QueryBuilderInterface};

class ConnectionManagerTest extends TestCase {

	protected static $instance;

	public static function setUpBeforeClass()
		self::$instance = ConnectionManager::getInstance();

	public static function tearDownAfterClass()
		self::$instance = NULL;

	public function testNoClone()
		$this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't clone singleton");
		$clone = clone self::$instance;

	public function testNoSerialize()
		$this->expectExceptionMessage('No serializing of singleton');

		$this->expectExceptionMessage('No serializing of singleton');

	public function testNoUnserialize()
		$this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't unserialize singleton");

	public function testParseParams()
		$params = new class {
			public $type = 'sqlite';
			public $file = ':memory:';
			public $options = [
				'foo' => 'bar'

		$expected = [
			['foo' => 'bar']

		$this->assertEqual($expected, self::$instance->parseParams($params));

	public function testConnect()
		$params = new class {
			public $type = 'sqlite';
			public $file = ':memory:';
			public $prefix = 'create_';
			public $options = [
				'foo' => 'bar'

		$conn = self::$instance->connect($params);
		$this->assertInstanceOf(QueryBuilderInterface::class, $conn);

		// Check that the connection just made is returned from the get_connection method
		$this->assertEqual($conn, self::$instance->getConnection());

	public function testGetConnection()
		$params = (object) [
			'type' => 'sqlite',
			'file' => ':memory:',
			'prefix' => 'create_',
			'alias' => 'conn_manager',
			'options' => [
				'foo' => 'bar'

		$conn = self::$instance->connect($params);
		$this->assertInstanceOf(QueryBuilderInterface::class, $conn);

		$this->assertEqual($conn, self::$instance->getConnection('conn_manager'));
// End of connection_manager_test.php