Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

Query_Parser \Query_Parser $match_patterns '([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\((.*?)\))', 'identifier' => '([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\.?)+', 'operator' => '=|AND|&&?|~|\|\|?|\^|/|>=?|<=?|-|%|OR|\+|NOT|\!=?|<>|XOR' )]]> array $matches array(), 'identifiers' => array(), 'operators' => array(), 'combined' => array(), )]]> array __construct function $sql parse_join function $sql filter_array function array $array
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

DB_SQL \DB_SQL max function string min function string distinct function string avg function string sum function string limit function string int int string $sql $limit $offset random function string db_list function string table_list function string system_table_list function string view_list function string trigger_list function string function_list function FALSE procedure_list function string sequence_list function string type_list function mixed column_list function string $table
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

DB_PDO \DB_PDO \PDO Extends PDO to simplify cross-database issues

$statement mixed $escape_char string $sql Object $util Object $last_query string __construct function string string string array $dsn $username $password $driver_options prepare_query function string array mixed $sql $data prepare_execute function string array \PDOStatement $sql $params get_query_data function \PDOStatement array $statement affected_rows function \PDOStatement int $statement get_last_error function string quote_ident function mixed string $ident _quote function mixed mixed $str empty_table function string mixed $table get_schemas function array get_tables function array get_dbs function array get_views function array get_sequences function array get_functions function array get_procedures function array get_triggers function array get_system_tables function array get_columns function string array $table get_types function array driver_query function string bool mixed $sql $filtered_index num_rows function int truncate function string void $table switch_db function string void $name
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

No DocBlock was found for property $select_string No DocBlock was found for property $from_string No DocBlock was found for property $set_string No DocBlock was found for property $order_string No DocBlock was found for property $group_string No DocBlock was found for property $set_array_keys No DocBlock was found for property $order_array No DocBlock was found for property $group_array No DocBlock was found for property $values No DocBlock was found for property $where_values No DocBlock was found for property $limit No DocBlock was found for property $offset No DocBlock was found for property $sql No DocBlock was found for property $table_prefix No DocBlock was found for property $query_map No DocBlock was found for property $having_map No DocBlock was found for property $conn_name No DocBlock was found for property $queries BadDBDriverException \BadDBDriverException \InvalidArgumentException BadConnectionException \BadConnectionException \UnexpectedValueException Query_Builder \Query_Builder $select_string $from_string $set_string $order_string $group_string $set_array_keys $order_array $group_array $values $where_values $limit $offset $sql $table_prefix $query_map $having_map $conn_name $queries __construct function object $params select function string \$this $fields _select function string string string $field $as select_max function string string \$this $field $as select_min function string string \$this $field $as select_avg function string string \$this $field $as select_sum function string string \$this $field $as distinct function \$this from function string \$this $dbname _like function string mixed string string string \$this $field $val $pos $like $conj like function string mixed string \$this $field $val $pos or_like function string mixed string \$this $field $val $pos not_like function string mixed string \$this $field $val $pos or_not_like function string mixed string \$this $field $val $pos _having function mixed mixed string \$this $key $val $conj having function mixed mixed \$this $key $val or_having function mixed mixed \$this $key $val _where function mixed mixed array $key $val _where_string function mixed mixed string \$this $key $val $conj _where_in function mixed mixed \$this $key $val $in $conj where function mixed mixed \$this $key $val or_where function string mixed \$this $key $val where_in function mixed mixed \$this $field $val or_where_in function string mixed \$this $field $val where_not_in function string mixed \$this $field $val or_where_not_in function string mixed \$this $field $val set function mixed mixed \$this $key $val join function string string string \$this $table $condition $type group_by function mixed \$this $field order_by function string string \$this $field $type limit function int int string $limit $offset group_start function \$this or_group_start function \$this or_not_group_start function \$this group_end function \$this get function int int object $table $limit $offset get_where function string array int int object $table $where $limit $offset count_all function string int $table count_all_results function string int $table insert function string mixed mixed $table $data update function string mixed mixed $table $data delete function string mixed mixed $table $where get_compiled_select function string bool string $table $reset get_compiled_insert function string bool string $table $reset get_compiled_update function string bool string $table $reset get_compiled_delete function string bool string $table $reset _get_compile function string string $type $table $reset reset_query function void _run function string string bool mixed $type $table $simple __call function string array mixed $name $params _compile function string string \$string $type $table
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

DB_Util \DB_Util $conn __construct function object $conn __call function string array $method $args create_table function string array array array string $name $columns $constraints array $indexes array delete_table function string string $name backup_structure function string backup_data function string
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

QBASE_PATH QDRIVER_PATH do_include function string void $path mb_trim function string $string query_autoload function string $class db_filter function array mixed array $array $index
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

PgSQL_SQL \PgSQL_SQL \DB_SQL limit function string int int string $sql $limit $offset random function string db_list function string table_list function string system_table_list function string view_list function string trigger_list function string function_list function FALSE procedure_list function string sequence_list function string column_list function string string $table type_list function string
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

Implement Backup function PgSQL_Util \PgSQL_Util \DB_Util __construct function object void $conn create_table function string array array array string $name $columns $constraints array $indexes array delete_table function string string $name backup_structure function string backup_data function array string $exclude
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

Implement PgSQL \PgSQL \DB_PDO __construct function string string string array $dsn $username $password $options switch_db function string $name truncate function string $table get_schemas function array
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

ODBC_Util \ODBC_Util \DB_Util __construct function object void $conn create_table function string array array array string $name $columns $constraints array $indexes array delete_table function string string $name backup_structure function string backup_data function string
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

ODBC_SQL \ODBC_SQL \DB_SQL limit function string int int string $sql $limit $offset random function string db_list function FALSE table_list function FALSE system_table_list function FALSE view_list function FALSE trigger_list function FALSE function_list function FALSE procedure_list function FALSE sequence_list function FALSE type_list function FALSE column_list function string FALSE $table
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

ODBC \ODBC \DB_PDO For general database access for databases not specified by the main drivers

$escape_char __construct function string string string array $dsn $username $password $options switch_db function string bool $name truncate function string void $table
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

MySQL_Util \MySQL_Util \DB_Util __construct function object void $conn create_table function string array array array string $name $columns $constraints array $indexes array delete_table function string string $name backup_structure function string backup_data function array string $exclude
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

Implement MySQL \MySQL \DB_PDO $escape_char string __construct function string string string array $dsn $username $password $options switch_db function string $name truncate function string $table
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

MySQL_SQL \MySQL_SQL \DB_SQL limit function string int int string $sql $limit $offset random function string db_list function string table_list function string string $database system_table_list function string view_list function string trigger_list function string function_list function string procedure_list function string sequence_list function FALSE type_list function string column_list function string string $table
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

SQLite_Util \SQLite_Util \DB_Util __construct function object void $conn create_table function string array array array string $name $columns $constraints array $indexes array delete_table function string string $name backup_data function array string $excluded backup_structure function string
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

SQLite \SQLite \DB_PDO $statement \PDOStatement __construct function string string string $dsn $user $pass switch_db function string $name truncate function string $table get_tables function mixed get_system_tables function array load_database function string string $db $name unload_database function string $name
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

SQLite_SQL \SQLite_SQL \DB_SQL limit function string int int string $sql $limit $offset random function string db_list function FALSE table_list function string system_table_list function string view_list function string trigger_list function FALSE function_list function FALSE procedure_list function FALSE sequence_list function FALSE type_list function array column_list function string string $table
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

Firebird_SQL \Firebird_SQL \DB_SQL limit function string int int string $sql $limit $offset random function string db_list function FALSE table_list function string system_table_list function string view_list function string trigger_list function string function_list function string procedure_list function string sequence_list function string column_list function string string $table type_list function string
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

Firebird_Result \Firebird_Result \PDOStatement $statement resource $row int $result __construct function resource $link bindColumn function mixed mixed int mixed array FALSE $column $param $type $maxlen $driverdata bindParam function mixed mixed int mixed array FALSE $parameter $variable $data_type $maxlen $driverdata bindValue function mixed mixed int FALSE $parameter $variable $data_type execute function array bool $args fetch function int mixed mixed mixed $fetch_style $statement $offset fetchAll function int mixed mixed mixed $fetch_style $statement $ctor_args fetchColumn function int mixed $column_num fetchObject function string array \stdClass $class_name $ctor_args rowCount function int errorCode function errorCode]]> string errorInfo function errorInfo / PDOStatement->errorInfo]]> array
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

Firebird \Firebird \DB_PDO PDO-firebird isn't stable, so this is a wrapper of the fbird_ public functions.

$statement object $statement_link resource $trans resource $conn resource __construct function string string string $dbpath $user $pass switch_db function string FALSE $name truncate function string $table query function string \$this $sql prepare function string array \$this $query $options beginTransaction function bool commit function bool rollBack function bool prepare_execute function string array resource $sql $args quote function quote]]> string int string $str $param_type errorInfo function errorInfo / PDOStatement->errorInfo]]> array errorCode function errorCode]]> array prepare_query function string array FALSE $sql $params
Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer

Implement Backup structure function Firebird_Util \Firebird_Util \DB_Util __construct function object void $conn create_table function string array array array string $name $fields $constraints array $indexes array delete_table function string string $name backup_structure function string backup_data function array bool string $exclude $system_tables
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