 * Query
 * Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer
 * @package		Query
 * @author		Timothy J. Warren
 * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2012 - 2014
 * @link 		https://github.com/aviat4ion/Query
 * @license		http://philsturgeon.co.uk/code/dbad-license

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Global classes/functions that don't really fit anywhere else

 * Generic exception for bad drivers
 * @package Query
 * @subpackage Query
class BadDBDriverException extends InvalidArgumentException {}

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Generic exception for bad connection strings
 * @package Query
 * @subpackage Query
class BadConnectionException extends UnexpectedValueException {}

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

if ( ! function_exists('do_include'))
	 * Bulk directory loading workaround for use
	 * with array_map and glob
	 * @param string $path
	 * @return void
	function do_include($path)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

if ( ! function_exists('mb_trim'))
	 * Multibyte-safe trim function
	 * @param string $string
	 * @return string
	function mb_trim($string)
		return preg_replace("/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/us", "", $string);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Filter out db rows into one array
 * @param array $array
 * @param mixed $index
 * @return array
function db_filter($array, $index)
	$new_array = array();

	foreach($array as $a)
		$new_array[] = $a[$index];

	return $new_array;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Connection function
 * @param mixed $params
 * @return Query_Builder
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 * @throws BadDBDriverException
 * @throws BadConnectionException
function &Query($params = '')
	static $connections;
	// If you are getting a previously created connection
	if (is_scalar($params))
		// If the paramater is a string, use it as an array index
		if (is_scalar($params) && isset($connections[$params]))
			return $connections[$params];
		elseif (empty($params) && ! empty($connections)) // Otherwise, return the last one
			return end($connections);
		throw new InvalidArgumentException("The specified connection does not exist");

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Parse argument array / object
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	// Convert array to object
	if (is_array($params))
		$params = new ArrayObject($params, ArrayObject::STD_PROP_LIST | ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);

	$params->type = strtolower($params->type);
	$dbtype = ($params->type !== 'postgresql') ? $params->type : 'pgsql';

	// Let the connection work with 'conn_db' or 'database'
	if (isset($params->database))
		$params->conn_db = $params->database;

	// Add the driver type to the dsn
	$dsn = ($dbtype !== 'firebird' && $dbtype !== 'sqlite')
		? strtolower($dbtype).':'
		: '';

	// Make sure the class exists
	if ( ! class_exists($dbtype))
		throw new BadDBDriverException('Database driver does not exist, or is not supported');

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Attempt to connect
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	// Create the dsn for the database to connect to
			$dsn .= "dbname={$params->conn_db}";

			if ( ! empty($params->host))
				$dsn .= ";host={$params->host}";

			if ( ! empty($params->port))
				$dsn .= ";port={$params->port}";


		case "sqlite":
			$dsn .= $params->file;

		case "firebird":
			$dsn = "{$params->host}:{$params->file}";

		// Create the database connection
		$db = ( ! empty($params->user))
			? new $dbtype($dsn, $params->user, $params->pass)
			: new $dbtype($dsn);
	catch(Exception $e)
		throw new BadConnectionException('Connection failed, invalid arguments', 2);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Save connection
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	// Set the table prefix, if it exists
	if (isset($params->prefix))
		$db->table_prefix = $params->prefix;

	// Create the Query Builder object
	$conn = new Query_Builder($db, $params);

	// Save it for later
	if (isset($params->alias))
		$connections[$params->alias] = $conn;
		$connections[] = $conn;

	// Return the Query Builder object
	return $conn;

// End of common.php