Source of file SQL.php

Size: 3,489 Bytes - Last Modified: 2019-12-11T14:04:46-05:00


<?php declare(strict_types=1);
 * Query
 * SQL Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer
 * PHP version 7.1
 * @package     Query
 * @author      Timothy J. Warren <>
 * @copyright   2012 - 2018 Timothy J. Warren
 * @license  MIT License
 * @link
namespace Query\Drivers\Sqlite;

use Query\Drivers\AbstractSQL;
use Query\Exception\NotImplementedException;

 * SQLite Specific SQL
class SQL extends AbstractSQL {

	 * Get the query plan for the sql query
	 * @param string $sql
	 * @return string
	public function explain(string $sql): string
		return "EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN {$sql}";

	 * Random ordering keyword
	 * @return string
	public function random(): string
		return ' RANDOM()';

	 * Returns sql to list other databases. Meaningless for SQLite, as this
	 * just returns the database(s) that we are currently connected to.
	 * @return string
	public function dbList(): string
		return '';

	 * Returns sql to list tables
	 * @return string
	public function tableList(): string
		return <<<SQL
            SELECT "name" FROM (
				SELECT * FROM "sqlite_master" UNION ALL
				SELECT * FROM "sqlite_temp_master"
        	WHERE "type"='table'
        	AND "name" NOT LIKE "sqlite_%"
        	ORDER BY "name"

	 * List the system tables
	 * @return string[]
	public function systemTableList(): array
		return [

	 * Returns sql to list views
	 * @return string
	public function viewList(): string
		return <<<SQL
			SELECT "name" FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE "type" = 'view'

	 * Returns sql to list triggers
	 * @return string
	public function triggerList(): string
		return <<<SQL
			SELECT "name" FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE "type"='trigger'

	 * Return sql to list functions
	 * @throws NotImplementedException
	 * @return string
	public function functionList(): string
		throw new NotImplementedException('Functionality does not exist in SQLite');

	 * Return sql to list stored procedures
	 * @throws NotImplementedException
	 * @return string
	public function procedureList(): string
		throw new NotImplementedException('Functionality does not exist in SQLite');

	 * Return sql to list sequences
	 * @return string
	public function sequenceList(): string
		return 'SELECT "name" FROM "sqlite_sequence"';

	 * SQL to show list of field types
	 * @return string[]
	public function typeList(): array
		return ['INTEGER', 'REAL', 'TEXT', 'BLOB', 'NULL'];

	 * SQL to show information about columns in a table
	 * @param string $table
	 * @return string
	public function columnList(string $table): string
		return <<<SQL
			PRAGMA table_info("$table")

	 * Get the list of foreign keys for the current
	 * table
	 * @param string $table
	 * @return string
	public function fkList(string $table): string
		return <<<SQL
			PRAGMA foreign_key_list("$table")

	 * Get the list of indexes for the current table
	 * @param string $table
	 * @return string
	public function indexList(string $table): string
		return <<<SQL
			PRAGMA index_list("$table")