<?php /** * OpenSQLManager * * Free Database manager for Open Source Databases * * @package OpenSQLManager * @author Timothy J. Warren * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012 * @link https://github.com/aviat4ion/OpenSQLManager * @license http://philsturgeon.co.uk/code/dbad-license */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Widget managing saved database connections * * @package OpenSQLManager * @subpackage Widgets */ class Connection_Sidebar extends GtkVBox { /** * Reference to Settings instance * * @var Settings */ protected $settings; /** * Reference to popup menu * * @var GtkMenu */ protected $menu; /** * Treeview for displaying connections * * @var GtkTreeView */ protected $treeview; /** * Singleton instance * * @var Connection_Sidebar */ private static $instance; /** * Name of current db connection * * @var string */ private $conn_name; /** * Return the current instance of the class * * @return Connection_Sidebar */ public static function &get_instance() { if( ! isset(self::$instance)) { $name = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $name(); } return self::$instance; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor method */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->settings =& Settings::get_instance(); $add_button = new GtkButton(); $add_button->set_label("New Connnection"); $add_button->set_image(GTKImage::new_from_stock(GTK::STOCK_ADD, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR)); $add_button->connect_simple('clicked', array($this, 'new_conn')); // Treeview to show database connections { // Render the treeview $this->_render(); // Set up context menu event $this->treeview->connect('button-press-event', array($this, 'on_button')); $selection = $this->treeview->get_selection(); $selection->set_mode(GTK::SELECTION_SINGLE); } $this->pack_start($this->treeview); $this->pack_start($add_button, FALSE); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Renders the connection sidebar widget * * @return void */ protected function _render() { // Create the treeview $this->treeview = (isset($this->treeview)) ? $this->treeview : new Data_Grid(new GTKTreeStore(Gobject::TYPE_PHP_VALUE)); $model = $this->treeview->get_model(); // Add the existing connections to the model $db_conns = $this->settings->get_dbs(); if( ! empty($db_conns)) { foreach($db_conns as $name => &$props) { if (is_array($props)) { $props = array_to_object($props); } $db = $props; $db->name = $name; $iter = $model->append(); $model->set($iter, 0, $db); } } // Icon column $cell_renderer = new GtkCellRendererPixbuf(); $this->treeview->insert_column_with_data_func(0, 'Type', $cell_renderer, array($this, 'set_icon')); // Label column $cell_renderer = new GtkCellRendererText(); $this->treeview->insert_column_with_data_func(1, 'Name', $cell_renderer, array($this, 'set_label')); // Status column $cell_renderer = new GtkCellRendererPixbuf(); $this->treeview->insert_column_with_data_func(2, 'Status', $cell_renderer, array($this, 'set_status_icon')); // Connect event to change database tabs $this->treeview->connect('cursor-changed', array($this, 'switch_tab')); // Connect event to connect on double-click $this->treeview->connect('row-activated', array($this, 'db_connect')); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets the icon for the current db type * * @param GtkTreeView Column $col * @param GtkCellRenderer $cell * @param GtkTreeModel $model * @param GtkTreeIter $iter * @return void */ public function set_icon($col, $cell, $model, $iter) { $col->set_reorderable(TRUE); $info = $model->get_value($iter, 0); $db_type = strtolower($info->type); $img_file = BASE_DIR."/images/{$db_type}-logo-32.png"; if(is_file($img_file)) { $cell->set_property('pixbuf', GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($img_file)); } else { // Load an empty image if the db image doesn't exist $img = new GtkImage(); $cell->set_property('pixbuf', $img->get_pixbuf()); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets the label of the current db connection * * @param GtkTreeViewColumn $col * @param GtkCellRenderer $cell * @param GtkTreeModel $model * @param GtkTreeIter $iter * @return void */ public function set_label($col, $cell, $model, $iter) { $col->set_reorderable(TRUE); $info = $model->get_value($iter, 0); $cell->set_property('text', $info->name); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets the status icon of the current db connection * * @param GtkTreeViewColumn $col * @param GtkCellRenderer $cell * @param GtkTreeModel $model * @param GtkTreeIter $iter * @return void */ public function set_status_icon($col, $cell, $model, $iter) { $col->set_reorderable(TRUE); $info = $model->get_value($iter, 0); $conns = DB_Reg::get_connections(); if(in_array($info->name, $conns)) { $cell->set_property('stock-id', 'gtk-yes'); } else { $cell->set_property('stock-id', 'gtk-no'); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns window for creating a new database connection * * @return Add_DB object */ public function new_conn() { return new Add_DB(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Event for mouse clicks on connection sidebar * * @param GtkTreeView $view * @param $event * @return void */ public function on_button($view, $event) { if ($event->button !== 3 || empty($view)) { return; } // Right click if ($event->button == 3) { // get the row and column $path_array = $view->get_path_at_pos($event->x, $event->y); $col = $path_array[1]; // Don't try to get values for an item that doesn't exist. Instead, return, // so that the program doesn't crash because someone thought it funny // to click on the empty area of the treeview. if(empty($col)) { return; } } $this->menu = $this->conn_popup_menu($path_array); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates and displays a context menu for the selected connection * * @param array $all * @return void */ public function conn_popup_menu($all) { $this->menu = new GtkMenu(); $data = $this->treeview->get(0); $conns = DB_Reg::get_connections(); // Don't try to set up popup menu // on ambiguous areas if ( ! is_object($data)) { return; } // Set up menu items { // Show disconnect if (in_array($data->name, $conns)) { $connect = new GtkImageMenuItem('Disconnect'); $connect->set_image(GtkImage::new_from_stock(GTK::STOCK_DISCONNECT, GTK::ICON_SIZE_MENU)); $connect->connect_simple('activate', array($this, 'db_disconnect')); } else { $connect = new GtkImageMenuItem('Connect'); $connect->set_image(GtkImage::new_from_stock(GTK::STOCK_CONNECT, GTK::ICON_SIZE_MENU)); $connect->connect_simple('activate', array($this, 'db_connect')); } $this->menu->append($connect); $edit = new GtkImageMenuItem('Edit Connection'); $edit->set_image(GtkImage::new_from_stock(GTK::STOCK_EDIT, GTK::ICON_SIZE_MENU)); $edit->connect_simple('activate', array($this, 'edit_connection')); $this->menu->append($edit); $remove = new GtkImageMenuItem('Delete Connection'); $remove->set_image(GtkImage::new_from_stock(GTK::STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU)); $remove->connect_simple('activate', array($this, 'remove_connection'), $all); $this->menu->append($remove); } // Popup the menu $this->menu->show_all(); $this->menu->popup(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Recreate sidebar widget to update connections * * @return void */ public function refresh() { $this->treeview->reset(); $this->_render(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Update the connection information for an existing connection * * @return void */ public function edit_connection() { return new Edit_Db($this->treeview->get(0)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Remove a connection from the connection manager * * @return void */ public function remove_connection() { if ( ! confirm("Are you sure you want to remove this database connection?")) { return; } // Get the data from the model for the current selection $data = $this->treeview->get(0); // Remove the connection from the settings $this->settings->remove_db($data->name); // Refresh the sidebar $this->refresh(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Create connection to a database * * @return void */ public function db_connect() { $data = $this->treeview->get(0); // Make sure to catch connection exceptions try { $conn =& DB_Reg::get_db($data->name); $this->conn_name = $data->name; } catch(PDOException $e) { error("Could not connect to database:\n". $e->getMessage()); return; } DB_Tabs::get_db_tabs($conn); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Disconnect from a database * * @return void */ public function db_disconnect() { $data = $this->treeview->get(0); DB_Reg::remove_db($data->name); DB_Tabs::reset($data->name); $this->refresh(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Change tabs based on db connection selected * * @param GtkTreeView $view * @return void */ public function switch_tab($view) { $data = $view->get(0); $conns = DB_Reg::get_connections(); // Don't reset if you are over the same database if ($data->name === $this->conn_name) { return; } if (in_array($data->name, $conns)) { $this->db_connect(); } } } // End of connection_sidebar.php