<?php /** * OpenSQLManager * * Free Database manager for Open Source Databases * * @author Timothy J. Warren * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012 * @link https://github.com/aviat4ion/OpenSQLManager * @license http://philsturgeon.co.uk/code/dbad-license */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Window controlling addtion of database connections */ class Add_DB extends GtkWindow { var $conn, $dbtype, $host, $user, $pass, $database, $settings, $db_file, $port; public function __construct($conn='', $dbtype='', $host='localhost', $user='', $pass='', $database='', $db_file=NULL, $port='') { parent::__construct(); $this->settings =& Settings::get_instance(); $this->set_position(Gtk::WIN_POS_CENTER); $this->set_title("Add Database Connection"); // Set up the form elements, with default values $this->conn = new GtkEntry(); $this->host = new GtkEntry(); $this->user = new GtkEntry(); $this->pass = new GtkEntry(); $this->port = new GtkEntry(); $this->dbtype = GtkComboBox::new_text(); $this->db_file = new GtkFileChooserButton("Select a database file", Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN); // Populate the available database types $db_types = $this->get_available_dbs(); foreach($db_types as $t) { $this->dbtype->append_text($t); } // Reset defaults when changing db types $this->dbtype->connect_simple("changed", array($this, "change_db")); // Populate the text fields with default values $this->conn->set_text($conn); $this->host->set_text($host); $this->user->set_text($user); $this->pass->set_text($pass); $this->db_file->set_filename($db_file); // Create the layout table $this->table = new GtkTable(); // Add the Vbox, and show the window $this->_layout(); $this->add($this->table); $this->show_all(); } /** * Window layout * * @return GtkVBox */ private function _layout() { //Table attach //$tbl->attach(left_start, right_stop, top_start, bottom_stop) // Placeholder vars for y values, so that rows can be // easily moved $y1 = -1; $y2 = 0; // Connection name { $this->_add_row("Connection name", 'conn', $y1, $y2); } // Database type { $dbtypelbl = new GtkLabel("Database Type"); $typealign = new GtkAlignment(0, 0.5, 0, 0); $typealign->add($dbtypelbl); $this->table->attach($typealign, 0, 1, ++$y1, ++$y2); $this->table->attach($this->dbtype, 1, 2, $y1, $y2); } // DB File { $this->_add_row("Database File", 'db_file', $y1, $y2); } // Host { $this->_add_row("Host", 'host', $y1, $y2); } // Port { $this->_add_row("Port", 'port', $y1, $y2); } // Username { $this->_add_row("User", 'user', $y1, $y2); } // Password { $this->_add_row("Password", 'pass', $y1, $y2); } // Add connection button { $add_button = new GtkButton(); $add_button->set_label("Add Connnection"); $add_button->set_image(GTKImage::new_from_stock(GTK::STOCK_ADD, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR)); $this->table->attach($add_button, 0, 3, ++$y1, ++$y2); $add_button->connect_simple("clicked", array($this, 'db_add')); } } /** * Checks what database drivers are available * * @return array */ public function get_available_dbs() { $drivers = array(); // Check if there is pdo support if( ! function_exists('pdo_drivers')) { return FALSE; } // Add PDO drivers foreach(pdo_drivers() as $d) { // Skip sqlite2 as opposed to sqlite3 if($d === 'sqlite2') { continue; } // Replace default capitalization with something that looks better. $d = str_replace("sql", "SQL", $d); $d = str_ireplace("pg", "Postgre", $d); $d = str_ireplace("odbc", "ODBC", $d); $d = ucfirst($d); $drivers[] = $d; } // Add firebird support, if exists if(function_exists('ibase_connect')) { $drivers[] = "Firebird"; } sort($drivers); return $drivers; } /** * Simple helper function for adding a row to the GtkTable * * @param GtkTable &$table * @param string $label * @param string $vname * @param int &$y1 * @param int &$y2 */ private function _add_row($label, $vname, &$y1, &$y2) { $lbl = 'lbl'.$vname; $this->$lbl = new GtkLabel($label); $lblalign = new GtkAlignment(0, 0.5, 0, 0); $lblalign->add($this->$lbl); $vname =& $this->$vname; $this->table->attach($lblalign, 0, 1, ++$y1, ++$y2); $this->table->attach($vname, 1, 2, $y1, $y2); } /** * Set defaults for new database type * * @return void */ public function change_db() { $new_db = $this->dbtype->get_active_text(); // Reset $this->host->set_text('localhost'); $this->db_file->set_filename(NULL); $this->port->show(); $this->lblport->show(); $this->db_file->hide(); $this->lbldb_file->hide(); $this->host->show(); $this->lblhost->show(); $this->user->set_text(''); $this->pass->set_text(''); $this->port->set_text(''); switch($new_db) { default: break; case "MySQL": $this->user->set_text('root'); $this->port->set_text(3306); break; case "PostgreSQL": $this->user->set_text('postgres'); $this->port->set_text(5432); break; case "Firebird": $this->user->set_text('sysdba'); $this->pass->set_text('masterkey'); $this->lbldb_file->show(); $this->db_file->show(); break; case "ODBC": $this->lbldb_file->show(); $this->db_file->show(); break; case "SQLite": $this->lbldb_file->show(); $this->db_file->show(); $this->port->hide(); $this->lblport->hide(); $this->host->hide(); $this->lblhost->hide(); break; } } /** * Adds the database to the settings file */ public function db_add() { $data = array( 'type' => strtolower($this->dbtype->get_active_text()), 'host' => $this->host->get_text(), 'user' => $this->user->get_text(), 'pass' => $this->pass->get_text(), 'file' => $this->db_file->get_filename(), ); $this->settings->add_db($this->conn->get_text(), $data); // Destroy this window $this->destroy(); } } // End of add_db.php