 * OpenSQLManager
 * Free Database manager for Open Source Databases
 * @author 		Timothy J. Warren
 * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2012
 * @link 		https://github.com/aviat4ion/OpenSQLManager
 * @license 	http://philsturgeon.co.uk/code/dbad-license 

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * FirebirdTest class.
 * @extends UnitTestCase
class FirebirdTest extends UnitTestCase {
	 * __construct function.
	 * @access public
	 * @return void
	function __construct()
	function setUp()
		$dbpath = TEST_DIR.DS.'test_dbs'.DS.'FB_TEST_DB.FDB';
		// Test the db driver directly
		$this->db = new Firebird('localhost:'.$dbpath);
		$this->tables = $this->db->get_tables();
	function tearDown()

	function TestConnection()
		$this->assertIsA($this->db, 'Firebird');
	function TestGetTables()
		$tables = $this->tables;
	function TestGetSystemTables()
		$only_system = TRUE;
		$tables = $this->db->get_system_tables();
		foreach($tables as $t)
			if(stripos($t, 'rdb$') !== 0 && stripos($t, 'mon$') !== 0)
				$only_system = FALSE;
	function TestCreateTransaction()
		$res = $this->db->beginTransaction();

	/*function TestCreateTable()
		//Attempt to create the table
		$sql = $this->db->sql->create_table('create_test', array(
			'id' => 'SMALLINT', 
			'key' => 'VARCHAR(64)', 
			'val' => 'BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT'
		//This test fails for an unknown reason, when clearly the table exists
		$table_exists = (bool)in_array('create_test', $this->tables);
		echo "create_test exists :".(int)$table_exists.'<br />';
	function TestCommitTransaction()
		$res = $this->db->beginTransaction();
		$sql = 'INSERT INTO "create_test" ("id", "key", "val") VALUES (10, 12, 14)';
		$res = $this->db->commit();
	function TestRollbackTransaction()
		$res = $this->db->beginTransaction();
		$sql = 'INSERT INTO "create_test" ("id", "key", "val") VALUES (182, 96, 43)';
		$res = $this->db->rollback();
	function TestPreparedStatements()
		$sql = <<<SQL
			INSERT INTO "create_test" ("id", "key", "val") 
			VALUES (?,?,?)
		$this->db->execute(array(1,"booger's", "Gross"));

	function TestPrepareExecute()
		$sql = <<<SQL
			INSERT INTO "create_test" ("id", "key", "val") 
			VALUES (?,?,?)
		$this->db->prepare_execute($sql, array(
			2, "works", 'also?'
	function TestPrepareQuery()
		$this->assertFalse($this->db->prepare_query('', array()));	

	/*function TestDeleteTable()
		//Attempt to delete the table
		$sql = $this->db->sql->delete_table('create_test');
		$table_exists = in_array('create_test', $this->tables);

 * Firebird Query Builder Tests
class FirebirdQBTest extends UnitTestCase {

	function __construct()
	function setUp()
		$dbpath = TEST_DIR.DS.'test_dbs'.DS.'FB_TEST_DB.FDB';

		// Test the query builder
		$params = new Stdclass();
		$params->type = 'firebird';
		$params->file = $dbpath;
		$params->host = 'localhost';
		$params->user = 'sysdba';
		$params->pass = 'masterkey';
		$this->qb = new Query_Builder($params);
	function tearDown()

	function TestQBGet()
		$query = $this->qb->get('create_test');
	function TestQBGetLimit()
		$query = $this->qb->get('create_test', 2);
	function TestQBGetLimitSkip()
		$query = $this->qb->get('create_test', 2, 1);
	function TestQBSelectWhereGet()
		$query = $this->qb->select('id, key as k, val')
			->where('id >', 1)
			->where('id <', 800)
			->get('create_test', 2, 1);

	function TestQBSelectWhereGet2()
		$query = $this->qb->select('id, key as k, val')
			->where(' id ', 1)
			->get('create_test', 2, 1);


	function TestQBSelectGet()
		$query = $this->qb->select('id, key as k, val')
			->get('create_test', 2, 1);

	function TestSelectFromGet()
		$query = $this->qb->select('id, key as k, val')
			->from('create_test ct')
			->where('id >', 1)
	function TestSelectFromLimitGet()
		$query = $this->qb->select('id, key as k, val')
			->from('create_test ct')
			->where('id >', 1)