conn = ibase_connect($dbpath, $user, $pass); $class = __CLASS__."_manip"; $this->manip = new $class; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Close the link to the database */ public function __destruct() { @ibase_close($this->conn); @ibase_free_result($this->statement); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Empty a database table * * @param string $table */ public function truncate($table) { // Firebird lacka a truncate command $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.$table.'"'; $this->query($sql); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Wrapper public function to better match PDO * * @param string $sql * @param array $params * @return resource */ public function query($sql) { $this->count = 0; $this->statement = ibase_query($this->conn, $sql); return $this->statement; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Emulate PDO fetch public function * * @param int $fetch_style * @return mixed */ public function fetch($fetch_style=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) { switch($fetch_style) { case PDO::FETCH_OBJ: return ibase_fetch_object($this->statement, IBASE_FETCH_BLOBS); break; case PDO::FETCH_NUM: return ibase_fetch_row($this->statement, IBASE_FETCH_BLOBS); break; default: return ibase_fetch_assoc($this->statement, IBASE_FETCH_BLOBS); break; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Emulate PDO fetchAll public function * * @param int $fetch_style * @return mixed */ public function fetchAll($fetch_style=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) { $all = array(); while($row = $this->fetch($fetch_style)) { $all[] = $row; } $this->result = $all; return $all; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Emulate PDO prepare * * @param string $query * @return resource */ public function prepare($query) { $this->statement = ibase_prepare($this->conn, $query); return $this->statement; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * List tables for the current database * * @return array */ public function get_tables() { $sql = <<statement = $this->query($sql); $tables = array(); while($row = $this->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $tables[] = $row['RDB$RELATION_NAME']; } return $tables; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * List system tables for the current database * * @return array */ public function get_system_tables() { $sql = <<statement = $this->query($sql); $tables = array(); while($row = $this->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $tables[] = $row['RDB$RELATION_NAME']; } return $tables; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return the number of rows affected by the previous query * * @return int */ public function affected_rows() { return ibase_affected_rows($this->conn); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return the number of rows returned for a SELECT query * * @return int */ public function num_rows() { // @todo: Redo this similar to the codeigniter driver if(isset($this->result)) { return count($this->result); } //Fetch all the rows for the result $this->result = $this->fetchAll(); return count($this->result); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Start a database transaction * * @return bool */ public function beginTransaction() { if(($this->trans = ibase_trans($this->conn)) !== NULL) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Commit a database transaction * * @return bool */ public function commit() { return ibase_commit($this->trans); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Rollback a transaction * * @return bool */ public function rollBack() { return ibase_rollback($this->trans); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Run a prepared statement query * * @param array $args * @return bool */ public function execute($args) { //Add the prepared statement as the first parameter array_unshift($args, $this->statement); // Let php do all the hard stuff in converting // the array of arguments into a list of arguments return call_user_func_array('ibase_execute', $args); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Prepare and execute a query * * @param string $sql * @param array $args * @return resource */ public function prepare_execute($sql, $args) { $query = $this->prepare($sql); // Set the statement in the class variable for easy later access $this->statement =& $query; return $this->execute($args); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Method to emulate PDO->quote * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function quote($str) { if(is_numeric($str)) { return $str; } return "'".str_replace("'", "''", $str)."'"; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Bind a prepared query with arguments for executing * * @param string $sql * @param mixed $args * @return FALSE */ public function prepare_query($sql, $args) { // You can't bind query statements before execution with // the firebird database return FALSE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Create an SQL backup file for the current database's structure * * @return string */ public function backup_structure() { // @todo Implement Backup function return ''; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Create an SQL backup file for the current database's data * * @return string */ public function backup_data() { $tables = $this->get_tables(); $output_sql = ''; // Get the data for each object foreach($tables as $t) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM "'.trim($t).'"'; $res = $this->query($sql); $obj_res = $this->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); unset($res); // Nab the column names by getting the keys of the first row $columns = array_keys($obj_res[0]); $insert_rows = array(); // Create the insert statements foreach($obj_res as $row) { $row = array_values($row); // Quote values as needed by type for($i=0, $icount=count($row); $i<$icount; $i++) { $row[$i] = (is_numeric($row[$i])) ? $row[$i] : $this->quote($row[$i]); } $row_string = 'INSERT INTO "'.trim($t).'" ("'.implode('","', $columns).'") VALUES ('.implode(',', $row).');'; unset($row); $insert_rows[] = $row_string; } unset($obj_res); $output_sql .= "\n\n".implode("\n", $insert_rows); } return $output_sql; } } // End of firebird.php