use std::cmp::Ordering; use ::rltk::{Point, Rltk, VirtualKeyCode, RGB}; use ::specs::prelude::*; use crate::components::{ Attribute, Attributes, Consumable, HungerClock, HungerState, InBackpack, Item, MagicItemClass, Name, Pools, Position, Vendor, Viewshed, }; use crate::game_log::GameLog; use crate::rex_assets::RexAssets; use crate::{ camera, colors, Equipped, Hidden, MagicItem, Map, MasterDungeonMap, ObfuscatedName, RunState, State, VendorMode, }; pub fn get_item_color(ecs: &World, item: Entity) -> RGB { if let Some(magic) = ecs.read_storage::().get(item) { match magic.class { MagicItemClass::Common => colors::EQUIP_COMMON, MagicItemClass::Rare => colors::EQUIP_RARE, MagicItemClass::Legendary => colors::EQUIP_LEGEND, } } else { colors::WHITE } } pub fn get_item_display_name(ecs: &World, item: Entity) -> String { if let Some(name) = ecs.read_storage::().get(item) { if ecs.read_storage::().get(item).is_some() { let dm = ecs.fetch::(); if dm.identified_items.contains(& { } else if let Some(obfuscated) = ecs.read_storage::().get(item) { } else { "Unidentified magic item".to_string() } } else { } } else { "Nameless item (bug)".to_string() } } pub fn draw_hollow_box( console: &mut Rltk, sx: i32, sy: i32, width: i32, height: i32, fg: RGB, bg: RGB, ) { use rltk::to_cp437; console.set(sx, sy, fg, bg, to_cp437('┌')); console.set(sx + width, sy, fg, bg, to_cp437('┐')); console.set(sx, sy + height, fg, bg, to_cp437('└')); console.set(sx + width, sy + height, fg, bg, to_cp437('┘')); for x in sx + + width { console.set(x, sy, fg, bg, to_cp437('─')); console.set(x, sy + height, fg, bg, to_cp437('─')); } for y in sy + + height { console.set(sx, y, fg, bg, to_cp437('│')); console.set(sx + width, y, fg, bg, to_cp437('│')); } } pub fn draw_ui(ecs: &World, ctx: &mut Rltk) { use rltk::to_cp437; draw_hollow_box(ctx, 0, 0, 79, 59, colors::BOX_GRAY, colors::BLACK); // Overall box draw_hollow_box(ctx, 0, 0, 49, 45, colors::BOX_GRAY, colors::BLACK); // Map box draw_hollow_box(ctx, 0, 45, 79, 14, colors::BOX_GRAY, colors::BLACK); // Log box draw_hollow_box(ctx, 49, 0, 30, 8, colors::BOX_GRAY, colors::BLACK); // Top-right panel ctx.set(0, 45, colors::BOX_GRAY, colors::BLACK, to_cp437('├')); ctx.set(49, 8, colors::BOX_GRAY, colors::BLACK, to_cp437('├')); ctx.set(49, 0, colors::BOX_GRAY, colors::BLACK, to_cp437('┬')); ctx.set(49, 45, colors::BOX_GRAY, colors::BLACK, to_cp437('┴')); ctx.set(79, 8, colors::BOX_GRAY, colors::BLACK, to_cp437('┤')); ctx.set(79, 45, colors::BOX_GRAY, colors::BLACK, to_cp437('┤')); // Draw the town name let map = ecs.fetch::(); let name_length = + 2; let x_pos = (22 - (name_length / 2)) as i32; ctx.set(x_pos, 0, colors::BOX_GRAY, colors::BLACK, to_cp437('┤')); ctx.set( x_pos + name_length as i32, 0, colors::BOX_GRAY, colors::BLACK, to_cp437('├'), ); ctx.print_color(x_pos + 1, 0, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, &; std::mem::drop(map); // Draw stats let player_entity = ecs.fetch::(); let pools = ecs.read_storage::(); let player_pools = pools.get(*player_entity).unwrap(); let health = format!( "Health: {}/{}", player_pools.hit_points.current, player_pools.hit_points.max ); let mana = format!( "Mana: {}/{}", player_pools.mana.current, player_pools.mana.max ); let xp = format!("Level: {}", player_pools.level); ctx.print_color(50, 1, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, &health); ctx.print_color(50, 2, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, &mana); ctx.print_color(50, 3, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, &xp); ctx.draw_bar_horizontal( 64, 1, 14, player_pools.hit_points.current, player_pools.hit_points.max, colors::RED, colors::BLACK, ); ctx.draw_bar_horizontal( 64, 2, 14, player_pools.mana.current, player_pools.mana.max, colors::BLUE, colors::BLACK, ); let xp_level_start = (player_pools.level - 1) * 1000; ctx.draw_bar_horizontal( 64, 3, 14, player_pools.xp - xp_level_start, 1000, colors::GOLD, colors::BLACK, ); // Attributes let attributes = ecs.read_storage::(); let attr = attributes.get(*player_entity).unwrap(); draw_attribute("Might:", &attr.might, 4, ctx); draw_attribute("Quickness:", &attr.quickness, 5, ctx); draw_attribute("Fitness:", &, 6, ctx); draw_attribute("Intelligence:", &attr.intelligence, 7, ctx); // Initiative and weight ctx.print_color( 50, 9, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, &format!( "{:.0} lbs ({} lbs max)", player_pools.total_weight, (attr.might.base + attr.might.modifiers) * 15 ), ); ctx.print_color( 50, 10, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, &format!( "Initiative Penalty: {:.0}", player_pools.total_initiative_penalty ), ); ctx.print_color( 50, 11, colors::GOLD, colors::BLACK, &format!("Gold: {:.1}",, ); // Equipped let mut y = 13; let entities = ecs.entities(); let equipped = ecs.read_storage::(); for (entity, equipped_by) in (&entities, &equipped).join() { if equipped_by.owner == *player_entity { ctx.print_color( 50, y, get_item_color(ecs, entity), colors::BLACK, &get_item_display_name(ecs, entity), ); y += 1; } } // Consumables y += 1; let consumables = ecs.read_storage::(); let backpack = ecs.read_storage::(); let mut index = 1; for (entity, carried_by, _consumable) in (&entities, &backpack, &consumables).join() { if carried_by.owner == *player_entity && index < 10 { ctx.print_color(50, y, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, &format!("↑{}", index)); ctx.print_color( 53, y, get_item_color(ecs, entity), colors::BLACK, &get_item_display_name(ecs, entity), ); y += 1; index += 1; } } // Status let hunger = ecs.read_storage::(); let hc = hunger.get(*player_entity).unwrap(); match hc.state { HungerState::WellFed => ctx.print_color(50, 44, colors::GREEN, colors::BLACK, "Well Fed"), HungerState::Normal => {} HungerState::Hungry => ctx.print_color(50, 44, colors::ORANGE, colors::BLACK, "Hungry"), HungerState::Starving => ctx.print_color(50, 44, colors::RED, colors::BLACK, "Starving"), } // Draw the log let log = ecs.fetch::(); let mut y = 46; for s in log.entries.iter().rev() { if y < 59 { ctx.print(2, y, s); } y += 1; } draw_tooltips(ecs, ctx); } fn draw_attribute(name: &str, attribute: &Attribute, y: i32, ctx: &mut Rltk) { ctx.print_color(50, y, colors::ATTR_GRAY, colors::BLACK, name); let color = match attribute.modifiers.cmp(&0) { Ordering::Less => colors::RED, Ordering::Equal => colors::WHITE, Ordering::Greater => colors::GREEN, }; ctx.print_color( 67, y, color, colors::BLACK, &format!("{}", attribute.base + attribute.modifiers), ); ctx.print_color(73, y, color, colors::BLACK, &format!("{}", attribute.bonus)); if attribute.bonus > 0 { ctx.set(72, y, color, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('+')); } } struct Tooltip { lines: Vec, } impl Tooltip { fn new() -> Tooltip { Tooltip { lines: Vec::new() } } fn add(&mut self, line: S) { self.lines.push(line.to_string()); } fn width(&self) -> i32 { let mut max = 0; for s in self.lines.iter() { if s.len() > max { max = s.len(); } } max as i32 + 2 } fn height(&self) -> i32 { self.lines.len() as i32 + 2 } fn render(&self, ctx: &mut Rltk, x: i32, y: i32) { ctx.draw_box( x, y, self.width() - 1, self.height() - 1, colors::WHITE, colors::BOX_GRAY, ); for (i, s) in self.lines.iter().enumerate() { let col = if i == 0 { colors::WHITE } else { colors::LIGHT_GRAY }; ctx.print_color(x + 1, y + i as i32 + 1, col, colors::BLACK, &s); } } } fn draw_tooltips(ecs: &World, ctx: &mut Rltk) { use rltk::to_cp437; let (min_x, _max_x, min_y, _max_y) = camera::get_screen_bounds(ecs, ctx); let map = ecs.fetch::(); let names = ecs.read_storage::(); let positions = ecs.read_storage::(); let hidden = ecs.read_storage::(); let attributes = ecs.read_storage::(); let pools = ecs.read_storage::(); let entities = ecs.entities(); let mouse_pos = ctx.mouse_pos(); let mut mouse_map_pos = mouse_pos; mouse_map_pos.0 += min_x; mouse_map_pos.1 += min_y; if mouse_map_pos.0 >= map.width - 1 || mouse_map_pos.1 >= map.height - 1 || mouse_map_pos.0 < 1 || mouse_map_pos.1 < 1 { return; } if !map.visible_tiles[map.xy_idx(mouse_map_pos.0, mouse_map_pos.1)] { return; } let mut tip_boxes: Vec = Vec::new(); for (entity, name, position, _hidden) in (&entities, &names, &positions, !&hidden).join() { if position.x == mouse_map_pos.0 && position.y == mouse_map_pos.1 { let mut tip = Tooltip::new(); tip.add(; // Comment on attributes if let Some(attr) = attributes.get(entity) { let mut s = String::new(); if attr.might.bonus < 0 { s += "Weak. " } if attr.might.bonus > 0 { s += "String. " } if attr.quickness.bonus < 0 { s += "Clumsy. " } if attr.quickness.bonus > 0 { s += "Agile. " } if < 0 { s += "Unhealthy. " } if > 0 { s += "Healthy. " } if attr.intelligence.bonus < 0 { s += "Unintelligent. " } if attr.intelligence.bonus > 0 { s += "Smart. " } if s.is_empty() { s = "Quite Average".to_string(); } tip.add(s); } // Comment on pools if let Some(stat) = pools.get(entity) { tip.add(format!("Level: {}", stat.level)); } tip_boxes.push(tip); } } if tip_boxes.is_empty() { return; } let arrow; let arrow_x; let arrow_y = mouse_pos.1; if mouse_pos.0 < 40 { // Render to the left arrow = to_cp437('→'); arrow_x = mouse_pos.0 - 1; } else { // Render to the right arrow = to_cp437('←'); arrow_x = mouse_pos.0 + 1; } ctx.set(arrow_x, arrow_y, colors::WHITE, colors::BOX_GRAY, arrow); let mut total_height = 0; for tt in tip_boxes.iter() { total_height += tt.height(); } let mut y = mouse_pos.1 - (total_height / 2); while y + (total_height / 2) > 50 { y -= 1; } for tt in tip_boxes.iter() { let x = if mouse_pos.0 < 40 { mouse_pos.0 - (1 + tt.width()) } else { mouse_pos.0 + (1 + tt.width()) }; tt.render(ctx, x, y); y += tt.height(); } } #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum ItemMenuResult { Cancel, NoResponse, Selected, } pub fn show_inventory(gs: &mut State, ctx: &mut Rltk) -> (ItemMenuResult, Option) { let player_entity = gs.ecs.fetch::(); let names = gs.ecs.read_storage::(); let backpack = gs.ecs.read_storage::(); let entities = gs.ecs.entities(); let inventory = (&backpack, &names) .join() .filter(|item| item.0.owner == *player_entity); let count = inventory.count(); let mut y = (25 - (count / 2)) as i32; ctx.draw_box( 15, y - 2, 31, (count + 3) as i32, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, ); ctx.print_color(18, y - 2, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "Inventory"); ctx.print_color( 18, y + count as i32 + 1, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "ESCAPE to cancel", ); let mut equippable: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut j = 0; #[allow(clippy::explicit_counter_loop)] for (entity, _pack) in (&entities, &backpack) .join() .filter(|item| item.1.owner == *player_entity) { ctx.set(17, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('(')); ctx.set( 18, y, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, 97 + j as rltk::FontCharType, ); ctx.set(19, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437(')')); ctx.print_color( 21, y, get_item_color(&gs.ecs, entity), colors::BLACK, &get_item_display_name(&gs.ecs, entity), ); equippable.push(entity); y += 1; j += 1; } match ctx.key { None => (ItemMenuResult::NoResponse, None), Some(key) => match key { VirtualKeyCode::Escape => (ItemMenuResult::Cancel, None), _ => { let selection = rltk::letter_to_option(key); if selection > -1 && selection < count as i32 { return ( ItemMenuResult::Selected, Some(equippable[selection as usize]), ); } (ItemMenuResult::NoResponse, None) } }, } } pub fn drop_item_menu(gs: &mut State, ctx: &mut Rltk) -> (ItemMenuResult, Option) { let player_entity = gs.ecs.fetch::(); let names = gs.ecs.read_storage::(); let backpack = gs.ecs.read_storage::(); let entities = gs.ecs.entities(); let inventory = (&backpack, &names) .join() .filter(|item| item.0.owner == *player_entity); let count = inventory.count(); let mut y = (25 - (count / 2)) as i32; ctx.draw_box( 15, y - 2, 31, (count + 3) as i32, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, ); ctx.print_color(18, y - 2, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "Drop Which Item?"); ctx.print_color( 18, y + count as i32 + 1, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "ESCAPE to cancel", ); let mut equippable: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut j = 0; #[allow(clippy::explicit_counter_loop)] for (entity, _pack) in (&entities, &backpack) .join() .filter(|item| item.1.owner == *player_entity) { ctx.set(17, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('(')); ctx.set( 18, y, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, 97 + j as rltk::FontCharType, ); ctx.set(19, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437(')')); ctx.print_color( 21, y, get_item_color(&gs.ecs, entity), colors::BLACK, &get_item_display_name(&gs.ecs, entity), ); equippable.push(entity); y += 1; j += 1; } match ctx.key { None => (ItemMenuResult::NoResponse, None), Some(key) => match key { VirtualKeyCode::Escape => (ItemMenuResult::Cancel, None), _ => { let selection = rltk::letter_to_option(key); if selection > -1 && selection < count as i32 { return ( ItemMenuResult::Selected, Some(equippable[selection as usize]), ); } (ItemMenuResult::NoResponse, None) } }, } } pub fn remove_item_menu(gs: &mut State, ctx: &mut Rltk) -> (ItemMenuResult, Option) { let player_entity = gs.ecs.fetch::(); let names = gs.ecs.read_storage::(); let backpack = gs.ecs.read_storage::(); let entities = gs.ecs.entities(); let inventory = (&backpack, &names) .join() .filter(|item| item.0.owner == *player_entity); let count = inventory.count(); let mut y = (25 - (count / 2)) as i32; ctx.draw_box( 15, y - 2, 31, (count + 3) as i32, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, ); ctx.print_color( 18, y - 2, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "Remove Which Item?", ); ctx.print_color( 18, y + count as i32 + 1, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "ESCAPE to cancel", ); let mut equippable: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut j = 0; #[allow(clippy::explicit_counter_loop)] for (entity, _pack) in (&entities, &backpack) .join() .filter(|item| item.1.owner == *player_entity) { ctx.set(17, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('(')); ctx.set( 18, y, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, 97 + j as rltk::FontCharType, ); ctx.set(19, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437(')')); ctx.print_color( 21, y, get_item_color(&gs.ecs, entity), colors::BLACK, &get_item_display_name(&gs.ecs, entity), ); equippable.push(entity); y += 1; j += 1; } match ctx.key { None => (ItemMenuResult::NoResponse, None), Some(key) => match key { VirtualKeyCode::Escape => (ItemMenuResult::Cancel, None), _ => { let selection = rltk::letter_to_option(key); if selection > -1 && selection < count as i32 { return ( ItemMenuResult::Selected, Some(equippable[selection as usize]), ); } (ItemMenuResult::NoResponse, None) } }, } } pub fn ranged_target( gs: &mut State, ctx: &mut Rltk, range: i32, ) -> (ItemMenuResult, Option) { let (min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y) = camera::get_screen_bounds(&gs.ecs, ctx); let player_entity = gs.ecs.fetch::(); let player_pos = gs.ecs.fetch::(); let viewsheds = gs.ecs.read_storage::(); ctx.print_color(5, 0, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "Select Target:"); // Highlight available target cells let mut available_cells = Vec::new(); if let Some(visible) = viewsheds.get(*player_entity) { for idx in visible.visible_tiles.iter() { let distance = rltk::DistanceAlg::Pythagoras.distance2d(*player_pos, *idx); if distance <= range as f32 { let screen_x = idx.x - min_x; let screen_y = idx.y - min_y; if screen_x > 1 && screen_x < (max_x - min_x) - 1 && screen_y > 1 && screen_y < (max_y - min_y) - 1 { ctx.set_bg(screen_x, screen_y, colors::BLUE); available_cells.push(idx); } } } } else { return (ItemMenuResult::Cancel, None); } // Draw mouse cursor let mouse_pos = ctx.mouse_pos(); let mut mouse_map_pos = mouse_pos; mouse_map_pos.0 += min_x; mouse_map_pos.1 += min_y; let mut valid_target = false; for idx in available_cells.iter() { if idx.x == mouse_map_pos.0 && idx.y == mouse_map_pos.1 { valid_target = true; } } if valid_target { ctx.set_bg(mouse_pos.0, mouse_pos.1, colors::CYAN); if ctx.left_click { return ( ItemMenuResult::Selected, Some(Point::new(mouse_map_pos.0, mouse_map_pos.1)), ); } } else { ctx.set_bg(mouse_pos.0, mouse_pos.1, colors::RED); if ctx.left_click { return (ItemMenuResult::Cancel, None); } } (ItemMenuResult::NoResponse, None) } #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum MainMenuSelection { NewGame, LoadGame, Quit, } #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum MainMenuResult { NoSelection { selected: MainMenuSelection }, Selected { selected: MainMenuSelection }, } pub fn main_menu(gs: &mut State, ctx: &mut Rltk) -> MainMenuResult { let save_exists = crate::saveload_system::does_save_exist(); let runstate = gs.ecs.fetch::(); let assets = gs.ecs.fetch::(); ctx.render_xp_sprite(&, 0, 0); ctx.draw_box_double(24, 18, 31, 10, colors::WHEAT, colors::BLACK); ctx.print_color_centered(20, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "Rust Roguelike Tutorial"); ctx.print_color_centered(21, colors::CYAN, colors::BLACK, "by Herbert Wolverson"); ctx.print_color_centered( 22, colors::GRAY, colors::BLACK, "Use Up/Down Arrows and Enter", ); let mut y = 24; if let RunState::MainMenu { menu_selection: selection, } = *runstate { if selection == MainMenuSelection::NewGame { ctx.print_color_centered(y, colors::MAGENTA, colors::BLACK, "Begin New Game"); } else { ctx.print_color_centered(y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, "Begin New Game"); } y += 1; if save_exists { if selection == MainMenuSelection::LoadGame { ctx.print_color_centered(y, colors::MAGENTA, colors::BLACK, "Load Game"); } else { ctx.print_color_centered(y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, "Load Game"); } y += 1; } if selection == MainMenuSelection::Quit { ctx.print_color_centered(y, colors::MAGENTA, colors::BLACK, "Quit"); } else { ctx.print_color_centered(y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, "Quit"); } return match ctx.key { None => MainMenuResult::NoSelection { selected: selection, }, Some(key) => match key { VirtualKeyCode::Escape => MainMenuResult::NoSelection { selected: MainMenuSelection::Quit, }, VirtualKeyCode::Up => MainMenuResult::NoSelection { selected: match selection { MainMenuSelection::NewGame => MainMenuSelection::Quit, MainMenuSelection::LoadGame => MainMenuSelection::NewGame, MainMenuSelection::Quit => { if save_exists { MainMenuSelection::LoadGame } else { MainMenuSelection::NewGame } } }, }, VirtualKeyCode::Down => MainMenuResult::NoSelection { selected: match selection { MainMenuSelection::NewGame => { if save_exists { MainMenuSelection::LoadGame } else { MainMenuSelection::Quit } } MainMenuSelection::LoadGame => MainMenuSelection::Quit, MainMenuSelection::Quit => MainMenuSelection::NewGame, }, }, VirtualKeyCode::Return => MainMenuResult::Selected { selected: selection, }, _ => MainMenuResult::NoSelection { selected: selection, }, }, }; } MainMenuResult::NoSelection { selected: MainMenuSelection::NewGame, } } #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum GameOverResult { NoSelection, QuitToMenu, } pub fn game_over(ctx: &mut Rltk) -> GameOverResult { ctx.print_color_centered(15, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "Your journey has ended!"); ctx.print_color_centered( 17, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, "One day, we'll tell you all about how you did.", ); ctx.print_color_centered( 18, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, "That day, sadly, is not in this chapter...", ); ctx.print_color_centered( 20, colors::MAGENTA, colors::BLACK, "Press any key to return to the menu.", ); match ctx.key { None => GameOverResult::NoSelection, Some(_) => GameOverResult::QuitToMenu, } } #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum CheatMenuResult { NoResponse, Cancel, TeleportToExit, Heal, Reveal, GodMode, } pub fn show_cheat_mode(_gs: &mut State, ctx: &mut Rltk) -> CheatMenuResult { let count = 4; let mut y = (25 - (count / 2)) as i32; ctx.draw_box( 15, y - 2, 31, (count + 3) as i32, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, ); ctx.print_color(18, y - 2, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "Cheating!"); ctx.print_color( 18, y + count as i32 + 1, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "ESCAPE to cancel", ); ctx.set(17, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('(')); ctx.set(18, y, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('T')); ctx.set(19, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437(')')); ctx.print(21, y, "Teleport to next level"); y += 1; ctx.set(17, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('(')); ctx.set(18, y, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('H')); ctx.set(19, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437(')')); ctx.print(21, y, "Heal all wounds"); y += 1; ctx.set(17, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('(')); ctx.set(18, y, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('R')); ctx.set(19, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437(')')); ctx.print(21, y, "Reveal the map"); y += 1; ctx.set(17, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('(')); ctx.set(18, y, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('G')); ctx.set(19, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437(')')); ctx.print(21, y, "God Mode (No Death)"); match ctx.key { None => CheatMenuResult::NoResponse, Some(key) => match key { VirtualKeyCode::T => CheatMenuResult::TeleportToExit, VirtualKeyCode::H => CheatMenuResult::Heal, VirtualKeyCode::R => CheatMenuResult::Reveal, VirtualKeyCode::G => CheatMenuResult::GodMode, VirtualKeyCode::Escape => CheatMenuResult::Cancel, _ => CheatMenuResult::NoResponse, }, } } #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum VendorResult { NoResponse, Cancel, Sell, BuyMode, SellMode, Buy, } fn vendor_sell_menu( gs: &mut State, ctx: &mut Rltk, _vendor: Entity, _mode: VendorMode, ) -> (VendorResult, Option, Option, Option) { let player_entity = gs.ecs.fetch::(); let names = gs.ecs.read_storage::(); let backpack = gs.ecs.read_storage::(); let items = gs.ecs.read_storage::(); let entities = gs.ecs.entities(); let inventory = (&backpack, &names) .join() .filter(|item| item.0.owner == *player_entity); let count = inventory.count(); let mut y = (25 - (count / 2)) as i32; ctx.draw_box( 15, y - 2, 51, (count + 3) as i32, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, ); ctx.print_color( 18, y - 2, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "Sell Which Item? (space to switch to buy mode)", ); ctx.print_color( 18, y + count as i32 + 1, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "ESCAPE to cancel", ); let mut equippable: Vec = Vec::new(); for (j, (entity, _pack, name, item)) in (&entities, &backpack, &names, &items) .join() .filter(|item| item.1.owner == *player_entity) .enumerate() { ctx.set(17, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('(')); ctx.set( 18, y, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, 97 + j as rltk::FontCharType, ); ctx.set(19, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437(')')); ctx.print(21, y, &; ctx.print(50, y, &format!("{:.1} gp", item.base_value * 0.8)); equippable.push(entity); y += 1; } match ctx.key { None => (VendorResult::NoResponse, None, None, None), Some(key) => match key { VirtualKeyCode::Space => (VendorResult::BuyMode, None, None, None), VirtualKeyCode::Escape => (VendorResult::Cancel, None, None, None), _ => { let selection = rltk::letter_to_option(key); if selection > -1 && selection < count as i32 { return ( VendorResult::Sell, Some(equippable[selection as usize]), None, None, ); } (VendorResult::NoResponse, None, None, None) } }, } } fn vendor_buy_menu( gs: &mut State, ctx: &mut Rltk, vendor: Entity, _mode: VendorMode, ) -> (VendorResult, Option, Option, Option) { use crate::raws::*; let vendors = gs.ecs.read_storage::(); let inventory = get_vendor_items( &vendors.get(vendor).unwrap().categories, &RAWS.lock().unwrap(), ); let count = inventory.len(); let mut y = (25 - (count / 2)) as i32; ctx.draw_box( 15, y - 2, 51, (count + 3) as i32, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, ); ctx.print_color( 18, y - 2, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "Buy Which Item? (space to switch to sell mode)", ); ctx.print_color( 18, y + count as i32 + 1, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, "ESCAPE to cancel", ); for (j, sale) in inventory.iter().enumerate() { ctx.set(17, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437('(')); ctx.set( 18, y, colors::YELLOW, colors::BLACK, 97 + j as rltk::FontCharType, ); ctx.set(19, y, colors::WHITE, colors::BLACK, rltk::to_cp437(')')); ctx.print(21, y, &sale.0); ctx.print(50, y, &format!("{:.1} gp", sale.1 * 1.2)); y += 1; } match ctx.key { None => (VendorResult::NoResponse, None, None, None), Some(key) => match key { VirtualKeyCode::Space => (VendorResult::SellMode, None, None, None), VirtualKeyCode::Escape => (VendorResult::Cancel, None, None, None), _ => { let selection = ::rltk::letter_to_option(key); if selection > -1 && selection < count as i32 { return ( VendorResult::Buy, None, Some(inventory[selection as usize].0.clone()), Some(inventory[selection as usize].1), ); } (VendorResult::NoResponse, None, None, None) } }, } } pub fn show_vendor_menu( gs: &mut State, ctx: &mut Rltk, vendor: Entity, mode: VendorMode, ) -> (VendorResult, Option, Option, Option) { match mode { VendorMode::Buy => vendor_buy_menu(gs, ctx, vendor, mode), VendorMode::Sell => vendor_sell_menu(gs, ctx, vendor, mode), } }