use ::rltk::{Point, RandomNumberGenerator}; use ::specs::prelude::*; use ::specs::saveload::{MarkedBuilder, SimpleMarker}; use super::{add_effect, entity_position, EffectSpawner, EffectType, Targets}; use crate::components::{ Attributes, Confusion, DamageOverTime, Duration, Name, Player, Pools, SerializeMe, Skills, Slow, }; use crate::gamesystem::{mana_at_level, player_hp_at_level}; use crate::{colors, gamelog, EquipmentChanged, Map, StatusEffect}; pub fn inflict_damage(ecs: &mut World, damage: &EffectSpawner, target: Entity) { let mut pools = ecs.write_storage::(); if let Some(pool) = pools.get_mut(target) { if !pool.god_mode { if let Some(creator) = damage.creator { if creator == target { return; } } if let EffectType::Damage { amount } = damage.effect_type { pool.hit_points.current -= amount; add_effect(None, EffectType::Bloodstain, Targets::Single { target }); add_effect( None, EffectType::Particle { glyph: rltk::to_cp437('‼'), fg: colors::ORANGE, bg: colors::BLACK, lifespan: 200.0, }, Targets::Single { target }, ); if pool.hit_points.current < 1 { add_effect( damage.creator, EffectType::EntityDeath, Targets::Single { target }, ); } } } } } pub fn bloodstain(ecs: &mut World, tile_idx: i32) { let mut map = ecs.fetch_mut::(); map.bloodstains.insert(tile_idx as usize); } pub fn death(ecs: &mut World, effect: &EffectSpawner, target: Entity) { let mut xp_gain = 0; let mut gold_gain = 0.0f32; let mut pools = ecs.write_storage::(); let mut attributes = ecs.write_storage::(); let map = ecs.fetch::(); if let Some(pos) = entity_position(ecs, target) { crate::spatial::remove_entity(target, pos as usize); } if let Some(source) = effect.creator { if ecs.read_storage::().get(source).is_some() { if let Some(stats) = pools.get(target) { xp_gain += stats.level * 100; gold_gain +=; } if xp_gain != 0 || gold_gain != 0.0 { let mut player_stats = pools.get_mut(source).unwrap(); let mut player_attributes = attributes.get_mut(source).unwrap(); player_stats.xp += xp_gain; += gold_gain; if player_stats.xp >= player_stats.level * 1000 { // We've gone up a level! player_stats.level += 1; gamelog::color_line(colors::MAGENTA, "Congratulations, you are now level") .append(format!("{}", player_stats.level)) .log(); // Improve a random attribute let mut rng = ecs.fetch_mut::(); match rng.roll_dice(1, 4) { 1 => { player_attributes.might.base += 1; gamelog::log_color_line(colors::GREEN, "You feel stronger!"); } 2 => { += 1; gamelog::log_color_line(colors::GREEN, "You feel healthier!"); } 3 => { player_attributes.quickness.base += 1; gamelog::log_color_line(colors::GREEN, "You feel quicker!"); } _ => { player_attributes.intelligence.base += 1; gamelog::log_color_line(colors::GREEN, "You feel smarter!"); } } // Improve all skills let mut skills = ecs.write_storage::(); let player_skills = skills.get_mut(*ecs.fetch::()).unwrap(); for sk in player_skills.skills.iter_mut() { *sk.1 += 1; } ecs.write_storage::() .insert(*ecs.fetch::(), EquipmentChanged {}) .expect("Failed to insert EquipmentChanged tag"); player_stats.hit_points.max = player_hp_at_level( +, player_stats.level, ); player_stats.hit_points.current = player_stats.hit_points.max; player_stats.mana.max = mana_at_level( player_attributes.intelligence.base + player_attributes.intelligence.modifiers, player_stats.level, ); player_stats.mana.current = player_stats.mana.max; let player_pos = ecs.fetch::(); for i in 0..10 { if player_pos.y - i > 1 { add_effect( None, EffectType::Particle { glyph: ::rltk::to_cp437('░'), fg: colors::GOLD, bg: colors::BLACK, lifespan: 400.0, }, Targets::Tile { tile_idx: map.xy_idx(player_pos.x, player_pos.y - i) as i32, }, ); } } } } } } } pub fn heal_damage(ecs: &mut World, heal: &EffectSpawner, target: Entity) { let mut pools = ecs.write_storage::(); if let Some(pool) = pools.get_mut(target) { if let EffectType::Healing { amount } = heal.effect_type { pool.hit_points.current = i32::min(pool.hit_points.max, pool.hit_points.current + amount); add_effect( None, EffectType::Particle { glyph: ::rltk::to_cp437('‼'), fg: colors::GREEN, bg: colors::BLACK, lifespan: 200.0, }, Targets::Single { target }, ); } } } pub fn restore_mana(ecs: &mut World, mana: &EffectSpawner, target: Entity) { let mut pools = ecs.write_storage::(); if let Some(pool) = pools.get_mut(target) { if let EffectType::Mana { amount } = mana.effect_type { pool.hit_points.current = i32::min(pool.mana.max, pool.mana.current + amount); add_effect( None, EffectType::Particle { glyph: ::rltk::to_cp437('‼'), fg: colors::BLUE, bg: colors::BLACK, lifespan: 200.0, }, Targets::Single { target }, ); } } } pub fn add_confusion(ecs: &mut World, effect: &EffectSpawner, target: Entity) { if let EffectType::Confusion { turns } = &effect.effect_type { ecs.create_entity() .with(StatusEffect { target }) .with(Confusion {}) .with(Duration { turns: *turns }) .with(Name::from("Confusion")) .marked::>() .build(); } } pub fn attribute_effect(ecs: &mut World, effect: &EffectSpawner, target: Entity) { if let EffectType::AttributeEffect { bonus, name, duration, } = &effect.effect_type { ecs.create_entity() .with(StatusEffect { target }) .with(bonus.clone()) .with(Duration { turns: *duration }) .with(Name::from(name.clone())) .marked::>() .build(); ecs.write_storage::() .insert(target, EquipmentChanged {}) .expect("Failed to insert EquipmentChanged tag"); } } pub fn slow(ecs: &mut World, effect: &EffectSpawner, target: Entity) { if let EffectType::Slow { initiative_penalty } = &effect.effect_type { ecs.create_entity() .with(StatusEffect { target }) .with(Slow { initiative_penalty: *initiative_penalty, }) .with(Duration { turns: 5 }) .with(if *initiative_penalty > 0.0 { Name::from("Slowed") } else { Name::from("Hasted") }) .marked::>() .build(); } } pub fn damage_over_time(ecs: &mut World, effect: &EffectSpawner, target: Entity) { if let EffectType::DamageOverTime { damage } = &effect.effect_type { ecs.create_entity() .with(StatusEffect { target }) .with(DamageOverTime { damage: *damage }) .with(Duration { turns: 5 }) .with(Name::from("Damage Over Time")) .marked::>() .build(); } }