var ajax_loader = 'Loading'; var ajax_status = '
'; var status_dd = '
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1 : 0; $.post('/task/update_checklist_item/', {check_id:c_id, checked:ch, task_id:tid, csrf_token:token}, function(r) { if(r == -1) { alert('Error updating checklist'); return; } else if(r == "first") { //update status to "In Progress" $("#status option:selected").removeAttr("selected"); $("#status option[value='3']").attr("selected", "selected"); } else if(r == "last") { //update status to "Completed" $("#status option:selected").removeAttr("selected"); $("#status option[value='2']").attr("selected", "selected"); } } ) }, delete_group: function() { var g_id = $(this).attr('id'); var gid = g_id.replace('group_', ''); if(confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this group?")) { $.post( '/group/del_group/'+gid, {csrf_token:token}, function(response) { if(response == 1) { alert('Group Deleted'); document.location='/group/manage'; } else if (response == -1) { alert('You do not have permission to delete this group.'); } else { alert('Error attempting to delete group.'); } } ) } }, delete_comment: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var c_id = $(this).parents('dl').attr('id'); var cid = c_id.replace('comment_', ''); var dbool = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this comment?"); if(dbool) { var com = $(this); $.post( '/task/del_task_comment/', {comment_id:cid, csrf_token:token}, function(response) { if(response == 1) { com.parents('dl').hide(); } else if (response == -1) { alert('You do not have permission to delete this comment.'); } else { alert('Error attempting to delete comment.'); } } ) } }, delete_category:function() { var g_id = $(this).attr('id'); var gid = g_id.replace('cat_', ''); var dbool = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this category?"); if(dbool) { $.post( '/category/del_sub/'+gid, {csrf_token:token}, function(response) { if(response == 1) { alert('Category Deleted'); document.location='/task/category/list'; } else if (response == -1) { alert('You do not have permission to delete this category.'); } else { alert('Error attempting to delete category.'); } } ) } }, add_checklist_item: function() { var tid = $("#task_id").val(); var d = $("#check_desc").val(); $.post( '/task/add_checklist_item/', {task_id:tid, desc:d, csrf_token:token}, function(response) { if(response == 0) { alert('That item already exists'); } else if(response == -1) { alert('Error adding checklist item'); } else { $("#check_desc").val(""); $(response).prependTo("#checklist"); } } ) } }; $("#reminder_form").hide(); $("#share_form").hide(); // ! Hide or show reminder time form with the checkbox state $("#reminder").change(function() { ($(this).is(":checked")) ? $("#reminder_form").show() : $("#reminder_form").hide(); }); // ! Hide or show task share form with the checkbox state $("#share").change(todo.toggle_share_form); //Update the task status $('body').delegate('#status','change', todo.update_status); //Update the category $('body').delegate('#category','change', todo.update_category); //Update the timezone $('#timezone').change(todo.update_timezone); //Update the number format $('#num_format').change(todo.update_num_format); //Add CLEditor to add/edit task pages $("#desc").cleditor(); //Toggle the display of the comment form $("#toggle_comments").on('click', function() { if ($("#add_comment_dl").css('display') == 'none') { $("#add_comment_dl").show(); $("#comment").cleditor(); } else { $("#add_comment_dl").hide(); } }); //Toggle the display of the checklist form $('#toggle_checklist').on('click', function() { if ($("#add_checklist_dl").css('display') == 'none') { $("#add_checklist_dl").show(); } else { $("#add_checklist_dl").hide(); } }); //Let's find some friends! $("#q").on('keypress keyup', todo.friend_search); //Let's request to be someone's friend $("body").delegate('.request_sub', 'click', todo.friend_request); //Accept a friend request $(".accept_request").click(todo.accept_friend_request); //Reject a friend request $(".reject_request").click(todo.reject_friend_request); //Let's delete a group $(".del_group").click(todo.delete_group); //Let's delete a category $(".del_cat").click(todo.delete_category); //Shall we add a comment to our task? $("#add_task_comment").click(todo.add_task_comment); //Let's delete a comment $('body').delegate(".comment_del", 'click', todo.delete_comment); //Add a checklist item $("#add_checklist_item").click(todo.add_checklist_item); //Let's do some automatic stuff when checklist items are checked off $('body').delegate("#checklist input[type=checkbox]",'change', todo.update_checklist); //Hide or show remainder form based on option selected. $("input[name='share_type']").change(function() { var share_type = $("input:radio[name='share_type']:checked").val(); if(share_type === "group") { $(".group_share").show(); $(".friend_share").hide(); } else if(share_type === "friend") { $(".friend_share").show(); $(".group_share").hide(); } }); //Hide the comment boxes $("#add_comment_dl").hide(); //Hide the checklist form $("#add_checklist_dl").hide(); //Show the reminder time form if the checkbox is checked if($("#reminder").is(":checked")) { $("#reminder_form").show(); } //Show the share task form if the checkbox is checked if($("#share").is(":checked")) { $("#share_form").show(); //hide share type form until an option is selected } //Select the correct sharing type if($("input:radio[name='share_type']").is(":checked")) { var share_type = $("input:radio[name='share_type']:checked").val(); if(share_type === "group") { $(".group_share").show(); $(".friend_share").hide(); } else if(share_type === "friend") { $(".friend_share").show(); $(".group_share").hide(); } } else { $(".friend_share").hide(); $(".group_share").hide(); } //Add tabs $("#tabs").tabs(); //Datepicker for adding and editing tasks $("#due").datepicker({dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'}); });