use ggez::graphics; use ggez::graphics::DrawParam; use ggez::graphics::Image; use ggez::nalgebra as na; use ggez::{conf, event, Context, GameResult}; use specs::{ join::Join, Builder, Component, ReadStorage, RunNow, System, VecStorage, World, WorldExt, }; use std::path; const TILE_WIDTH: f32 = 32.0; // Components #[derive(Debug, Component, Clone, Copy)] #[storage(VecStorage)] pub struct Position { x: u8, y: u8, z: u8, } #[derive(Component)] #[storage(VecStorage)] pub struct Renderable { path: String, } #[derive(Component)] #[storage(VecStorage)] pub struct Wall {} #[derive(Component)] #[storage(VecStorage)] pub struct Player {} #[derive(Component)] #[storage(VecStorage)] pub struct Box {} #[derive(Component)] #[storage(VecStorage)] pub struct BoxSpot {} // Systems pub struct RenderingSystem<'a> { context: &'a mut Context, } impl<'a> System<'a> for RenderingSystem<'a> { type SystemData = (ReadStorage<'a, Position>, ReadStorage<'a, Renderable>); fn run(&mut self, data: Self::SystemData) { let (positions, renderables) = data; // Clear the screen/set the background graphics::clear(self.context, graphics::Color::new(0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0)); // Get all the renderables with their positions and sort by the position z // This will allow us to have entities layered visually. let mut rendering_data = (&positions, &renderables).join().collect::>(); rendering_data.sort_by(|&a, &b| a.0.z.partial_cmp(&b.0.z).expect("expected comparison")); // Iterate through all paris of positions & renderables, load the image // and draw it at the specified position. for (position, renderable) in rendering_data.iter() { // Load the image let image = Image::new(self.context, renderable.path.clone()).expect("expected image"); let x = position.x as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; let y = position.y as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; // draw let draw_params = DrawParam::new().dest(na::Point2::new(x, y)); graphics::draw(self.context, &image, draw_params).expect("expected render"); } // Finally, present the context, this will actually display everything // on the screen. graphics::present(self.context).expect("expected to present"); } } // All the game state struct Game { world: World, } impl event::EventHandler for Game { fn update(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Render gaem entities { let mut rs = RenderingSystem { context }; rs.run_now(&; } Ok(()) } } pub fn register_components(world: &mut World) { world.register::(); world.register::(); world.register::(); world.register::(); world.register::(); world.register::(); } pub fn create_wall(world: &mut World, position: Position) { world .create_entity() .with(Position { z: 10, ..position }) .with(Renderable { path: "/images/wall.png".to_string(), }) .with(Wall {}) .build(); } pub fn create_floor(world: &mut World, position: Position) { world .create_entity() .with(Position { z: 5, ..position }) .with(Renderable { path: "/images/floor.png".to_string(), }) .build(); } pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position) { world .create_entity() .with(Position { z: 10, ..position }) .with(Renderable { path: "/images/box.png".to_string(), }) .build(); } pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position) { world .create_entity() .with(Position { z: 9, ..position }) .with(Renderable { path: "/images/box_spot.png".to_string(), }) .with(BoxSpot {}) .build(); } pub fn create_player(world: &mut World, position: Position) { world .create_entity() .with(Position { z: 10, ..position }) .with(Renderable { path: "/images/player.png".to_string(), }) .with(Player {}) .build(); } pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World) { create_player( world, Position { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); create_floor( world, Position { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0, } ); create_player( world, Position { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); create_wall( world, Position { x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); create_floor( world, Position { x: 1, y: 1, z: 0, } ); create_box( world, Position { x: 2, y: 0, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); create_floor( world, Position { x: 2, y: 1, z: 0, } ); create_box( world, Position { x: 2, y: 1, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); create_box_spot( world, Position { x: 3, y: 0, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); create_box_spot( world, Position { x: 3, y: 1, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); create_box( world, Position { x: 3, y: 1, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); } pub fn main() -> GameResult { let mut world = World::new(); register_components(&mut world); initialize_level(&mut world); // Create a game context and event loop let context_builder = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("rust_sokoban", "Timothy J. Warren") .window_setup(conf::WindowSetup::default().title("Rust Sokoban!")) .window_mode(conf::WindowMode::default().dimensions(800.0, 600.0)) .add_resource_path(path::PathBuf::from("./resources")); let (context, event_loop) = &mut; // Create the game state let game = &mut Game { world }; // Run the main event loop event::run(context, event_loop, game) }