= 2 && ! empty($argv[1])) { return new self($argv[1]); } return new self(); } /** * The real constructor, ladies and gentlemen * * @param string|null $filename */ private function __construct(?string $filename = NULL) { $this->statusMessage = StatusMessage::from('HELP: Ctrl-S = save | Ctrl-Q = quit | Ctrl-F = find'); $this->cursor = Point::new(); $this->offset = Point::new(); $this->terminalSize = Terminal::size(); $this->document = Document::default(); if (is_string($filename)) { $maybeDocument = Document::open($filename); if ($maybeDocument === NULL) { $this->document = Document::default(); $this->setStatusMessage("ERR: Could not open file: {}", $filename); } else { $this->document = $maybeDocument; } } } public function __debugInfo(): array { return [ 'cursor' => $this->cursor, 'document' => $this->document, 'offset' => $this->offset, 'renderX' => $this->renderX, 'terminalSize' => $this->terminalSize, 'statusMessage' => $this->statusMessage, ]; } /** * Start the input loop */ public function run(): void { while ( ! $this->shouldQuit) { $this->refreshScreen(); $this->processKeypress(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ! Terminal // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected function readKey(): string { $c = Terminal::read(); return match($c) { // Unambiguous mappings KeyCode::ARROW_DOWN => KeyType::ARROW_DOWN, KeyCode::ARROW_LEFT => KeyType::ARROW_LEFT, KeyCode::ARROW_RIGHT => KeyType::ARROW_RIGHT, KeyCode::ARROW_UP => KeyType::ARROW_UP, KeyCode::DEL_KEY => KeyType::DEL_KEY, KeyCode::ENTER => KeyType::ENTER, KeyCode::PAGE_DOWN => KeyType::PAGE_DOWN, KeyCode::PAGE_UP => KeyType::PAGE_UP, // Backspace KeyCode::CTRL('h'), KeyCode::BACKSPACE => KeyType::BACKSPACE, // Escape KeyCode::CTRL('l'), KeyCode::ESCAPE => KeyType::ESCAPE, // Home Key "\eOH", "\e[7~", "\e[1~", ANSI::RESET_CURSOR => KeyType::HOME_KEY, // End Key "\eOF", "\e[4~", "\e[8~", "\e[F" => KeyType::END_KEY, default => $c, }; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ! Row Operations // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Cursor X to Render X * * @param Row $row * @param int $cx * @return int */ protected function rowCxToRx(Row $row, int $cx): int { $rx = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $cx; $i++) { if ($row->chars[$i] === KeyCode::TAB) { $rx += (KILO_TAB_STOP - 1) - ($rx % KILO_TAB_STOP); } $rx++; } return $rx; } /** * Render X to Cursor X * * @param Row $row * @param int $rx * @return int */ protected function rowRxToCx(Row $row, int $rx): int { $cur_rx = 0; for ($cx = 0; $cx < $row->size; $cx++) { if ($row->chars[$cx] === KeyCode::TAB) { $cur_rx += (KILO_TAB_STOP - 1) - ($cur_rx % KILO_TAB_STOP); } $cur_rx++; if ($cur_rx > $rx) { return $cx; } } return $cx; } protected function deleteRow(int $at): void { if ($at < 0 || $at >= $this->document->numRows) { return; } // Remove the row unset($this->document->rows[$at]); // Re-index the array of rows $this->document->rows = array_values($this->document->rows); for ($i = $at; $i < $this->document->numRows; $i++) { $this->document->rows[$i]->idx = $i; } // Re-tokenize the file $this->refreshPHPSyntax(); $this->dirty = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ! Editor Operations // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected function insertChar(string $c): void { $this->document->insert($this->cursor, $c); $this->moveCursor(KeyType::ARROW_RIGHT); } protected function insertNewline(): void { // @TODO attempt smart indentation on newline? if ($this->cursor->x === 0) { $this->document->insert(Point::new(0, $this->cursor->y), ''); } else { $row = $this->document->rows[$this->cursor->y]; $chars = $row->chars; $newChars = substr($chars, 0, $this->cursor->x); // Truncate the previous row $row->chars = $newChars; // Add a new row, with the contents from the cursor to the end of the line $this->document->insert(Point::new(0, $this->cursor->y + 1), substr($chars, $this->cursor->x)); // $this->insertRow($this->cursor->y + 1, substr($chars, $this->cursor->x)); } $this->cursor->y++; $this->cursor->x = 0; // Re-tokenize the file // $this->refreshPHPSyntax(); } protected function deleteChar(): void { if ($this->cursor->y === $this->document->numRows || ($this->cursor->x === 0 && $this->cursor->y === 0)) { return; } $row = $this->document->rows[$this->cursor->y]; if ($this->cursor->x > 0) { $row->deleteChar($this->cursor->x - 1); $this->cursor->x--; } else { $this->cursor->x = $this->document->rows[$this->cursor->y - 1]->size; $this->document->rows[$this->cursor->y -1]->appendString($row->chars); $this->deleteRow($this->cursor->y); $this->cursor->y--; } // Re-tokenize the file $this->refreshPHPSyntax(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ! File I/O // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected function rowsToString(): string { $lines = array_map(fn (Row $row) => (string)$row, $this->document->rows); return implode('', $lines); } protected function save(): void { if ($this->document->filename === '') { $newFilename = $this->prompt('Save as: %s'); if ($newFilename === '') { $this->setStatusMessage('Save aborted'); return; } $this->document->filename = $newFilename; } $res = $this->document->save(); if ($res !== FALSE) { $this->setStatusMessage('%d bytes written to disk', $res); return; } $this->setStatusMessage('Failed to save! I/O error: %s', error_get_last()['message'] ?? ''); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ! Find // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected function findCallback(string $query, string $key): void { static $lastMatch = -1; static $direction = 1; static $savedHlLine = 0; static $savedHl = []; if ( ! empty($savedHl)) { $this->document->rows[$savedHlLine]->hl = $savedHl; $savedHl = []; } switch ($key) { case KeyCode::ENTER: case KeyCode::ESCAPE: $lastMatch = -1; $direction = 1; return; case KeyType::ARROW_DOWN: case KeyType::ARROW_RIGHT: $direction = 1; break; case KeyType::ARROW_UP: case KeyType::ARROW_LEFT: $direction = -1; break; default: $lastMatch = -1; $direction = 1; } if ($lastMatch === -1) { $direction = 1; } $current = $lastMatch; if (empty($query)) { return; } for ($i = 0; $i < $this->document->numRows; $i++) { $current += $direction; if ($current === -1) { $current = $this->document->numRows - 1; } else if ($current === $this->document->numRows) { $current = 0; } $row =& $this->document->rows[$current]; $match = strpos($row->render, $query); if ($match !== FALSE) { $lastMatch = $current; $this->cursor->y = (int)$current; $this->cursor->x = $this->rowRxToCx($row, $match); $this->offset->y = $this->document->numRows; $savedHlLine = $current; $savedHl = $row->hl; // Update the highlight array of the relevant row with the 'MATCH' type array_replace_range($row->hl, $match, strlen($query), Highlight::MATCH); break; } } } protected function find(): void { $savedCursor = Point::from($this->cursor); $savedOffset = Point::from($this->offset); $query = $this->prompt('Search: %s (Use ESC/Arrows/Enter)', [$this, 'findCallback']); // If they pressed escape, the query will be empty, // restore original cursor and scroll locations if ($query === '') { $this->cursor = Point::from($savedCursor); $this->offset = Point::from($savedOffset); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ! Output // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected function scroll(): void { $this->renderX = 0; if ($this->cursor->y < $this->document->numRows) { $this->renderX = $this->rowCxToRx($this->document->rows[$this->cursor->y], $this->cursor->x); } // Vertical Scrolling if ($this->cursor->y < $this->offset->y) { $this->offset->y = $this->cursor->y; } else if ($this->cursor->y >= ($this->offset->y + $this->terminalSize->rows)) { $this->offset->y = $this->cursor->y - $this->terminalSize->rows + 1; } // Horizontal Scrolling if ($this->renderX < $this->offset->x) { $this->offset->x = $this->renderX; } else if ($this->renderX >= ($this->offset->x + $this->terminalSize->cols)) { $this->offset->x = $this->renderX - $this->terminalSize->cols + 1; } } protected function drawRows(): void { for ($y = 0; $y < $this->terminalSize->rows; $y++) { $filerow = $y + $this->offset->y; $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::CLEAR_LINE; ($filerow >= $this->document->numRows) ? $this->drawPlaceholderRow($y) : $this->drawRow($filerow); $this->outputBuffer .= "\r\n"; } } protected function drawRow(int $rowIdx): void { $len = $this->document->rows[$rowIdx]->rsize - $this->offset->x; if ($len < 0) { $len = 0; } if ($len > $this->terminalSize->cols) { $len = $this->terminalSize->cols; } $chars = substr($this->document->rows[$rowIdx]->render, $this->offset->x, (int)$len); $hl = array_slice($this->document->rows[$rowIdx]->hl, $this->offset->x, (int)$len); $currentColor = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $ch = $chars[$i]; // Handle 'non-printable' characters if (is_ctrl($ch)) { $sym = (ord($ch) <= 26) ? chr(ord('@') + ord($ch)) : '?'; $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::color(Color::INVERT); $this->outputBuffer .= $sym; $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::RESET_TEXT; if ($currentColor !== -1) { $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::color($currentColor); } } else if ($hl[$i] === Highlight::NORMAL) { if ($currentColor !== -1) { $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::RESET_TEXT; $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::color(Color::FG_WHITE); $currentColor = -1; } $this->outputBuffer .= $ch; } else { $color = syntax_to_color($hl[$i]); if ($color !== $currentColor) { $currentColor = $color; $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::RESET_TEXT; $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::color($color); } $this->outputBuffer .= $ch; } } $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::RESET_TEXT; $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::color(Color::FG_WHITE); } protected function drawPlaceholderRow(int $y): void { if ($this->document->numRows === 0 && $y === (int)($this->terminalSize->rows / 2)) { $welcome = sprintf('PHP Kilo editor -- version %s', KILO_VERSION); $welcomelen = strlen($welcome); if ($welcomelen > $this->terminalSize->cols) { $welcomelen = $this->terminalSize->cols; } $padding = ($this->terminalSize->cols - $welcomelen) / 2; if ($padding > 0) { $this->outputBuffer .= '~'; $padding--; } for ($i = 0; $i < $padding; $i++) { $this->outputBuffer .= ' '; } $this->outputBuffer .= substr($welcome, 0, $welcomelen); } else { $this->outputBuffer .= '~'; } } protected function drawStatusBar(): void { $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::color(Color::INVERT); $statusFilename = $this->filename !== '' ? $this->filename : '[No Name]'; $syntaxType = ($this->syntax !== NULL) ? $this->syntax->filetype : 'no ft'; $isDirty = $this->dirty ? '(modified)' : ''; $status = sprintf('%.20s - %d lines %s', $statusFilename, $this->document->numRows, $isDirty); $rstatus = sprintf('%s | %d/%d', $syntaxType, $this->cursor->y + 1, $this->document->numRows); $len = strlen($status); $rlen = strlen($rstatus); if ($len > $this->terminalSize->cols) { $len = $this->terminalSize->cols; } $this->outputBuffer .= substr($status, 0, $len); while ($len < $this->terminalSize->cols) { if ($this->terminalSize->cols - $len === $rlen) { $this->outputBuffer .= substr($rstatus, 0, $rlen); break; } $this->outputBuffer .= ' '; $len++; } $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::RESET_TEXT; $this->outputBuffer .= "\r\n"; } protected function drawMessageBar(): void { $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::CLEAR_LINE; $len = strlen($this->statusMessage->text); if ($len > $this->terminalSize->cols) { $len = $this->terminalSize->cols; } if ($len > 0 && (time() - $this->statusMessage->time) < 5) { $this->outputBuffer .= substr($this->statusMessage->text, 0, $len); } } protected function refreshScreen(): void { $this->scroll(); $this->outputBuffer = ''; $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::HIDE_CURSOR; $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::RESET_CURSOR; $this->drawRows(); $this->drawStatusBar(); $this->drawMessageBar(); // Specify the current cursor position $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::moveCursor( $this->cursor->y - $this->offset->y, $this->renderX - $this->offset->x ); $this->outputBuffer .= ANSI::SHOW_CURSOR; Terminal::write($this->outputBuffer, strlen($this->outputBuffer)); } public function setStatusMessage(string $fmt, mixed ...$args): void { $this->statusMessage = StatusMessage::from($fmt, ...$args); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ! Input // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected function prompt(string $prompt, ?callable $callback = NULL): string { $buffer = ''; $modifiers = KeyType::getConstList(); while (TRUE) { $this->setStatusMessage($prompt, $buffer); $this->refreshScreen(); $c = $this->readKey(); $isModifier = in_array($c, $modifiers, TRUE); if ($c === KeyType::ESCAPE || ($c === KeyType::ENTER && $buffer !== '')) { $this->setStatusMessage(''); if ($callback !== NULL) { $callback($buffer, $c); } return ($c === KeyType::ENTER) ? $buffer : ''; } if ($c === KeyType::DEL_KEY || $c === KeyType::BACKSPACE) { $buffer = substr($buffer, 0, -1); } else if (is_ascii($c) && ( ! (is_ctrl($c) || $isModifier))) { $buffer .= $c; } if ($callback !== NULL) { $callback($buffer, $c); } } } protected function moveCursor(string $key): void { $x = $this->cursor->x; $y = $this->cursor->y; $row = $this->document->rows[$y]; switch ($key) { case KeyType::ARROW_LEFT: if ($x !== 0) { $x--; } else if ($y > 0) { // Beginning of a line, go to end of previous line $y--; $x = $this->document->rows[$y]->size - 1; } break; case KeyType::ARROW_RIGHT: if ($row && $x < $row->size) { $x++; } else if ($row && $x === $row->size) { $y++; $x = 0; } break; case KeyType::ARROW_UP: if ($y !== 0) { $y--; } break; case KeyType::ARROW_DOWN: if ($y < $this->document->numRows) { $y++; } break; case KeyType::PAGE_UP: $y = ($y > $this->terminalSize->rows) ? $y - $this->terminalSize->rows : 0; break; case KeyType::PAGE_DOWN: $y = ($y + $this->terminalSize->rows < $this->document->numRows) ? $y + $this->terminalSize->rows : $this->document->numRows; break; case KeyType::HOME_KEY: $x = 0; break; case KeyType::END_KEY: if ($y < $this->document->numRows) { $x = $this->document->rows[$y]->size; } break; default: // Do nothing } // Snap cursor to the end of a row when moving // from a longer row to a shorter one $row = $this->document->rows[$y]; $rowLen = ($row !== NULL) ? $row->size : 0; if ($x > $rowLen) { $x = $rowLen; } $this->cursor->x = $x; $this->cursor->y = $y; } protected function processKeypress(): void { $c = $this->readKey(); if ($c === KeyCode::NULL || $c === KeyCode::EMPTY) { return; } switch ($c) { case KeyCode::CTRL('q'): $this->quitAttempt(); return; case KeyCode::CTRL('s'): $this->save(); break; case KeyCode::CTRL('f'): $this->find(); break; case KeyType::ENTER: $this->insertNewline(); break; case KeyType::BACKSPACE: case KeyType::DEL_KEY: if ($c === KeyType::DEL_KEY) { $this->moveCursor(KeyType::ARROW_RIGHT); } $this->deleteChar(); break; case KeyType::ARROW_UP: case KeyType::ARROW_DOWN: case KeyType::ARROW_LEFT: case KeyType::ARROW_RIGHT: case KeyType::PAGE_UP: case KeyType::PAGE_DOWN: case KeyType::HOME_KEY: case KeyType::END_KEY: $this->moveCursor($c); break; case KeyCode::CTRL('l'): case KeyType::ESCAPE: // Do nothing break; default: $this->insertChar($c); break; } // Reset quit confirmation timer on different keypress if ($this->quitTimes < KILO_QUIT_TIMES) { $this->quitTimes = KILO_QUIT_TIMES; $this->setStatusMessage(''); } } protected function quitAttempt(): void { if ($this->document->dirty && $this->quitTimes > 0) { $this->setStatusMessage( 'WARNING!!! File has unsaved changes. Press Ctrl-Q %d more times to quit.', $this->quitTimes ); $this->quitTimes--; return; } Terminal::clear(); $this->shouldQuit = true; } }