
116 lines
3.4 KiB

var helper = require(__dirname + "/../test-helper");
var Client = require(__dirname + "/../../lib/native");
var setupClient = function() {
var client = new Client(helper.config);
client.query("CREATE TEMP TABLE boom(name varchar(10), age integer)");
client.query("INSERT INTO boom(name, age) VALUES('Aaron', 26)");
client.query("INSERT INTO boom(name, age) VALUES('Brian', 28)");
return client;
//test('connects', function() {
//var client = new Client(helper.config);
//test('good query', function() {
//var query = client.query("SELECT 1 as num, 'HELLO' as str");
//assert.emits(query, 'row', function(row) {
//test('has integer data type', function() {
//assert.strictEqual(row.num, 1);
//test('has string data type', function() {
//assert.strictEqual(row.str, "HELLO")
//test('emits end AFTER row event', function() {
//assert.emits(query, 'end');
//test('error query', function() {
//var query = client.query("LSKDJF");
//assert.emits(query, 'error', function(err) {
//assert.ok(err != null, "Should not have emitted null error");
test('multiple results', function() {
test('queued queries', function() {
var client = setupClient();
var q = client.query("SELECT name FROM BOOM");
assert.emits(q, 'row', function(row) {
assert.equal(, 'Aaron');
assert.emits(q, 'row', function(row) {
assert.equal(, "Brian");
assert.emits(q, 'end', function() {
test('query with config', function() {
var q2 = client.query({text:'SELECT 1 as num'});
assert.emits(q2, 'row', function(row) {
assert.strictEqual(row.num, 1);
assert.emits(q2, 'end', function() {
test('parameterized queries', function() {
test('with a single string param', function() {
var client = setupClient();
var q = client.query("SELECT * FROM boom WHERE name = $1", ['Aaron']);
assert.emits(q, 'row', function(row) {
assert.equal(, 'Aaron');
assert.emits(q, 'end', function() {
test('with object config for query', function() {
var client = setupClient();
var q = client.query({
text: "SELECT name FROM boom WHERE name = $1",
values: ['Brian']
assert.emits(q, 'row', function(row) {
assert.equal(, 'Brian');
assert.emits(q, 'end', function() {
test('multiple parameters', function() {
var client = setupClient();
var q = client.query('SELECT name FROM boom WHERE name = $1 or name = $2 ORDER BY name', ['Aaron', 'Brian']);
assert.emits(q, 'row', function(row) {
assert.equal(, 'Aaron');
assert.emits(q, 'row', function(row) {
assert.equal(, 'Brian');
assert.emits(q, 'end', function() {
test('integer parameters', function() {
var client = setupClient();
var q = client.query('SELECT * FROM boom WHERE age > $1', [27]);
assert.emits(q, 'row', function(row) {
assert.equal(, 'Brian');
assert.equal(row.age, 28);
assert.emits(q, 'end', function() {