var helper = require(__dirname + "/../test-helper"); var Client = require(__dirname + "/../../lib/native"); var domain = require('domain'); test('connecting with wrong parameters', function() { var con = new Client("user=asldfkj hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=asldkfj"); assert.emits(con, 'error', function(error) { assert.ok(error != null, "error should not be null"); con.end(); }); con.connect(); }); test('connects', function() { var con = new Client(helper.config); con.connect(); assert.emits(con, 'connect', function() { test('disconnects', function() { con.end(); }) }) }) test('preserves domain', function() { var dom = domain.create(); { var con = new Client(helper.config); assert.ok(dom === require('domain').active, 'domain is active'); con.connect(function() { assert.ok(dom === require('domain').active, 'domain is still active'); con.end(); }); }); })