Source: driver.js

'use strict';

var helpers = require('./helpers');

 * Base Database Driver
 * @module driver
var d = {
	identifierChar: '"',
	tablePrefix: null,

	 * Low level function for naive quoting of strings

	 * @param {String} str
	 * @return {String}
	 * @private
	_quote: function(str) {
		return (helpers.isString(str) && ! (str.startsWith(d.identifierChar) || str.endsWith(d.identifierChar)))
			? d.identifierChar + str + d.identifierChar
			: str;

	 * Sets the table prefix on the passed string
	 * @param {String} str
	 * @return {String}
	 * @private
	_prefix: function(str) {
		if (str.startsWith(d.prefix))
			return str;

		return d.prefix + str;

	 * Set the limit clause

	 * @param {String} sql
	 * @param {Number} limit
	 * @param {Number|null} offset
	 * @return {String}
	limit: function(sql, limit, offset) {
		sql += " LIMIT " + limit;

		if (helpers.isNumber(offset))
			sql += " OFFSET " + offset;

		return sql;

	 * Prefixes a table if it is not already prefixed
	 * @param {String} table
	 * @return {String}
	prefixTable: function(table) {
		if (d.tablePrefix)
			// Split identifier by period, will split into:
			// database.schema.table OR
			// schema.table OR
			// database.table OR
			// table
			var idents = table.split('.', table);
			var segments = idents.length;

			// Add the database prefix
			idents[segments - 1] = d._prefix(idents[segments - 1]);

			table = idents.join('.');

		return table;

	 * Quote database table name, and set prefix
	 * @param {String} table
	 * @return {String}
	quoteTable: function(table) {
		table = d.prefixTable(table);

		// Quote after prefix
		return d.quoteIdentifiers(table);

	 * Use the driver's escape character to quote identifiers
	 * @param {String|Array}
	 * @return {String|Array}
	quoteIdentifiers: function(str) {
		var hiers, raw;
		var pattern = new RegExp(d.identifierChar + '(' + '([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)' + '(\((.*?)\))' + ')' + d.identifierChar, 'ig');

		// Recurse for arrays of identifiiers
		if (Array.isArray(str))

		// Handle commas
		str = helpers.splitTrim(',', str);

		// Split identifiers by period
		hiers = str.split('.').map(d._quote);
		raw = hiers.join('.');

		// Fix functions
		if (raw.contains('(') && raw.contains(')'))
			var funcs = pattern.exec(raw);

			// Unquote the function
			raw = raw.replace(funcs[0], funcs[1]);

			// Quote the identifiers inside of the parens
			var inParens = funcs[3].substring(1, funcs[3].length -1);
			raw = raw.replace(inParens, d.quoteIdentifiers(inParens));

		return raw;

module.exports = d;
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