var helper = require(__dirname+"/../test-helper"); var Client = require(__dirname + "/../../lib/native"); test('COPY FROM events check', function () { var con = new Client(helper.config), stdinStream = con.copyFrom('COPY person FROM STDIN'); assert.emits(con, 'copyInResponse', function () { stdinStream.end(); }, "backend should emit copyInResponse after COPY FROM query" ); assert.emits(con, '_readyForQuery', function () { con.end(); }, "backend should emit _readyForQuery after data will be coped to stdin stream" ); con.connect(); }); test('COPY TO events check', function () { var con = new Client(helper.config), stdoutStream = con.copyTo('COPY person TO STDOUT'); assert.emits(con, 'copyOutResponse', function () {}, "backend should emit copyOutResponse on copyOutResponse message from server" ); assert.emits(con, 'copyData', function () { }, "backend should emit copyData on every data row" ); assert.emits(con, '_readyForQuery', function () { con.end(); }, "backend should emit _readyForQuery after data will be coped to stdout stream" ); con.connect(); });