/*global describe: true, expect: true, it: true, jasmine: true, xit: true */ /** * @author Rob Taylor [manix84@gmail.com] */ describe("verbose output plugin", function () { var parser = new (require("jsdoc/src/parser")).Parser(), plugin = require('plugins/verboseOutput'), docSet; //require('jsdoc/plugins').installPlugins(['plugins/verboseOutput'], parser); docSet = jasmine.getDocSetFromFile("plugins/verboseOutput.js", parser); xit("should log file names to console", function() { // TODO: this doesn't actually test the plugin... var fileBegin = docSet.getByLongname("module:plugins/verboseOutput.handlers.fileBegin"); expect(fileBegin[0].description).toEqual("Logging the file name to the console."); }); });