//require the c++ bindings & export to javascript var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var ConnectionParameters = require(__dirname + '/../connection-parameters'); var CopyFromStream = require(__dirname + '/../copystream').CopyFromStream; var CopyToStream = require(__dirname + '/../copystream').CopyToStream; var JsClient = require(__dirname + '/../client'); // used to import JS escape functions var binding = require('bindings')('binding.node'); var Connection = binding.Connection; var NativeQuery = require(__dirname + '/query'); for(var k in EventEmitter.prototype) { Connection.prototype[k] = EventEmitter.prototype[k]; } var nativeConnect = Connection.prototype.connect; Connection.prototype.connect = function(cb) { var self = this; this.connectionParameters.getLibpqConnectionString(function(err, conString) { if(err) { return cb ? cb(err) : self.emit('error', err); } if(cb) { var errCallback; var connectCallback = function() { //remove single-fire connection error callback self.removeListener('error', errCallback); cb(null); }; errCallback = function(err) { //remove singel-fire connection success callback self.removeListener('connect', connectCallback); cb(err); }; self.once('connect', connectCallback); self.once('error', errCallback); } nativeConnect.call(self, conString); }); }; Connection.prototype._copy = function (text, stream) { var q = new NativeQuery(text, function (error) { if (error) { q.stream.error(error); } else { q.stream.close(); } }); q.stream = stream; this._queryQueue.push(q); this._pulseQueryQueue(); return q.stream; }; Connection.prototype.copyFrom = function (text) { return this._copy(text, new CopyFromStream()); }; Connection.prototype.copyTo = function (text) { return this._copy(text, new CopyToStream()); }; Connection.prototype.sendCopyFromChunk = function (chunk) { this._sendCopyFromChunk(chunk); }; Connection.prototype.endCopyFrom = function (msg) { this._endCopyFrom(msg); }; // use JS version if native version undefined // happens when PG version < 9.0.0 if (!Connection.prototype.escapeIdentifier) { Connection.prototype.escapeIdentifier = JsClient.prototype.escapeIdentifier; } if (!Connection.prototype.escapeLiteral) { Connection.prototype.escapeLiteral = JsClient.prototype.escapeLiteral; } Connection.prototype.query = function(config, values, callback) { var query = (config instanceof NativeQuery) ? config : new NativeQuery(config, values, callback); this._queryQueue.push(query); this._pulseQueryQueue(); return query; }; var nativeCancel = Connection.prototype.cancel; Connection.prototype.cancel = function(client, query) { if (client._activeQuery == query) { this.connect(nativeCancel.bind(client)); } else if (client._queryQueue.indexOf(query) != -1) { client._queryQueue.splice(client._queryQueue.indexOf(query), 1); } }; Connection.prototype._pulseQueryQueue = function(initialConnection) { if(!this._connected) { return; } if(this._activeQuery) { return; } var query = this._queryQueue.shift(); if(!query) { if(!initialConnection) { this.emit('drain'); } return; } this._activeQuery = query; if(query.name) { if(this._namedQueries[query.name]) { this._sendQueryPrepared(query.name, query.values||[], query.singleRowMode); } else { this._namedQuery = true; this._sendPrepare(query.name, query.text, (query.values||[]).length, query.singleRowMode); } } else if(query.values) { //call native function this._sendQueryWithParams(query.text, query.values, query.singleRowMode); } else { //call native function this._sendQuery(query.text, query.singleRowMode); } }; Connection.prototype.sendCopyFail = function(msg) { this.endCopyFrom(msg); }; var clientBuilder = function(config) { config = config || {}; var connection = new Connection(); EventEmitter.call(connection); connection._queryQueue = []; connection._namedQueries = {}; connection._activeQuery = null; connection.connectionParameters = new ConnectionParameters(config); //attach properties to normalize interface with pure js client connection.user = connection.connectionParameters.user; connection.password = connection.connectionParameters.password; connection.database = connection.connectionParameters.database; connection.host = connection.connectionParameters.host; connection.port = connection.connectionParameters.port; connection.on('connect', function() { connection._connected = true; connection._pulseQueryQueue(true); }); connection.on('_rowDescription', function(rowDescription) { connection._activeQuery.handleRowDescription(rowDescription); }); //proxy some events to active query connection.on('_row', function(row) { connection._activeQuery.handleRow(row); }); connection.on('_cmdStatus', function(status) { //set this here so we can pass it to the query //when the query completes connection._lastMeta = status; }); //TODO: emit more native error properties (make it match js error) connection.on('_error', function(err) { //create Error object from object literal var error = new Error(err.message || "Unknown native driver error"); for(var key in err) { error[key] = err[key]; } //give up on trying to wait for named query prepare this._namedQuery = false; if(connection._activeQuery) { connection._activeQuery.handleError(error); } else { connection.emit('error', error); } }); connection.on('_end', function() { process.nextTick(function() { if(connection._activeQuery) { connection._activeQuery.handleError(new Error("Connection was ended during query")); } connection.emit('end'); }); }); connection.on('_readyForQuery', function() { var error; var q = this._activeQuery; //a named query finished being prepared if(this._namedQuery) { this._namedQueries[q.name] = true; this._namedQuery = false; this._sendQueryPrepared(q.name, q.values||[]); } else { //try/catch/rethrow to ensure exceptions don't prevent the queryQueue from //being processed try{ connection._activeQuery.handleReadyForQuery(connection._lastMeta); } catch(e) { error = e; } connection._activeQuery = null; connection._pulseQueryQueue(); if(error) throw error; } }); connection.on('copyInResponse', function () { //connection is ready to accept chunks //start to send data from stream connection._activeQuery.streamData(connection); }); connection.on('copyOutResponse', function(msg) { if (connection._activeQuery.stream === undefined) { connection._activeQuery._canceledDueToError = new Error('No destination stream defined'); (new clientBuilder({port: connection.port, host: connection.host})).cancel(connection, connection._activeQuery); } }); connection.on('copyData', function (chunk) { //recieve chunk from connection //move it to stream connection._activeQuery.handleCopyFromChunk(chunk); }); return connection; }; // expose a Query constructor clientBuilder.Query = NativeQuery; module.exports = clientBuilder;