'use strict'; const Adapter = require('../Adapter'); const getArgs = require('getargs'); const fb = require('node-firebird'); class Firebird extends Adapter { constructor(config) { super({}); fb.attach(config, (err, instance) => { this.instance = instance; }); } /** * Run the sql query as a prepared statement * * @param {String} sql - The sql with placeholders * @param {Array} params - The values to insert into the query * @param {Function} [callback] - Callback to run when a response is recieved * @return {void|Promise} - Returns a promise if no callback is provided */ execute(/*sql, params, callback*/) { let args = getArgs('sql:string, [params], [callback]:function', arguments); if (! args.callback) { //return instance.queryAsync(args.sql, args.params); if (! args.callback) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.instance.query(args.sql, args.params, (err, result) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } return resolve(result); }); }); } } return this.instance.query(args.sql, args.params, args.callback); } /** * Close the current database connection * @return {void} */ close() { this.instance.detach(); } } module.exports = Firebird;