/* Copyright (c) 2012, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ var runWithCover = require('./common/run-with-cover'), util = require('util'), Command = require('./index'); function TestCommand() { Command.call(this); } TestCommand.TYPE = 'test'; util.inherits(TestCommand, Command); Command.mix(TestCommand, { synopsis: function () { return "cover a node command only when npm_config_coverage is set. Use in an `npm test` script for conditional coverage"; }, usage: function () { runWithCover.usage(this.toolName(), this.type()); }, run: function (args, callback) { runWithCover.run(args, this.type(), !!process.env.npm_config_coverage, callback); } }); module.exports = TestCommand;