Class for connection management
connection parameters
connection parameters
let nodeQuery = require('ci-node-query')({
driver: 'mysql',
connection: {
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root',
password: '',
database: 'mysql'
let nodeQuery = require('ci-node-query')({
driver: 'sqlite',
connection: ':memory:'
Return an existing query builder instance
The Query Builder object
Main object that builds SQL queries.
Extends QueryBuilderBase
The syntax driver for the database
The database module adapter for running queries
Reset the object state for a new query
Closes the database connection for the current adapter
Specify rows to select in the query
The Query Builder object, for chaining'foo, bar'); // Select multiple fields with a string['foo', 'bar']); // Select multiple fileds with an array
Specify the database table to select from
The table to use for the current query
The Query Builder object, for chaining
query.from('tableName t'); // Select the table with an alias
Add a 'like/ and like' clause to the query
The name of the field to compare to
The value to compare to
(default both
The placement of the wildcard character(s): before, after, or both
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Add a 'not like/ and not like' clause to the query
The name of the field to compare to
The value to compare to
(default both
The placement of the wildcard character(s): before, after, or both
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Add an 'or like' clause to the query
The name of the field to compare to
The value to compare to
(default both
The placement of the wildcard character(s): before, after, or both
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Add an 'or not like' clause to the query
The name of the field to compare to
The value to compare to
(default both
The placement of the wildcard character(s): before, after, or both
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Add a 'having' clause
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Add an 'or having' clause
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Set a 'where' clause
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Set a 'or where' clause
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Select a field that is Null
The name of the field that has a NULL value
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Specify that a field IS NOT NULL
The name so the field that is not to be null
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Field is null prefixed with 'OR'
The name of the field
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Field is not null prefixed with 'OR'
The name of the field
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Set a 'where in' clause
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Set a 'or where in' clause
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Set a 'where not in' clause
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Set a 'or where not in' clause
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Set values for insertion or updating
The Query Builder object, for chaining
query.set('foo', 'bar'); // Set a key, value pair
query.set({foo:'bar'}); // Set with an object
Add a join clause to the query
The table you are joining
The join condition.
(default 'inner'
The type of join, which defaults to inner
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Group the results by the selected field(s)
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Order the results by the selected field(s)
The field(s) to order by
(default 'ASC'
The order direction, ASC or DESC
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Put a limit on the query
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Adds an open paren to the current query for logical grouping
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Adds an open paren to the current query for logical grouping, prefixed with 'OR'
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Adds an open paren to the current query for logical grouping, prefixed with 'OR NOT'
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Ends a logical grouping started with one of the groupStart methods
The Query Builder object, for chaining
Get the results of the compiled query
The table to select from
A limit for the query
An offset for the query
A callback for receiving the result
(void | Promise)
If no callback is passed, a promise is returned
query.get('table_name').then(promiseCallback); // Get all the rows in the table
query.get('table_name', 5, callback); // Get 5 rows from the table
query.get(callback); // Get the results of a query generated with other methods
Run the generated insert query
The table to insert into
Data to insert, if not already added with the 'set' method
Callback for handling response from the database
(void | Promise)
If no callback is passed, a promise is returned
Insert multiple sets of rows at a time
The table to insert into
The array of objects containing data rows to insert
Callback for handling database response
(void | Promise)
If no callback is passed, a promise is returned
query.insertBatch('foo',[{id:1,val:'bar'},{id:2,val:'baz'}], callbackFunction);
Run the generated update query
The table to insert into
Data to insert, if not already added with the 'set' method
Callback for handling response from the database
(void | Promise)
If no callback is passed, a promise is returned
Query result object