var helper = require(__dirname + '/../test-helper'); var pg = require(__dirname + '/../../../lib'); if(helper.args.native) { pg = require(__dirname + '/../../../lib').native; } var ROWS_TO_INSERT = 1000; var prepareTable = function (client, callback) { client.query( 'CREATE TEMP TABLE copy_test (id SERIAL, name CHARACTER VARYING(10), age INT)', assert.calls(function (err, result) { assert.equal(err, null, err && err.message ? "create table query should not fail: " + err.message : null); callback(); }) ); }; test('COPY FROM', function () { pg.connect(helper.config, function (error, client, done) { assert.equal(error, null, "Failed to connect: " + helper.sys.inspect(error)); prepareTable(client, function () { var stream = client.copyFrom("COPY copy_test (name, age) FROM stdin WITH CSV"); stream.on('error', function (error) { assert.ok(false, "COPY FROM stream should not emit errors" + helper.sys.inspect(error)); }); for (var i = 0; i < ROWS_TO_INSERT; i++) { stream.write( String( + Math.random()).slice(0,10) + ',' + i + '\n'); } assert.emits(stream, 'close', function () { client.query("SELECT count(*), sum(age) from copy_test", function (err, result) { assert.equal(err, null, "Query should not fail"); assert.lengthIs(result.rows, 1) assert.equal(result.rows[0].sum, ROWS_TO_INSERT * (0 + ROWS_TO_INSERT -1)/2); assert.equal(result.rows[0].count, ROWS_TO_INSERT); done(); }); }, "COPY FROM stream should emit close after query end"); stream.end(); }); }); }); test('COPY TO', function () { pg.connect(helper.config, function (error, client, done) { assert.equal(error, null, "Failed to connect: " + helper.sys.inspect(error)); prepareTable(client, function () { var stream = client.copyTo("COPY person (id, name, age) TO stdin WITH CSV"); var buf = new Buffer(0); stream.on('error', function (error) { assert.ok(false, "COPY TO stream should not emit errors" + helper.sys.inspect(error)); }); assert.emits(stream, 'data', function (chunk) { buf = Buffer.concat([buf, chunk]); }, "COPY IN stream should emit data event for each row"); assert.emits(stream, 'end', function () { var lines = buf.toString().split('\n'); assert.equal(lines.length >= 0, true, "copy in should return rows saved by copy from"); assert.equal(lines[0].split(',').length, 3, "each line should consists of 3 fields"); done(); }, "COPY IN stream should emit end event after all rows"); }); }); }); test('COPY TO, queue queries', function () { if(helper.config.native) return false; pg.connect(helper.config, assert.calls(function (error, client, done) { assert.equal(error, null, "Failed to connect: " + helper.sys.inspect(error)); prepareTable(client, function () { var query1Done = false, copyQueryDone = false, query2Done = false; client.query("SELECT count(*) from person", function () { query1Done = true; assert.ok(!copyQueryDone && ! query2Done, "first query has to be executed before others"); }); var stream = client.copyTo("COPY person (id, name, age) TO stdin WITH CSV"); //imitate long query, to make impossible, //that copy query end callback runs after //second query callback client.query("SELECT pg_sleep(1)", function () { query2Done = true; assert.ok(copyQueryDone && query2Done, "second query has to be executed after others"); }); var buf = new Buffer(0); stream.on('error', function (error) { assert.ok(false, "COPY TO stream should not emit errors" + helper.sys.inspect(error)); }); assert.emits(stream, 'data', function (chunk) { buf = Buffer.concat([buf, chunk]); }, "COPY IN stream should emit data event for each row"); assert.emits(stream, 'end', function () { copyQueryDone = true; assert.ok(query1Done && ! query2Done, "copy query has to be executed before second query and after first"); var lines = buf.toString().split('\n'); assert.equal(lines.length >= 0, true, "copy in should return rows saved by copy from"); assert.equal(lines[0].split(',').length, 3, "each line should consists of 3 fields"); done(); }, "COPY IN stream should emit end event after all rows"); }); })); }); test("COPY TO incorrect usage with large data", function () { if(helper.config.native) return false; //when many data is loaded from database (and it takes a lot of time) //there are chance, that query will be canceled before it ends //but if there are not so much data, cancel message may be //send after copy query ends //so we need to test both situations pg.connect(helper.config, assert.calls(function (error, client, done) { assert.equal(error, null, "Failed to connect: " + helper.sys.inspect(error)); //intentionally incorrect usage of copy. //this has to report error in standart way, instead of just throwing exception client.query( "COPY (SELECT GENERATE_SERIES(1, 10000000)) TO STDOUT WITH CSV", assert.calls(function (error) { assert.ok(error, "error should be reported when sending copy to query with query method"); client.query("SELECT 1", assert.calls(function (error, result) { assert.isNull(error, "incorrect copy usage should not break connection"); assert.ok(result, "incorrect copy usage should not break connection"); done(); })); }) ); })); }); test("COPY TO incorrect usage with small data", function () { if(helper.config.native) return false; pg.connect(helper.config, assert.calls(function (error, client, done) { assert.equal(error, null, "Failed to connect: " + helper.sys.inspect(error)); //intentionally incorrect usage of copy. //this has to report error in standart way, instead of just throwing exception client.query( "COPY (SELECT GENERATE_SERIES(1, 1)) TO STDOUT WITH CSV", assert.calls(function (error) { assert.ok(error, "error should be reported when sending copy to query with query method"); client.query("SELECT 1", assert.calls(function (error, result) { assert.isNull(error, "incorrect copy usage should not break connection: " + error); assert.ok(result, "incorrect copy usage should not break connection"); done(); })); }) ); })); }); test("COPY FROM incorrect usage", function () { pg.connect(helper.config, function (error, client, done) { assert.equal(error, null, "Failed to connect: " + helper.sys.inspect(error)); prepareTable(client, function () { //intentionally incorrect usage of copy. //this has to report error in standart way, instead of just throwing exception client.query( "COPY copy_test from STDIN WITH CSV", assert.calls(function (error) { assert.ok(error, "error should be reported when sending copy to query with query method"); client.query("SELECT 1", assert.calls(function (error, result) { assert.isNull(error, "incorrect copy usage should not break connection: " + error); assert.ok(result, "incorrect copy usage should not break connection"); done(); pg.end(helper.config); })); }) ); }); }); });