var fs = require('fs'); const //ISC_MASK = 0x14000000, // Defines the code as a valid ISC code FAC_MASK = 0x00FF0000, // Specifies the facility where the code is located CODE_MASK = 0x0000FFFF, // Specifies the code in the message file CLASS_MASK = 0xF0000000; // Defines the code as warning, error, info, or other var msgNumber = exports.msgNumber = function(facility, code) { return (facility * 10000 + code); }; var getCode = exports.getCode = function(code) { return (code & CODE_MASK) }; var getFacility = exports.getFacility = function(code) { return (code & FAC_MASK) >> 16; }; exports.getClass = function(code) { return (code & CLASS_MASK) >> 30 }; exports.lookupMessages = function(status, callback){ var handle; var bucket_size; var top_tree; var levels; var buffer; function lookup(item, callback) { var code = msgNumber(getFacility(item.gdscode), getCode(item.gdscode)); function readIndex(stackSize, position) { function readNode(from) { var ret = {}; ret.code = buffer.readUInt32LE(from); = buffer.readUInt32LE(from + 4); return ret; }, buffer, 0, bucket_size, position, function(err, bufferSize) { if (bufferSize <= 0) { callback(); return; } if (stackSize === levels) { search(); return; } var from = 0; var node = readNode(from); while (true) { if (node.code >= code) { readIndex(stackSize + 1,; break; } from += 8; if (from >= bufferSize) { callback(); break; } node = readNode(from); } }); } function search() { function readRec(from) { function align(v) { return (v + 3) & ~3; } var ret = {}; ret.code = buffer.readUInt32LE(from); ret.length = buffer.readUInt16LE(from + 4); if (ret.code == code){ from += 8; ret.text = buffer.toString(null, from, from + ret.length); } else = from + align(8 + ret.length, 4); return ret; } var rec = readRec(0); while ( { if ( >= buffer.length) break; else rec = readRec(; } var str = rec.text; if (item.params) { for (var i = 0; i < item.params.length; i++) str = str.replace('@' + String(i+1), item.params[i]); } callback(str); } readIndex(1, top_tree); } + "/firebird.msg", 'r', function(err, h) { if (!h) { callback(); return; } buffer = new Buffer(14);, buffer, 0, 14, 0, function(){ handle = h; bucket_size = buffer.readUInt16LE(2); top_tree = buffer.readUInt32LE(4); levels = buffer.readUInt16LE(12); buffer = new Buffer(bucket_size); var i = 0; var text; function loop() { lookup(status[i], function(line) { if (text) text = text + ', ' + line else text = line; if (i === status.length - 1) { fs.close(handle); callback(text); } else { i++; loop(); } }); } loop(0); }); }); };