# es6-shim x.x.x (not yet released) # es6-shim 0.20.1 (27 Oct 2014) * Set#delete and Map#delete should return false unless a deletion occurred. (#298) # es6-shim 0.20.0 (26 Oct 2014) * Use a more reliable UMD * export the global object rather than undefined # es6-shim 0.19.2 (25 Oct 2014) * Set#delete and Map#delete should return a boolean indicating success. (#298) * Make style consistent; add jscs # es6-shim 0.19.1 (14 Oct 2014) * Fix Map#set and Set#add to be chainable (#295) * Update mocha # es6-shim 0.19.0 (9 Oct 2014) * Detect and override noncompliant Map in Firefox 32 (#294) * Fix Map and Set for engines that don't preserve numeric key order (#292, #290) * Detect and override noncompliant Safari 7.1 Promises (#289) * Fix Array#keys and Array#entries in Safari 7.1 * General style and whitespace cleanup * Update dependencies * Clean up tests for ES3 by removing reserved words # es6-shim 0.18.0 (6 Sep 2014) * Speed up String#trim replacement (#284) * named Array#find and Array#findIndex for easier debugging * Replace broken native implementation in Firefox 25-31 for Array#find and Array#findIndex * Ensure String.fromCodePoint has the correct length in Firefox * List the license in `package.json` for `npm` * Array.from: fix spec bug with Array.from([], undefined) throwing * Array.from: fix Firefox Array.from bug wrt swallowing negative lengths vs throwing # es6-shim 0.17.0 (31 Aug 2014) * Added es6-sham (#281) * Fixing some flaky tests (#268) * Tweaking how ArrayIterator is checked in its "next" function * Cleaning up some of the logic in Array.from # es6-shim 0.16.0 (6 Aug 2014) * Array#find and Array#findIndex: no longer skips holes in sparse arrays, per https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3107 # es6-shim 0.15.1 (5 Aug 2014) * Array.from: now correctly throws if provided `undefined` as a mapper function * Array.from: now correctly works if provided a falsy `thisArg` * Fix tests so they work properly when Array#(values|keys|entries) are not present * Add `npm run lint` to run style checks independently * Add `test/native.html` so browsers can be easily checked for shim-less compliance. # es6-shim 0.15.0 (31 Jul 2014) * Object.assign no longer throws on null or undefined sources, per https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3096 # es6-shim 0.14.0 (20 Jul 2014) * Properly recognize Symbol.iterator when it is present (#277) * Fix Math.clz's improper handling of values that coerce to NaN (#269) * Fix incorrect handling of negative end index on Array#fill (#270) * Removed Object.getOwnPropertyKeys, which shouldn't be anywhere (#267) * Fixed arity of Map and Set constructors, per 2014.04.27 draft spec (rev 24) * Added a full additional suite of ES6 promise tests (thanks to @smikes!) (#265) * Make Number.isInteger a bit more efficient (#266) * Added `npm run test-native` to expose how broken implementations are without the shim ;-) * Added additional tests # es6-shim 0.13.0 (11 Jun 2014) * Adapt to new Array.from changes: mapper function is now called with both value and index (#261, #262) * More reliably getting the global object in strict mode to fix node-webkit (#258, #259) * Properly test the global Promise for ignoring non-function callbacks (#258) # es6-shim 0.12.0 (4 Jun 2014) * Fix String#trim implementations that incorrectly trim \u0085 * Stop relying on ArrayIterator being a public var, fixing Safari 8 # es6-shim 0.11.1 (2 Jun 2014) * Make sure to shim Object.assign in all environments, not just true ES5 * Now including minified file and source map # es6-shim 0.11.0 (11 May 2014) * Remove `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors`, per spec. (#234, #235) * IE8 fixes. (#163, #236) * Improve `Promise` scheduling. (#231) * Add some more standalone shims * Use an Object.create fallback, for better ES3 compatibility * Fix Math.expm1 in more browsers (#84) * Fix es6-shim in Web Workers (#247, #248) * Correct Object.assign to take multiple sources (#241) # es6-shim 0.10.1 (13 Mar 2014) * Update bower.json, component.json, and .npmignore (#229, #230, #233) * Minor updates to `Promise` implementation and test suite. * Workaround lack of 'strict mode' in IE9. (#232) # es6-shim 0.10.0 (1 March 2014) * Implement `Promise`, per spec. (#209, #215, #224, #225) * Make `Map`/`Set` subclassable; support `iterable` argument to constructor (#218) * Rename `Number#clz` to `Math.clz32` (#217) * Bug fixes to `Array#find` and `Array#findIndex` on sparse arrays (#213) * Re-add `Number.isInteger` (mistakenly removed in 0.9.0) * Allow use of `arguments` as an iterable * Minor spec-compliance fixes for `String.raw` * In ES6, `Object.keys` accepts non-Object types (#220) * Improved browser compatibility with IE 9/10, Opera 12 (#225) # es6-shim 0.9.3 (5 February 2014) * Per spec, removed `Object.mixin` (#192) * Per spec, treat -0 and +0 keys as identical in Map/Set (#129, #204) * Per spec, `ArrayIterator`/`Array#values()` skips sparse indexes now. (#189) * Added `Array.from`, supporting Map/Set/Array/String iterators (the String iterator iterates over codepoints, not indexes) (#182) * Bug fixes to Map/Set iteration after concurrent delete. (#183) * Bug fixes to `Number.clz`: 0 and 0x100000000 are handled correctly now. (#196) * Added `Math.fround` to truncate to a 32-bit floating point number. (#140) * Bug fix for `Math.cosh` (#178) * Work around Firefox bugs in `String#startsWith` and `String#endsWith` (#172) * Work around Safari bug in `Math.imul` # es6-shim 0.9.2 (18 December 2013) * Negative `String#endsWith` position is now handled properly. * `TypeError` is now thrown when string methods are called on `null` / `undefined`. # es6-shim 0.9.1 (28 October 2013) * Added `Array#copyWithin` and `Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER` * Big speed-up of Maps / Sets for string / number keys: they are O(1) now. * Changed `Math.hypot` according to spec. * Other small fixes. # es6-shim 0.9.0 (30 August 2013) * Added Array iteration methods: `Array#keys`, `Array#values`, `Array#entries`, which return an `ArrayIterator` * Changed `Map` and `Set` constructors to conform to spec when called without `new` * Added `Math.imul` * Per spec, removed `Number.toInteger`, `Number.isInteger`, and `Number.MAX_INTEGER`; added `Number.isSafeInteger`, `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` * Added extensive additional tests for many methods # es6-shim 0.8.0 (8 June 2013) * Added `Object.setPrototypeOf`, `Set#keys`, `Set#values`, `Map#keys`, `Map#values`, `Map#entries`, `Set#entries`. * Fixed `String#repeat` according to spec. # es6-shim 0.7.0 (2 April 2013) * Added `Array#find`, `Array#findIndex`, `Object.assign`, `Object.mixin`, `Math.cbrt`, `String.fromCodePoint`, `String#codePointAt`. * Removed `Object.isnt`. * Made Math functions fully conform spec. # es6-shim 0.6.0 (15 January 2013) * Added `Map#keys`, `Map#values`, `Map#size`, `Set#size`, `Set#clear`. # es6-shim 0.5.3 (2 September 2012) * Made `String#startsWith`, `String#endsWith` fully conform spec. # es6-shim 0.5.2 (17 June 2012) * Removed `String#toArray` and `Object.isObject` as per spec updates. # es6-shim 0.5.1 (14 June 2012) * Made Map and Set follow Spidermonkey implementation instead of V8. `var m = Map(); m.set('key', void 0); m.has('key');` now gives true. # es6-shim 0.5.0 (13 June 2012) * Added Number.MAX_INTEGER, Number.EPSILON, Number.parseInt, Number.parseFloat, Number.prototype.clz, Object.isObject. # es6-shim 0.4.1 (11 May 2012) * Fixed boundary checking in Number.isInteger. # es6-shim 0.4.0 (8 February 2012) * Added Math.log10, Math.log2, Math.log1p, Math.expm1, Math.cosh, Math.sinh, Math.tanh, Math.acosh, Math.asinh, Math.atanh, Math.hypot, Math.trunc. # es6-shim 0.3.1 (30 January 2012) * Added IE8 support. # es6-shim 0.3.0 (27 January 2012) * Added Number.isFinite() and Object.isnt(). # es6-shim 0.2.1 (7 January 2012) * Fixed a bug in String#endsWith(). # es6-shim 0.2.0 (25 December 2011) * Added browser support. * Added tests. * Added Math.sign(). # es6-shim 0.1.0 (25 December 2011) * Initial release