Improve query parser to handle functions in where clauses

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Warren 2015-01-23 15:33:41 -05:00
parent d19ec16b8d
commit 26e3e97475
10 changed files with 447 additions and 116 deletions

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@ -13,5 +13,14 @@ module.exports = {
execute: function(sql, params, callback) {
throw new Error("Correct adapter not defined for query execution");
* Close the connection that is open on the current adapter
* @return void
close: function() {
throw new Error("Close method not defined for the current adapter");

View File

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ var d = {
* @private
_quote: function(str) {
//if (/[0-9]+|\'(.*?)\'/ig.test(str)) return str;
return (helpers.isString(str) && ! (str.startsWith(d.identifierChar) || str.endsWith(d.identifierChar)))
? d.identifierChar + str + d.identifierChar
: str;
@ -71,6 +73,12 @@ var d = {
if ( ! helpers.isString(str))
return str;
// Handle commas
if (str.contains(','))

View File

@ -2,14 +2,15 @@
/** @module query-builder */
var getArgs = require('getargs'),
helpers = require('./helpers');
helpers = require('./helpers'),
State = require('./state');
* Variables controlling the sql building
* @private
var state = {};
var state = new State();
* SQL generation object
@ -155,10 +156,17 @@ var QueryBuilder = function(driver, adapter) {
var obj = {};
if (helpers.isScalar(args.$key) && !helpers.isUndefined(args.$val) && !helpers.isNull(args.$val))
if (helpers.isScalar(args.$key) && !helpers.isUndefined(args.$val))
// Convert key/val pair to a simple object
obj[args.$key] = args.$val;
else if (helpers.isScalar(args.$key) && helpers.isUndefined(args.$val))
// If just a string for the key, and no value, create a simple object with duplicate key/val
obj[args.$key] = args.$key;
obj = args.$key;
@ -177,15 +185,17 @@ var QueryBuilder = function(driver, adapter) {
return state[args.$varName];
whereMixedSet: function(/*key, val*/) {
var args = getArgs('key:string|object, [val]', arguments);
state.whereMap = [];
state.rawWhereValues = [];
_p.mixedSet('whereMap', 'both', args.key, args.val);
_p.mixedSet('whereValues', 'value', args.key, args.val);
_p.mixedSet('rawWhereValues', 'value', args.key, args.val);
fixConjunction: function(conj) {
var lastItem = state.queryMap[state.queryMap.length - 1];
@ -210,24 +220,16 @@ var QueryBuilder = function(driver, adapter) {
// Normalize key and value and insert into state.whereMap
_p.whereMixedSet(key, val);
Object.keys(state.whereMap).forEach(function(field) {
// Split each key by spaces, in case there
// is an operator such as >, <, !=, etc.
var fieldArray = field.trim().split(' ').map(helpers.stringTrim);
// Parse the where condition to account for operators,
// functions, identifiers, and literal values
state = parser.parseWhere(driver, state);
var item = driver.quoteIdentifiers(fieldArray[0]);
// Simple key value, or an operator?
item += (fieldArray.length === 1 || fieldArray[1] === '') ? '=?' : " " + fieldArray[1] + " ?";
// Determine the correct conjunction
state.whereMap.forEach(function(clause) {
var conj = _p.fixConjunction(defaultConj);
_p.appendMap(conj, item, 'where');
// Clear the where Map
state.whereMap = {};
_p.appendMap(conj, clause, 'where');
state.whereMap = {};
whereNull: function(field, stmt, conj) {
field = driver.quoteIdentifiers(field);
@ -243,20 +245,15 @@ var QueryBuilder = function(driver, adapter) {
// Normalize key/val and put in state.whereMap
_p.whereMixedSet(args.key, args.val);
Object.keys(state.whereMap).forEach(function(field) {
// Split each key by spaces, in case there
// is an operator such as >, <, !=, etc.
var fieldArray = field.split(' ').map(helpers.stringTrim);
var item = driver.quoteIdentifiers(fieldArray[0]);
// Simple key value, or an operator?
item += (fieldArray.length === 1) ? '=?' : " " + fieldArray[1] + " ?";
// Parse the having condition to account for operators,
// functions, identifiers, and literal values
state = parser.parseWhere(driver, state);
state.whereMap.forEach(function(clause) {
// Put in the having map
conjunction: (state.havingMap.length > 0) ? " " + args.conj + " " : ' HAVING ',
string: item
string: clause
@ -291,7 +288,7 @@ var QueryBuilder = function(driver, adapter) {
vals = state.values.concat(state.whereValues);
@ -314,28 +311,7 @@ var QueryBuilder = function(driver, adapter) {
return sql;
resetState: function() {
state = {
// Arrays/Maps
queryMap: [],
values: [],
whereValues: [],
setArrayKeys: [],
orderArray: [],
groupArray: [],
havingMap: [],
whereMap: {},
// Partials
selectString: '',
fromString: '',
setString: '',
orderString: '',
groupString: '',
// Other various values
limit: null,
offset: null
state = new State();
@ -363,10 +339,14 @@ var QueryBuilder = function(driver, adapter) {
return state;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set up state object
* Closes the database connection for the current adapter
* @return void
this.end = function() {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! Query Builder Methods

View File

@ -3,21 +3,39 @@
var helpers = require('./helpers');
var matchPatterns = {
'function': /([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\((.*?)\))/i,
identifier: /([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\.?)+/ig,
operator: /\=|AND|&&?|~|\|\|?|\^|\/|>=?|<=?|-|%|OR|\+|NOT|\!=?|<>|XOR/i
'function': /([a-z0-9_]+\((.*)\))/i,
operator: /\!=?|\=|\+|&&?|~|\|\|?|\^|\/|<>|>=?|<=?|\-|%|OR|AND|NOT|XOR/ig,
literal: /([0-9]+)|'(.*?)'|true|false/ig
// Full pattern for identifiers
// Making sure that literals and functions aren't matched
matchPatterns.identifier = new RegExp(
+ '(?!'
+ matchPatterns['function'].source + '|'
+ matchPatterns.literal.source
+ ')'
+ '([a-z_\-]+[0-9]*\\.?)'
+ ')+'
, 'ig');
// Full pattern for determining ordering of the pieces
matchPatterns.combined = new RegExp(matchPatterns['function'].source + "+|"
matchPatterns.joinCombined = new RegExp(
matchPatterns['function'].source + "+|"
+ matchPatterns.literal.source + '+|'
+ matchPatterns.identifier.source
+ '|(' + matchPatterns.operator.source + ')+', 'ig');
+ '|(' + matchPatterns.operator.source + ')+'
, 'ig');
var identifierBlacklist = ['true','false','null'];
var filterMatches = function(array) {
var output = [];
// Return non-array matches
if (helpers.isScalar(array) || helpers.isNull(array) || helpers.isUndefined(array)) return output;
if (helpers.isNull(array)) return null;
if (helpers.isScalar(array) || helpers.isUndefined(array)) return output;
array.forEach(function(item) {
@ -38,6 +56,17 @@ var QueryParser = function(driver) {
// That 'new' keyword is annoying
if ( ! (this instanceof QueryParser)) return new QueryParser(driver);
* Check if the string contains an operator, and if so, return the operator(s).
* If there are no matches, return null
* @param {String} string - the string to check
* @return {Array|null}
this.hasOperator = function(string) {
return filterMatches(string.match(matchPatterns.operator));
* Tokenize the sql into parts for additional processing
@ -49,12 +78,13 @@ var QueryParser = function(driver) {
var output = {};
// Get clause components
matches['function'] = sql.match(matchPatterns['function']);
matches.functions = sql.match(new RegExp(matchPatterns['function'].source, 'ig'));
matches.identifiers = sql.match(matchPatterns.identifier);
matches.operators = sql.match(matchPatterns.operator);
matches.literals = sql.match(matchPatterns.literal);
// Get everything at once for ordering
matches.combined = sql.match(matchPatterns.combined);
matches.combined = sql.match(matchPatterns.joinCombined);
// Flatten the matches to increase relevance
Object.keys(matches).forEach(function(key) {
@ -83,8 +113,147 @@ var QueryParser = function(driver) {
return parts.combined.join('');
return parts.combined.join(' ');
* Parse a where clause to separate functions from values
* @param {Object} driver
* @param {State} state
* @return {String} - The parsed/escaped where condition
this.parseWhere = function(driver, state) {
var whereMap = state.whereMap,
whereValues = state.rawWhereValues;
var outputMap = [];
var outputValues = [];
var that = this;
Object.keys(whereMap).forEach(function(key) {
// Combine fields, operators, functions and values into a full clause
// to have a common starting flow
var fullClause = '';
// Add an explicit = sign where one is inferred
if ( ! that.hasOperator(key))
fullClause = key + ' = ' + whereMap[key];
else if (whereMap[key] === key)
fullClause = key;
fullClause = key + ' ' + whereMap[key];
// Separate the clause into separate pieces
var parts = that.parseJoin(fullClause);
// Filter explicit literals from lists of matches
if (whereValues.indexOf(whereMap[key]) !== -1)
var value = whereMap[key];
var identIndex = (helpers.isArray(parts.identifiers)) ? parts.identifiers.indexOf(value) : -1;
var litIndex = (helpers.isArray(parts.literals)) ? parts.literals.indexOf(value) : -1;
var combIndex = (helpers.isArray(parts.combined)) ? parts.combined.indexOf(value) : -1;
var funcIndex = (helpers.isArray(parts.functions)) ? parts.functions.indexOf(value) : -1;
var inOutputArray = outputValues.indexOf(value) !== -1;
// Remove the identifier in question,
// and add to the output values array
if (identIndex !== -1)
parts.identifiers.splice(identIndex, 1);
if ( ! inOutputArray)
inOutputArray = true;
// Remove the value from the literals list
// so it is not added twice
if (litIndex !== -1)
parts.literals.splice(litIndex, 1);
if ( ! inOutputArray)
inOutputArray = true;
// Remove the value from the combined list
// and replace it with a placeholder
if (combIndex !== -1)
// Make sure to skip functions when replacing values
if (funcIndex === -1)
parts.combined[combIndex] = '?';
if ( ! inOutputArray)
inOutputArray = true;
// Filter false positive identifiers
parts.identifiers = parts.identifiers.filter(function(item) {
var isInCombinedMatches = parts.combined.indexOf(item) !== -1;
var isNotInBlackList = identifierBlacklist.indexOf(item.toLowerCase()) === -1;
return isInCombinedMatches && isNotInBlackList;
// Quote identifiers
if (helpers.isArray(parts.identifiers))
parts.identifiers.forEach(function(ident) {
var index = parts.combined.indexOf(ident);
if (index !== -1)
parts.combined[index] = driver.quoteIdentifiers(ident);
// Replace each literal with a placeholder in the map
// and add the literal to the values,
// This should only apply to literal values that are not
// explicitly mapped to values, but have to be parsed from
// a where condition,
if (helpers.isArray(parts.literals))
parts.literals.forEach(function(lit) {
var litIndex = parts.combined.indexOf(lit);
if (litIndex !== -1)
parts.combined[litIndex] = (helpers.isArray(parts.operators)) ? '?' : '= ?';
outputMap.push(parts.combined.join(' '));
state.rawWhereValues = [];
state.whereValues = state.whereValues.concat(outputValues);
state.whereMap = outputMap;
return state;
module.exports = QueryParser;
module.exports = QueryParser;

lib/state.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
'use strict';
/** @module State */
module.exports = function State() {
return {
// Arrays/Maps
queryMap: [],
values: [],
whereValues: [],
setArrayKeys: [],
orderArray: [],
groupArray: [],
havingMap: [],
whereMap: {},
rawWhereValues: [],
// Partials
selectString: '',
fromString: '',
setString: '',
orderString: '',
groupString: '',
// Other various values
limit: null,
offset: null
// End of module State

View File

@ -54,6 +54,22 @@ if (connection)
tests['Select tests']['Select with function and argument in WHERE clause'] = function(test) {
.where('id', 'ABS(-88)')
.get(function(err, rows) {
if (err != null) {
throw new Error(err);
test.ok(rows, 'dblite: Valid result for generated query');
tests["dblite adapter with query builder"] = function(test) {

View File

@ -39,9 +39,12 @@ tests['nodeQuery.getQuery = nodeQuery.init'] = function(test) {
tests["mysql adapter with query builder"] = function(test) {
// Close the db connection
qb = null;
// Export the final test object

View File

@ -51,6 +51,22 @@ if (connection)
tests['Select tests']['Select with function and argument in WHERE clause'] = function(test) {
.where('id', 'ABS(-88)')
.get(function(err, rows) {
if (err != null) {
throw new Error(err);
test.ok(rows, 'sqlite3: Valid result for generated query');
tests['nodeQuery.getQuery = nodeQuery.init'] = function(test) {
test.deepEqual(qb, nodeQuery.getQuery(), "getQuery returns same object");

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
var helpers = require('../lib/helpers');
var State = require('../lib/state');
module.exports = (function QueryBuilderTestBase() {
@ -143,6 +144,27 @@ module.exports = (function QueryBuilderTestBase() {
.where('id', 3)
.get(base.testCallback.bind(this, test));
'Select with string where value': function(test) {
test.expect(1);'id','key as k', 'val')
.from('create_test ct')
.where('id > 3')
.get(base.testCallback.bind(this, test));
/*'Select with function in WHERE clause': function(test) {
test.expect(1);'id', 'key as k', 'val')
.where('val !=', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()')
.get(base.testCallback.bind(this, test));
'Select with function and argument in WHERE clause': function(test) {
.where('id', 'CEILING(SQRT(88))')
.get(base.testCallback.bind(this, test));
// ! Grouping tests
@ -488,28 +510,7 @@ module.exports = (function QueryBuilderTestBase() {
.where('baz', 'foobar');
var state = {
// Arrays/Maps
queryMap: [],
values: [],
whereValues: [],
setArrayKeys: [],
orderArray: [],
groupArray: [],
havingMap: [],
whereMap: {},
// Partials
selectString: '',
fromString: '',
setString: '',
orderString: '',
groupString: '',
// Other various values
limit: null,
offset: null
var state = new State();
test.notDeepEqual(JSON.stringify(state), JSON.stringify(base.qb.getState()));
@ -523,28 +524,7 @@ module.exports = (function QueryBuilderTestBase() {
var state = {
// Arrays/Maps
queryMap: [],
values: [],
whereValues: [],
setArrayKeys: [],
orderArray: [],
groupArray: [],
havingMap: [],
whereMap: {},
// Partials
selectString: '',
fromString: '',
setString: '',
orderString: '',
groupString: '',
// Other various values
limit: null,
offset: null
var state = new State();
test.deepEqual(state, base.qb.getState());

View File

@ -2,10 +2,131 @@
// Use the base driver as a mock for testing
delete require.cache[require.resolve('../lib/driver')];
var getArgs = require('getargs');
var helpers = require('../lib/helpers');
var driver = require('../lib/driver');
var parser = require('../lib/query-parser')(driver);
var State = require('../lib/state');
// Simulate query builder state
var state = new State();
var mixedSet = function(/* $varName, $valType, $key, [$val] */) {
var args = getArgs('$varName:string, $valType:string, $key:object|string|number, [$val]', arguments);
var obj = {};
if (helpers.isScalar(args.$key) && !helpers.isUndefined(args.$val))
// Convert key/val pair to a simple object
obj[args.$key] = args.$val;
else if (helpers.isScalar(args.$key) && helpers.isUndefined(args.$val))
// If just a string for the key, and no value, create a simple object with duplicate key/val
obj[args.$key] = args.$key;
obj = args.$key;
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(k) {
// If a single value for the return
if (['key','value'].indexOf(args.$valType) !== -1)
var pushVal = (args.$valType === 'key') ? k : obj[k];
state[args.$varName][k] = obj[k];
return state[args.$varName];
var whereMock = function() {
var args = getArgs('key:string|object, [val]', arguments);
state.whereMap = [];
state.whereValues = [];
mixedSet('rawWhereValues', 'value', args.key, args.val);
mixedSet('whereMap', 'both', args.key, args.val);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! Start Tests
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module.exports = {
'Has operator tests': {
'Has operator': function(test) {
var matches = parser.hasOperator('foo <> 2');
test.deepEqual(['<>'], matches);
'Has no operator': function(test) {
var matches = parser.hasOperator('foo');
test.equal(null, matches);
'Where parser tests': {
'Has function full string': function(test) {
whereMock('time < SUM(FOO(BAR()))');
var result = parser.parseWhere(driver, state);
test.deepEqual(['"time" < SUM(FOO(BAR()))'], state.whereMap);
'Has function key/val': function(test) {
var map = whereMock('time <', 'SUM(FOO(BAR()))');
state = parser.parseWhere(driver, state);
test.deepEqual(['"time" < SUM(FOO(BAR()))'], state.whereMap);
'Has function key/val object': function(test) {
var map = whereMock({
'time <': "SUM(FOO(BAR('x')))"
state = parser.parseWhere(driver, state);
test.deepEqual(['"time" < SUM(FOO(BAR(\'x\')))'], state.whereMap);
'Has literal value': function(test) {
var map = whereMock({
'foo': 3
state = parser.parseWhere(driver, state);
test.deepEqual(['"foo" = ?'], state.whereMap);
test.deepEqual(['3'], state.whereValues);
'Has multiple literal values': function(test) {
var map = whereMock({
foo: 3,
bar: 5
state = parser.parseWhere(driver, state);
test.deepEqual(['"foo" = ?', '"bar" = ?'], state.whereMap);
test.deepEqual(['3','5'], state.whereValues);
'Parse join tests' : {
'Simple equals condition': function(test) {
var matches = parser.parseJoin('table1.field1=table2.field2');
@ -31,22 +152,22 @@ module.exports = {
'Compile join tests': {
'Simple equals condition': function(test) {
var join = parser.compileJoin('table1.field1=table2.field2');
test.deepEqual('"table1"."field1"="table2"."field2"', join);
test.deepEqual('"table1"."field1" = "table2"."field2"', join);
'Db.table.field condition': function(test) {
var join = parser.compileJoin('db1.table1.field1!=db2.table2.field2');
test.deepEqual('"db1"."table1"."field1"!="db2"."table2"."field2"', join);
test.deepEqual('"db1"."table1"."field1" != "db2"."table2"."field2"', join);
'Underscore in identifier': function(test) {
var join = parser.compileJoin('table_1.field1 = tab_le2.field_2');
test.deepEqual('"table_1"."field1"="tab_le2"."field_2"', join);
test.deepEqual('"table_1"."field1" = "tab_le2"."field_2"', join);
'Function in condition': function(test) {
var join = parser.compileJoin('table1.field1 > SUM(3+6)');
test.deepEqual('"table1"."field1">SUM(3+6)', join);
test.deepEqual('"table1"."field1" > SUM(3+6)', join);