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2014-10-20 16:56:45 -04:00
"use strict";
* @fileOverview Add the ability to fire signals on your objects. Signals are events, but hard coded into the object
* and don't rely on strings like other events and `eventables`
* @module mixins/signalable
* @requires base
* @requires signals
* @requires base/logger
var Base = require( "../base" );
var signals = require( 'signals' );
var format = require( "../strings/format" );
var sys = require( "lodash" );
* @typedef
* @property {boolean=} memorize If Signal should keep record of previously dispatched parameters and automatically execute listener. Defaults to `false`
* @property {array=} params Default parameters passed to listener during `Signal.raise`/``/`Signal.trigger` and SignalBinding.execute. (curried parameters). Defaults to `null`
* @property {object=} context When provided the signal will be raised in the context of this object. Defaults to `this` - the signal host
* @name SignalOptions
* @memberOf module:mixins/signalable
* @example
* signals:{
* opened: null,
* twisted: { memorize:true },
* applied: { memorize: false, params:[one, two] }
* }
* // Setting the context initially can be a hassle, so this also supports a function that returns a hash
* signals: function(){
* return {
* opened: null,
* twisted: { memorize:true },
* applied: { memorize: false, params:[one, two] },
* reversed: {context: someOtherRuntimeObject}
* };
* }
* @classDesc A signal that can be raised on an object. When you deploy the `Signalable` mixin, it
* creates instances of these for you.
* @constructor
* @param {?object} host If hosted, you can identify the host here.
* @param {?string} name The name of the signal
* @type module:mixins/signalable.SignalOptions
var Signal = Base.compose( [Base, signals.Signal], /** @lends module:mixins/signalable~Signal# */{
declaredClass : "mixins/Signal",
constructor : function ( host, name, options ) {
options = options || {};
this.memorize = options.memorize === true; = host;
this.trigger = = this.raise = this.dispatch; = name || sys.uniqueId( "signal" );
this.params = options.params;
this.defaultContext = options.context;
* Cleans up
* @private
destroy : function () {
this.dispose(); = null;
* Ties a listener to a signal.
* @param {function} listener The function to call when the signal is raised
* @param {?object} listenerContext A context to set for the listener. The event host may set a default for this value, but you may override that here.
* @param {?number} priority A priority for the listener.
* @returns {SignalBinding}
on : function ( listener, listenerContext, priority ) {
if ( sys.isNumber( listenerContext ) ) {
priority = listenerContext;
listenerContext = null;
listenerContext = listenerContext || this.defaultContext ||;
var binding = this.add( listener, listenerContext, priority );
if ( this.options.params ) {
binding.params = this.arams;
return binding;
* Ties a listener to for a signal for one execution.
* @param {function} listener The function to call when the signal is raised
* @param {?object} listenerContext A context to set for the listener. The event host may set a default for this value, but you may override that here.
* @param {?number} priority A priority for the listener.
* @returns {SignalBinding}
once : function ( listener, listenerContext, priority ) {
if ( sys.isNumber( listenerContext ) ) {
priority = listenerContext;
listenerContext = null;
listenerContext = listenerContext || this.defaultContext ||;
var binding = this.addOnce( listener, listenerContext, priority );
if ( this.options.params ) {
binding.params = this.params;
return binding;
* Unbinds a listener to a signal.
* @param {function} listener The function to unbind
* @param {?object} listenerContext The context that was bound
* @returns {function}
off : function ( listener, listenerContext ) {
listenerContext = listenerContext ||;
return this.remove( listener, listenerContext );
* Check if listener was attached to Signal.
* @param {function} listener The function to check
* @param {?object} listenerContext The context that was bound
* @returns {boolean}
has : function ( listener, listenerContext ) {
listenerContext = listenerContext || this.defaultContext ||;
return this.remove( listener, listenerContext );
* Strings!
toString : function () {
return format( "{0}\nname:{1}\nlisteners:{2}",
} );
* @classDesc Make an object capable of handling a signal. Or many signals.
* @exports mixins/signalable
* @mixin
* @extends base
var Signalable = Base.compose( [Base], /** @lends mixins/signalable# */{
declaredClass : "mixins/Signalable",
constructor : function () {
this.autoLoadSignals = this.autoLoadSignals || true;
if ( this.autoLoadSignals === true ) {
* When you make a change to the signals hash after loading, then you can make it reload
refreshSignals : function () {
* Interprets the `signals` hash and instantiates it
* @private
_loadSignals : function () {
var signals = this.signals || {};
sys.each( signals, function ( value, key ) {
var opts = {};
if ( !sys.isEmpty( value ) ) {
if ( sys.isBoolean( value.memorize ) ) {
opts.memorize = value.memorize;
if ( sys.isBoolean( value.params ) ) {
opts.params = value.params;
if ( !sys.isEmpty( value.context ) ) {
opts.context = value.context;
this._addSignal( key, opts );
} );
* Creates a single signal
* @param {string} name The name of the signal
* @param {module:mixins/signalable~SignalOptions} options The options the signal expects
* @private
_addSignal : function ( name, options ) {
if ( sys.isEmpty( this[name] ) ) {
this[name] = new Signal( this, name, options );
* Add a signal to an object. If any members of the hash already exist in `this.signals`, they will be overwritten.
* @param {module:mixins/signalable.SignalOptions} signals
* @private
_addSignals : function ( signals ) {
signals = signals || {};
if ( this.options ) {signals = sys.extend( {}, sys.result( this, 'signals' ), signals );}
this.signals = signals;
* Clean up
* @private
destroy : function () {
sys.each( sys.keys( this ), function ( key ) {
if ( this[key] instanceof Signal || this[key] instanceof signals.Signal ) {
}, this );
} );
module.exports = Signalable;
alable.Signal = Signal;
Signalable.mixin = Base.mixin;
* When true, the class will load the `signals` hash and create the signal definitions during construction
* @memberOf mixins/signalable#
* @name autoLoadSignals
* @type boolean
* A hash of signals to create automatically. Each definition consists of a name for the signal as the key
* and then a hash of options (nullable) for each signal
* @type {hash|function():hash}
* @memberOf mixins/signalable#
* @name signals
* @type module:mixins/signalable.SignalOptions