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2014-10-20 16:56:45 -04:00
"use strict";
@fileOverview An object and array collector
@module ink/collector
var probe = require( "ink-probe" );
var sys = require( "lodash" );
var dcl = require( "dcl" );
* A collector
* @constructor
var CollectorBase = dcl( Destroyable, {
declaredClass : "CollectorBase",
constructor : function ( obj ) {
var that = this;
if ( obj && !sys.isObject( obj ) ) {
throw new TypeError( "Collectors require an initial object or array passed to the constructor" );
* The collection that being managed
* @type {object|array}
this.heap = obj || {};
// mixin the probe
probe.mixTo( this, this.heap );
* Get the size of the collection
* @name length
* @type {number}
* @memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
Object.defineProperty( this, "length", {
get : function () {
return sys.size( that.heap );
* Creates an array of shuffled array values, using a version of the Fisher-Yates shuffle.
* See
* @function
* @memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
* @returns {array}
this.shuffle = sys.bind( sys.shuffle, this, this.heap );
* Adds an item to the collection
* @param {*} key The key to use for the item being added.
* @param {*} item The item to add to the collection. The item is not iterated so that you could add bundled items to the collection
add : function ( key, item ) {
this.heap[key] = item;
* Iterate over each item in the collection, or a subset that matches a query. This supports two signatures:
* `.each(query, function)` and `.each(function)`. If you pass in a query, only the items that match the query
* are iterated over.
* @param {object=} query A query to evaluate
* @param {function(val, key)} iterator Function to execute against each item in the collection
* @param {object=} thisobj The value of `this`
each : function ( query, iterator, thisobj ) {
if ( sys.isPlainObject( query ) ) {
thisobj = thisobj || this;
sys.each( this.find( query ), iterator, thisobj );
} else {
thisobj = iterator || this;
sys.each( this.heap, query, thisobj );
* Returns the collection as an array. If it is already an array, it just returns that.
* @return {array}
toArray : function () {
return sys.toArray( this.heap );
* Supports conversion to a JSON string or for passing over the wire
* @return {object}
* @returns {Object|array}
toJSON : function () {
return this.heap;
* Maps the contents to an array by iterating over it and transforming it. You supply the iterator. Supports two signatures:
* `.map(query, function)` and `.map(function)`. If you pass in a query, only the items that match the query
* are iterated over.
* @param {object=} query A query to evaluate
* @param {function(val, key)} iterator Function to execute against each item in the collection
* @param {object=} thisobj The value of `this`
map : function ( query, iterator, thisobj ) {
if ( sys.isPlainObject( query ) ) {
thisobj = thisobj || this;
return this.find( query ), iterator, thisobj );
} else {
thisobj = iterator || this;
return this.heap, query, thisobj );
* Reduces a collection to a value which is the accumulated result of running each element in the collection through the
* callback, where each successive callback execution consumes the return value of the previous execution. If accumulator
* is not passed, the first element of the collection will be used as the initial accumulator value.
* are iterated over.
* @param {object=} query A query to evaluate
* @param {function(result, val, key)} iterator The function that will be executed in each item in the collection
* @param {*=} accumulator Initial value of the accumulator.
* @param {object=} thisobj The value of `this`
* @return {*}
reduce : function ( query, iterator, accumulator, thisobj ) {
if ( sys.isPlainObject( query ) ) {
thisobj = thisobj || this;
return sys.reduce( this.find( query ), iterator, accumulator, thisobj );
} else {
thisobj = accumulator || this;
return sys.reduce( this.heap, query, iterator, thisobj );
* Creates an object composed of keys returned from running each element
* of the collection through the given callback. The corresponding value of each key
* is the number of times the key was returned by the callback.
* @param {object=} query A query to evaluate. If you pass in a query, only the items that match the query
* are iterated over.
* @param {function(value, key, collection)} iterator
* @param {object=} thisobj The value of `this`
* @return {object}
countBy : function ( query, iterator, thisobj ) {
if ( sys.isPlainObject( query ) ) {
thisobj = thisobj || this;
return sys.countBy( this.find( query ), iterator, thisobj );
} else {
thisobj = iterator || this;
return sys.countBy( this.heap, query, thisobj );
* Creates an object composed of keys returned from running each element of the collection through the callback.
* The corresponding value of each key is an array of elements passed to callback that returned the key.
* The callback is invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).
* @param {object=} query A query to evaluate . If you pass in a query, only the items that match the query
* are iterated over.
* @param {function(value, key, collection)} iterator
* @param {object=} thisobj The value of `this`
* @return {object}
groupBy : function ( query, iterator, thisobj ) {
if ( sys.isPlainObject( query ) ) {
thisobj = thisobj || this;
return sys.groupBy( this.find( query ), iterator, thisobj );
} else {
thisobj = iterator || this;
return sys.groupBy( this.heap, query, thisobj );
* Reduce the collection to a single value. Supports two signatures:
* `.pluck(query, function)` and `.pluck(function)`
* @param {object=} query The query to evaluate. If you pass in a query, only the items that match the query
* are iterated over.
* @param {string} property The property that will be 'plucked' from the contents of the collection
* @return {*}
pluck : function ( query, property ) {
if ( arguments.length === 2 ) {
return this.find( query ), function ( record ) {
return probe.get( record, property );
} );
} else {
return this.heap, function ( record ) {
return probe.get( record, query );
} );
* Returns a sorted copy of the collection.
* @param {object=} query The query to evaluate. If you pass in a query, only the items that match the query
* are iterated over.
* @param {function(value, key)} iterator
* @param {object=} thisobj The value of `this`
* @return {array}
sortBy : function ( query, iterator, thisobj ) {
if ( sys.isPlainObject( query ) ) {
thisobj = thisobj || this;
return sys.sortBy( this.find( query ), iterator, thisobj );
} else {
thisobj = iterator || this;
return sys.sortBy( this.heap, query, thisobj );
* Retrieves the maximum value of an array. If callback is passed,
* it will be executed for each value in the array to generate the criterion by which the value is ranked.
* @param {object=} query A query to evaluate . If you pass in a query, only the items that match the query
* are iterated over.
* @param {function(value, key, collection)} iterator
* @param {object=} thisobj The value of `this`
* @return {number}
max : function ( query, iterator, thisobj ) {
if ( sys.isPlainObject( query ) ) {
thisobj = thisobj || this;
return sys.max( this.find( query ), iterator, thisobj );
} else {
thisobj = iterator || this;
return sys.max( this.heap, query, thisobj );
* Retrieves the minimum value of an array. If callback is passed,
* it will be executed for each value in the array to generate the criterion by which the value is ranked.
* @param {object=} query A query to evaluate . If you pass in a query, only the items that match the query
* are iterated over.
* @param {function(value, key, collection)} iterator
* @param {object=} thisobj The value of `this`
* @return {number}
min : function ( query, iterator, thisobj ) {
if ( sys.isPlainObject( query ) ) {
thisobj = thisobj || this;
return sys.min( this.find( query ), iterator, thisobj );
} else {
thisobj = iterator || this;
return sys.min( this.heap, query, thisobj );
* Destructor called when the object is destroyed.
destroy : function () {
this.heap = null;
} );
* An object based collector
* @extends module:documents/collector~CollectorBase
* @constructor
var OCollector = dcl( CollectorBase, {
* Get a record by key
* @param {*} key The key of the record to get
* @return {*}
key : function ( key ) {
return this.heap[key];
} );
//noinspection JSCommentMatchesSignature
An array based collector
@extends module:documents/collector~CollectorBase
var ACollector = dcl( CollectorBase, {
constructor : function ( obj ) {
if ( obj && !sys.isArray( obj ) ) {
throw new TypeError( "Collectors require an array passed to the constructor" );
this.heap = obj || [];
* Creates an array of array elements not present in the other arrays using strict equality for comparisons, i.e. ===.
* @returns {array}
this.difference = sys.bind( sys.difference, this, this.heap );
* This method gets all but the first values of array
* @param {number=} n The numer of items to return
* @returns {*}
this.tail = sys.bind( sys.tail, this, this.heap );
* Gets the first n values of the array
* @param {number=} n The numer of items to return
* @returns {*}
this.head = sys.bind( sys.head, this, this.heap );
* Adds to the top of the collection
* @param {*} item The item to add to the collection. Only one item at a time can be added
add : function ( item ) {
this.heap.unshift( item );
* Add to the bottom of the list
* @param {*} item The item to add to the collection. Only one item at a time can be added
append : function ( item ) {
this.heap.push( item );
* Add an item to the top of the list. This is identical to `add`, but is provided for stack semantics
* @param {*} item The item to add to the collection. Only one item at a time can be added
push : function ( item ) {
this.add( item );
* Modifies the collection with all falsey values of array removed. The values false, null, 0, "", undefined and NaN are all falsey.
compact : function () {
this.heap = sys.compact( this.heap );
* Creates an array of elements from the specified indexes, or keys, of the collection. Indexes may be specified as
* individual arguments or as arrays of indexes
* @param {indexes} args The indexes to use
at : function () {
var arr = sys.toArray( arguments );
arr.unshift( this.heap );
return this, arr );
* Flattens a nested array (the nesting can be to any depth). If isShallow is truthy, array will only be flattened a single level.
* If callback is passed, each element of array is passed through a callback before flattening.
* @param {object=} query A query to evaluate . If you pass in a query, only the items that match the query
* are iterated over.
* @param {function(value, key, collection)} iterator,
* @param {object=} thisobj The value of `this`
* @return {number}
flatten : function ( query, iterator, thisobj ) {
if ( sys.isPlainObject( query ) ) {
thisobj = thisobj || this;
return sys.flatten( this.find( query ), iterator, thisobj );
} else {
thisobj = iterator || this;
return sys.flatten( this.heap, query, thisobj );
* Gets an items by its index
* @param {number} key The index to get
* @return {*}
index : function ( index ) {
return this.heap[ index ];
Collect an object
@param {array|object} obj What to collect
@return {ACollector|OCollector}
exports.collect = function ( obj ) {
if ( sys.isArray( obj ) ) {
return new ACollector( obj );
} else {
return new OCollector( obj );
exports.array = function ( obj ) {
return new ACollector( obj );
exports.object = function ( obj ) {
return new OCollector( obj );
Returns true if all items match the query. Aliases as `all`
@param {object} qu The query to execute
@returns {boolean}
@name every
@memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
Returns true if any of the items match the query. Aliases as `any`
@param {object} qu The query to execute
@returns {boolean}
@memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
@name some
Returns the set of unique records that match a query
@param {object} qu The query to execute.
@return {array}
@memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
@name unique
Returns true if all items match the query. Aliases as `every`
@param {object} qu The query to execute
@returns {boolean}
@name all
@memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
Returns true if any of the items match the query. Aliases as `all`
@param {object} qu The query to execute
@returns {boolean}
@memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
@name any
Remove all items in the object/array that match the query
@param {object} qu The query to execute. See {@link module:ink/probe.queryOperators} for the operators you can use.
@return {object|array} The array or object as appropriate without the records.
@memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
@name remove
Returns the first record that matches the query and returns its key or index depending on whether `obj` is an object or array respectively.
Aliased as `seekKey`.
@param {object} qu The query to execute.
@returns {object}
@memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
@name findOneKey
Returns the first record that matches the query. Aliased as `seek`.
@param {object} qu The query to execute.
@returns {object}
@memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
@name findOne
Find all records that match a query and returns the keys for those items. This is similar to {@link module:ink/probe.find} but instead of returning
records, returns the keys. If `obj` is an object it will return the hash key. If 'obj' is an array, it will return the index
@param {object} qu The query to execute.
@returns {array}
@memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
@name findKeys
Find all records that match a query
@param {object} qu The query to execute.
@returns {array} The results
@memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
@name find
Updates all records in obj that match the query. See {@link module:ink/probe.updateOperators} for the operators that are supported.
@param {object} qu The query which will be used to identify the records to updated
@param {object} setDocument The update operator. See {@link module:ink/probe.updateOperators}
@memberOf module:documents/collector~CollectorBase#
@name update