createFormBuilder() ->setAction($this->generateUrl($actionRoute, ['id' => $item->getId()])) ->setMethod($method) ->getForm(); } /** * Show create form / create an item */ protected function itemCreate(Request $request, string $templateKey): RedirectResponse|Response { $template = self::TEMPLATE_PATH . 'new.html.twig'; $redirectRoute = self::ROUTE_PREFIX . 'show'; $Entity = self::ENTITY; $item = new $Entity(); $form = $this->createForm(self::FORM, $item); $form->handleRequest($request); // If creating the item if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) { $this->entityManager->persist($item); $this->entityManager->flush(); return $this->redirectToRoute($redirectRoute, ['id' => $item->getId()]); } // If showing the form return $this->render($template, [ $templateKey => $item, 'form' => $form->createView(), ]); } protected function indexView(string $templateKey, array $sort = []): Response { return $this->itemListView($templateKey, $sort); } /** * List view for the data type */ protected function itemListView(string $templateKey, array $sort = []): Response { $template = self::TEMPLATE_PATH . 'index.html.twig'; $items = $this->entityManager->getRepository(self::ENTITY)->findBy([], $sort); return $this->render($template, [ $templateKey => $items, ]); } /** * View details for a specific item */ protected function itemView(mixed $item, string $templateKey): Response { $template = self::TEMPLATE_PATH . 'show.html.twig'; $templateData = [ $templateKey => $item, ]; if (method_exists($this, 'createDeleteForm')) { $deleteForm = $this->createDeleteForm($item); $templateData['delete_form'] = $deleteForm->createView(); } return $this->render($template, $templateData); } /** * Show edit form / update an item */ protected function itemUpdate(Request $request, mixed $item, string $templateKey): RedirectResponse|Response { $template = self::TEMPLATE_PATH . 'edit.html.twig'; $redirectRoute = self::ROUTE_PREFIX . 'show'; $editForm = $this->createForm(self::FORM, $item); $editForm->handleRequest($request); // If updating the item if ($editForm->isSubmitted() && $editForm->isValid()) { $this->entityManager->persist($item); $this->entityManager->flush(); return $this->redirectToRoute($redirectRoute, ['id' => $item->getId()]); } // If showing the edit form $templateData = [ $templateKey => $item, 'form' => $editForm->createView(), ]; if (method_exists($this, 'createDeleteForm')) { $deleteForm = $this->createDeleteForm($item); $templateData['delete_form'] = $deleteForm->createView(); } if (method_exists($this, 'createDeacquireForm')) { $deacquireForm = $this->createDeacquireForm($item); $templateData['deacquire_form'] = $deacquireForm->createView(); } if (method_exists($this, 'createReacquireForm')) { $reacquireForm = $this->createReacquireForm($item); $templateData['reacquire_form'] = $reacquireForm->createView(); } return $this->render($template, $templateData); } /** * Move an item to a previously_owned table */ protected function itemDeacquire(Request $request, mixed $item, string $redirectRoute): RedirectResponse { $form = $this->createDeacquireForm($item); $form->handleRequest($request); $repository = $this->entityManager->getRepository(self::ENTITY); $repository->deacquire($item); return $this->redirectToRoute($redirectRoute); } /** * Move an item from a previously_owned table back to the original table */ protected function itemReacquire(Request $request, mixed $item, string $redirectRoute): RedirectResponse { $form = $this->createReacquireForm($item); $form->handleRequest($request); $repository = $this->entityManager->getRepository(self::ENTITY); $repository->reacquire($item); return $this->redirectToRoute($redirectRoute); } /** * Actually delete an item */ protected function itemDelete(Request $request, mixed $item): RedirectResponse { $redirectRoute = self::ROUTE_PREFIX . 'index'; $form = $this->createDeleteForm($item); $form->handleRequest($request); // if ($this->isCsrfTokenValid((string)$item->getId(), $request->request->get('_token'))) { $this->entityManager->remove($item); $this->entityManager->flush(); //} return $this->redirectToRoute($redirectRoute, [], Response::HTTP_SEE_OTHER); } protected function deleteCSRF(Request $request, mixed $item): RedirectResponse { if ($this->isCsrfTokenValid('delete' . $item->getId(), $request->request->get('_token'))) { $this->entityManager->remove($item); $this->entityManager->flush(); } return $this->redirectToRoute(self::ROUTE_PREFIX . 'index', [], Response::HTTP_SEE_OTHER); } }