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2022-10-07 16:04:34 -04:00
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Entity\Gpu;
2022-11-17 15:32:57 -05:00
use App\Enum\SlotKey;
2022-10-07 16:04:34 -04:00
use App\Form\GpuType;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\
{RedirectResponse, Request, Response};
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface;
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use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
2023-07-21 10:35:15 -04:00
class GpuController extends AbstractController {
use FormControllerBase;
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protected const ENTITY = Gpu::class;
protected const TEMPLATE_PATH = 'gpu/';
protected const ROUTE_PREFIX = 'gpu_';
protected const FORM = GpuType::class;
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public function __construct(private readonly EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
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#[Route('/', name: 'gpu_index', methods: ['GET'])]
public function index(): Response
$items = $this->entityManager->getRepository(self::ENTITY)->findAll();
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$acquiredItems = array_filter($items, static fn (Gpu $item) => $item->isAcquired());
$newItems = array_filter($items, static fn ($item) => ! $item->isAcquired());
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$filter = static fn (array $itemTypes) => array_filter($acquiredItems, static fn (Gpu $item) => in_array($item->getCardKey(), $itemTypes, TRUE));
2022-11-17 15:32:57 -05:00
$cardTypes = SlotKey::getGroups();
$pcieCardTypes = $cardTypes['PCI Express'];
$agpCardTypes = $cardTypes['AGP'];
$pciCardTypes = array_merge($cardTypes['PCI 32-bit'], $cardTypes['PCI 64-bit']);
$isaCardTypes = $cardTypes['ISA'];
2022-10-07 22:00:14 -04:00
return $this->render('gpu/index.html.twig', [
'gpus' => [
'not_acquired' => $newItems,
'acquired' => $acquiredItems,
'pcie' => $filter($pcieCardTypes),
'agp' => $filter($agpCardTypes),
'pci' => $filter($pciCardTypes),
'isa' => $filter($isaCardTypes),
2023-07-21 10:35:15 -04:00
2022-10-07 22:00:14 -04:00
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#[Route('/new', name: 'gpu_new', methods: ['GET', 'POST'])]
public function new(Request $request): Response
return $this->itemCreate($request, 'gpu');
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#[Route('/{id}', name: 'gpu_show', methods: ['GET'])]
public function show(Gpu $gpu): Response
return $this->itemView($gpu, 'gpu');
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#[Route('/{id}/edit', name: 'gpu_edit', methods: ['GET', 'POST'])]
public function edit(Request $request, Gpu $gpu): Response
return $this->itemUpdate($request, $gpu, 'gpu');
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2023-07-21 10:35:15 -04:00
#[Route('/{id}', name: 'gpu_delete', methods: ['POST'])]
public function delete(Request $request, Gpu $gpu): Response
return $this->deleteCSRF($request, $gpu);
* Moves a gpu to the previouslyOwned table
* @throws LogicException
* @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException
#[Route(path: '/{id}/deacquire', name: 'gpu_deacquire', methods: ['POST'])]
public function reacquireAction(Request $request, Gpu $gpu): RedirectResponse
return $this->itemDeacquire($request, $gpu, 'previously-owned-gpu_index');
* Creates a form to move
* @param gpu $gpu The gpu entity
private function createDeacquireForm(gpu $gpu): FormInterface
return $this->buildForm($gpu, 'gpu_deacquire');
2022-10-07 16:04:34 -04:00