
151 lines
4.4 KiB

#include "widget.h"
#include "../settings/LangConfig.h"
static LangConfig *lang_config;
fileMenu = new wxMenu();
editMenu = new wxMenu();
viewMenu = new wxMenu();
langMenu = new wxMenu();
helpMenu = new wxMenu();
lang_config = new LangConfig();
// Add the menus to the menubar
this->Insert(myFILE_MENU, fileMenu, "&File");
this->Insert(myEDIT_MENU, editMenu, "&Edit");
this->Insert(myVIEW_MENU, viewMenu, "&View");
this->Insert(myLANG_MENU, langMenu, "&Language");
this->Insert(myHELP_MENU, helpMenu, "&Help");
wxLogDebug("TyroMenu Destructor Called.");
delete lang_config;
void TyroMenu::SetupMainMenus()
// Add items to top-level menus
fileMenu->Append(wxID_NEW, "&New\tCtrl+N", "Create a new file");
fileMenu->Append(wxID_OPEN, "&Open\tCtrl+O", "Opens an existing file");
fileMenu->Append(wxID_SAVE, "&Save\tCtrl+S", "Save the content");
fileMenu->Append(wxID_SAVEAS, "Save &As...\tShift+Ctrl+S", "Save current file as...");
fileMenu->Append(wxID_CLOSE, "&Close\tCtrl+W", "Close the current document");
fileMenu->Append(myID_CLOSE_ALL, "C&lose All\tShift+Ctrl+W", "Close all open documents.");
fileMenu->Append(wxID_EXIT, "&Quit\tCtrl+Q", "Quit the application");
editMenu->Append(wxID_UNDO, "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", "Undo last action");
editMenu->Append(wxID_REDO, "&Redo\tCtrl+Y", "Redo last action");
editMenu->Append(wxID_CUT, "Cu&t\tCtrl+X", "Cut selected text");
editMenu->Append(wxID_COPY, "&Copy\tCtrl+C", "Copy selected text");
editMenu->Append(wxID_PASTE, "&Paste\tCtrl+V", "Paste contents of clipboard");
//editMenu->Append(wxID_DELETE, "&Delete\tDel");
//editMenu->Append(wxID_FIND, "&Find\tCtrl+F");
//editMenu->Append(wxID_REPLACE, "&Replace\tCtrl+R");
//editMenu->Append(wxID_PREFERENCES, "&Preferences\tCtrl+P");
editMenu->Append(wxID_SELECTALL, "Select All\tCtrl+A", "Select all the text in the current document");
viewMenu->AppendCheckItem(myID_VIEW_WHITESPACE, "Show Invisible Characters\tCtrl+Shift+I", "Toggle visibility of white space characters");
viewMenu->AppendCheckItem(myID_VIEW_LINE_ENDINGS, "Show line endings", "Toggle visibility of line ending characters");
viewMenu->AppendCheckItem(myID_LINE_WRAP, "Word Wrap", "Toggle wrapping of long lines");
helpMenu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, "&About...\tF1", "Show info about this application");
void TyroMenu::SetupLangMenu()
StringMap langs = lang_config->GetLangList();
StringMap::iterator it;
StringMap::iterator last = langs.end();
for (it = langs.begin(); it != last; ++it)
langMenu->Append(wxID_ANY, it->second, "Highlight file as " + it->second, wxITEM_RADIO);
void TyroMenu::EnableEditControls(bool enable)
this->fileMenu->Enable(wxID_SAVE, enable);
this->fileMenu->Enable(wxID_SAVEAS, enable);
this->fileMenu->Enable(wxID_CLOSE, enable);
this->fileMenu->Enable(myID_CLOSE_ALL, enable);
// Enable/disable top level menus
this->EnableEntireMenu(myEDIT_MENU, this->editMenu, enable);
this->EnableEntireMenu(myVIEW_MENU, this->viewMenu, enable);
this->EnableEntireMenu(myLANG_MENU, this->langMenu, enable);
* Check the menu item associated with the specified id
* @param int id
* @param bool checked
* @return void
void TyroMenu::SetIdChecked(int id, bool checked)
* Enable/disable all the items in the menu, for environments
* that don't properly support disabling the menu by the parent label (like Ubuntu's Unity)
* @param size_t menuId
* @param wxMenu* menu
* @param bool enable
* @return void
void TyroMenu::EnableEntireMenu(size_t menuId, wxMenu *menu, bool enable)
// Toggle the top of the menu
this->EnableTop(menuId, enable);
// Toggle the rest of the items in the menu
wxMenuItemList list = menu->GetMenuItems();
wxMenuItemList::iterator iter;
for(iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ++iter)
wxMenuItem *current = *iter;
// Uncheck all the items
if (current->IsCheckable())
* Change the language used for highlighting
* @param string lang
* @return void
void TyroMenu::SetCurrentLanguage(string lang)
if (lang == "")
lang = "Plain Text";
this->Check(this->FindMenuItem("&Language", lang), true);