/** * Wrapper around wxAuiNotebook */ #include "src/widgets/TabContainer.h" #include "src/widgets/MainFrame.h" extern TyroMenu *Glob_menu_bar; extern wxStatusBar *Glob_status_bar; static MainFrame *parentFrame = nullptr; static vector editors; static unsigned long untitled_document_count = 0; /** * Constructor * * @param wxWindow* parent * @param wxWindowID id * @param const wxPoint& pos * @param const wxSize& size * @param long style */ TabContainer::TabContainer( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) : wxAuiNotebook(parent, id, pos, size, style) { parentFrame = (MainFrame *) parent; this->Bind(wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE, &TabContainer::OnClose, this, wxID_ANY); this->Bind(wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED, &TabContainer::OnClosed, this, wxID_ANY); this->Bind(wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN, &TabContainer::OnTabContextMenu, this, wxID_ANY); this->Bind(wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, &TabContainer::OnTabSwitch, this, wxID_ANY); } /** * Destructor */ TabContainer::~TabContainer() { wxLogDebug("TabContainer destructor called"); } /** * Create a new editor instance for a new tab * * @return EditPane* */ EditPane* TabContainer::NewEditor() { return new EditPane(this); } /** * Add a new blank document * * @return void */ void TabContainer::AddTab() { untitled_document_count++; wxString caption; caption.Printf("Untitled %lu", untitled_document_count); this->AddPage(this->NewEditor(), caption, true); } /** * Open an existing document * * @param wxString filePath * @return void */ void TabContainer::AddTab(wxString filePath) { wxFileName fileName(filePath); if ( ! (fileName.IsOk() && fileName.FileExists())) { wxLogDebug("Invalid file name."); return; } wxString caption= fileName.GetFullName(); EditPane *editor = this->NewEditor(); if (editor->Load(filePath)) { this->AddPage(editor, caption, true); this->SetPageToolTip(this->GetPageIndex(this->GetCurrentPage()), fileName.GetFullPath()); // Select the appropriate language in the language menu Glob_menu_bar->SetCurrentLanguage(editor->GetCurrentLang()); return; } wxLogDebug("Failed to load file!?"); } /** * Get the EditPane control in the current tab * * @return *EditPane */ EditPane *TabContainer::GetCurrentEditor() { return (EditPane *) this->GetCurrentPage(); } /** * Get the EditPane control in the specified tab * * @param size_t page_idx * @return *EditPane */ EditPane *TabContainer::GetEditor(size_t page_idx) { return (EditPane *) this->GetPage(page_idx); } /** * Event handler for file saving checks on tab close * * @param wxAuiNotebookEvent& event * @return void */ void TabContainer::OnClose(wxAuiNotebookEvent &event) { int current_tab = this->GetSelection(); EditPane *editor = this->GetCurrentEditor(); // Sanity check if (current_tab == -1) return; if (editor->IsModified()) { int Msgbox_Choice = wxMessageBox( "File has not been saved, save file before closing?", "Modified File", wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxICON_QUESTION, this ); if (Msgbox_Choice == wxCANCEL) { return event.Veto(); } else if (Msgbox_Choice == wxYES) { editor->SaveFile(); if (editor->IsModified()) { wxMessageBox(TYRO_SAVE_ERROR, TYRO_SAVE_ERROR_CAPTION, wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return event.Veto(); } } } } /** * Event handler triggered after a tab is closed * * @param WXUNUSED * @return void */ void TabContainer::OnClosed(wxAuiNotebookEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { if (this->GetPageCount() == 0) { parentFrame->EnableEditControls(false); Glob_status_bar->SetStatusText("", STATUS_CURSOR_LOCATION); Glob_status_bar->SetStatusText("", STATUS_CURRENT_LANGUAGE); } } /** * Displays a context menu on the current tab * * @return void */ void TabContainer::OnTabContextMenu(wxAuiNotebookEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { // Create Menu wxMenu *contextMenu = new wxMenu(); contextMenu->Append(wxID_CLOSE, "&Close\tCtrl+W", "Close the current tab"); contextMenu->Append(myID_CLOSE_ALL, "C&lose All\tShift+Ctrl+W", "Close all open documents."); contextMenu->Append(myID_CLOSE_ALL_BUT_THIS, "Close All but this\tCtrl+Shift+Alt+W", "Close all open documents, except the one selected"); this->PopupMenu(contextMenu); } /** * Close all the open tabs * * @return void */ void TabContainer::OnCloseAll(wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { this->DeleteAllPages(); parentFrame->EnableEditControls(false); } /** * Close all tabs but the one selected * * @param wxCommandEvent& event * @return void */ void TabContainer::OnCloseAllButThis(wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { auto ind = this->GetSelection(); wxString curr_tooltip = this->GetPageToolTip(ind); wxString curr_caption = this->GetPageText(ind); size_t page_count = this->GetPageCount(); this->Freeze(); // Do the loop in this order, as the indices change // when tabs are removed size_t i = page_count; while(i > 0) { i--; // Identify the current tab by the caption and tooltip // If they don't match, remove the tab if ( curr_tooltip == this->GetPageToolTip(i) && curr_caption == this->GetPageText(i) ) continue; this->RemovePage(i); } this->Thaw(); } /** * Update menu state when switching tabs * * @param wxAuiNotebookEvent& event * @return void */ void TabContainer::OnTabSwitch(wxAuiNotebookEvent &event) { EditPane *editor = this->GetEditor(event.GetSelection()); // Update view menu options Glob_menu_bar->SetIdChecked(myID_VIEW_WHITESPACE, (editor->GetViewWhiteSpace() == wxSTC_WS_VISIBLEALWAYS)); Glob_menu_bar->SetIdChecked(myID_VIEW_LINE_ENDINGS, editor->GetViewEOL()); Glob_menu_bar->SetIdChecked(myID_LINE_WRAP, (editor->GetWrapMode() == wxSTC_WRAP_WORD)); // Update language menu selection Glob_menu_bar->SetCurrentLanguage(editor->GetCurrentLang()); // Update status bar Glob_status_bar->SetStatusText(editor->GetCurrentLang(), STATUS_CURRENT_LANGUAGE); }