From a6c99dfba196290c5b1c7eae12f1b2e712fbafa6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tim Warren Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 16:57:10 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Miscellaneous --- config/languages.json | 25 ++++++++++++++----- config/themes.json | 52 +--------------------------------------- src/definitions.h | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------- src/widgets/EditPane.cpp | 29 ++++++++++++++++++---- src/widgets/EditPane.h | 2 +- 5 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/languages.json b/config/languages.json index 8dd31db..5732676 100644 --- a/config/languages.json +++ b/config/languages.json @@ -84,10 +84,13 @@ "html": { "file_pattern": "*.html;*.htm;*.shtml;*.shtm;*.xhtml", "keywords": [ - "!doctype a abbr accept accept-charset accesskey acronym action address align alink alt applet archive area article aside audio axis b background base basefont bdo bgcolor big blockquote body border br button canvas caption cellpadding cellspacing center char charoff charset checkbox 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parent stdclass directory __sleep __wakeup interface implements abstract public protected private printf print_r php_major_version php_minor_version php_release_version php_version_id php_extra_version php_zts php_debug php_maxpathlen php_sapi php_eol php_int_max php_int_size php_prefix php_mandir php_config_file_scan_dir php_shlib_suffix php_windows_version_major php_windows_version_minor php_windows_version_build php_windows_version_platform php_windows_version_sp_major php_windows_version_sp_minor php_windows_version_suitemask php_windows_version_producttype php_windows_nt_domain_controller php_windows_nt_server php_windows_nt_workstation e_deprecated e_user_deprecated e_strict __compiler_halt_offset__ extr_overwrite extr_skip extr_prefix_same extr_prefix_all extr_prefix_invalid extr_prefix_if_exists extr_if_exists sort_asc sort_desc sort_regular sort_numeric sort_string case_lower case_upper count_normal count_recursive assert_active assert_callback assert_bail assert_warning 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ociparse ocierror ocilogoff ocinewdescriptor ocirollback ocinewdescriptor ocirowcount ocidefinebyname ocibindbyname ociexecute ocinumcols ociresult ocifetch ocifetchinto ocifetchstatement ocicolumnisnull ocicolumnname ocicolumnsize ocicolumntype ocistatementtype ocierror ocifreestatement odbc_connect odbc_autocommit odbc_commit odbc_error odbc_errormsg odbc_exec odbc_tables odbc_tableprivileges odbc_do odbc_prepare odbc_columns odbc_columnprivileges odbc_procedurecolumns odbc_specialcolumns odbc_rollback odbc_setoption odbc_gettypeinfo odbc_primarykeys odbc_foreignkeys odbc_procedures odbc_statistics odbc_close odbc_pconnect odbc_autocommit odbc_commit odbc_error odbc_errormsg odbc_exec odbc_tables odbc_tableprivileges odbc_do odbc_prepare odbc_columns odbc_columnprivileges odbc_procedurecolumns odbc_specialcolumns odbc_rollback odbc_setoption odbc_gettypeinfo odbc_primarykeys odbc_foreignkeys odbc_procedures odbc_statistics odbc_prepare odbc_binmode odbc_cursor odbc_execute 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odbc_setoption odbc_gettypeinfo odbc_primarykeys odbc_foreignkeys odbc_procedures odbc_statistics odbc_prepare odbc_binmode odbc_cursor odbc_execute odbc_fetch_into odbc_fetch_row odbc_field_name odbc_field_num odbc_field_type odbc_field_len odbc_field_precision odbc_field_scale odbc_longreadlen odbc_num_fields odbc_num_rows odbc_result odbc_result_all odbc_setoption odbc_free_result openssl_get_privatekey openssl_get_publickey openssl_sign openssl_seal openssl_open openssl_verify openssl_free_key xml_parser_create xml_parser_create_ns xml_set_object xml_set_element_handler xml_set_character_data_handler xml_set_processing_instruction_handler xml_set_default_handler xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler xml_set_notation_decl_handler xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler xml_parse xml_get_error_code xml_error_string xml_get_current_line_number xml_get_current_column_number xml_get_current_byte_index xml_parse_into_struct xml_parser_set_option xml_parser_get_option xml_parser_free gzopen gzeof gzgetc gzgets gzgetss gzpassthru gzputs gzread gzrewind gzseek gztell gzwrite gzclose bzopen bzerrno bzerror bzerrstr bzflush bzread bzwrite bzclose com_load com_invoke com_propget com_get com_propput com_set com_propput imagecreate imagecreatefromgd imagecreatefromgd2 imagecreatefromgd2part imagecreatefromgif imagecreatefromjpeg imagecreatefrompng imagecreatefromwbmp imagecreatefromstring imagecreatefromxbm imagecreatefromxpm imagecreatetruecolor imagerotate imagearc imagechar imagecharup imagecolorallocate imagecolorat imagecolorclosest imagecolorexact imagecolorresolve imagegammacorrect imagegammacorrect imagecolorset imagecolorsforindex imagecolorstotal imagecolortransparent imagecopy imagecopyresized imagedashedline imagefill imagefilledpolygon imagefilledrectangle imagefilltoborder imagegif imagepng imagejpeg imagewbmp imageinterlace imageline imagepolygon imagepstext imagerectangle imagerotate imagesetpixel imagestring imagestringup imagesx imagesy imagettftext imagefilledarc imageellipse imagefilledellipse imagecolorclosestalpha imagecolorexactalpha imagecolorresolvealpha imagecopymerge imagecopymergegray imagecopyresampled imagetruecolortopalette imagesetbrush imagesettile imagesetthickness image2wbmp imagealphablending imageantialias imagecolorallocatealpha imagecolorclosesthwb imagecolordeallocate imagecolormatch imagefilter imagefttext imagegd imagegd2 imageistruecolor imagelayereffect imagepalettecopy imagesavealpha imagesetstyle imagexbm imagedestroy imageloadfont imagechar imagecharup imagefontheight imagepsloadfont imagepstext imagepsslantfont imagepsextendfont imagepsencodefont imagepsbbox imagepsfreefont curl_copy_handle curl_init curl_copy_handle curl_errno curl_error curl_exec curl_getinfo curl_setopt curl_close dba_open dba_delete dba_exists dba_fetch dba_firstkey dba_insert dba_nextkey dba_optimize dba_replace dba_sync dba_close dba_popen dba_delete dba_exists dba_fetch dba_firstkey dba_insert dba_nextkey dba_optimize dba_replace dba_sync strstr strtoupper strtolower strpos explode implode closedir getdir floatval rtrim fwrite extension_loaded final catch clone goto instanceof namespace throw try trigger_error ftp_connect ftp_ssl_connect ftp_close ftp_login ftp_pwd ftp_cdup ftp_chdir ftp_mkdir ftp_rmdir ftp_nlist ftp_rawlist ftp_systype ftp_pasv ftp_get ftp_fget ftp_put ftp_fput ftp_size ftp_mdtm ftp_rename ftp_delete ftp_site ftp_alloc ftp_chmod ftp_exec ftp_get_option ftp_nb_continue ftp_nb_fget ftp_nb_fput ftp_nb_get ftp_nb_put ftp_raw ftp_set_option imap_open imap_close imap_append imap_body imap_check imap_createmailbox imap_delete imap_deletemailbox imap_expunge imap_fetchbody imap_fetchstructure imap_headerinfo imap_header imap_headers imap_listmailbox imap_getmailboxes imap_get_quota imap_status imap_listsubscribed imap_set_quota imap_set_quota imap_getsubscribed imap_mail_copy imap_mail_move imap_num_msg imap_num_recent imap_ping imap_renamemailbox imap_reopen imap_subscribe imap_undelete imap_unsubscribe imap_scanmailbox imap_mailboxmsginfo imap_fetchheader imap_uid imap_msgno imap_search imap_fetch_overview array_change_key_case array_chunk array_combine array_count_values array_diff array_diff_assoc array_diff_key array_diff_uassoc array_diff_ukey array_fill array_fill_keys array_filter array_flip array_intersect array_intersect_assoc array_intersect_key array_intersect_uassoc array_intersect_ukey array_key_exists array_keys array_map array_merge array_merge_recursive array_multisort array_pad array_pop array_product array_push array_rand array_reduce array_replace array_replace_recursive array_reverse array_search array_shift array_slice array_splice array_sum array_udiff array_udiff_assoc array_udiff_uassoc array_uintersect array_uintersect_assoc array_uintersect_uassoc array_unique array_unshift array_values array_walk array_walk_recursive arrayaccess arrayiterator arrayobject fclose flock floor flush fmod fnmatch fopen fpassthru fprintf fputcsv fputs fread fscanf fseek fsockopen fstat ftell __construct __destruct" ], "lexer_map": [ - "default", "string", "character", "keyword1", "number", "variable", "comment", "comment_line", "operator" + "default", "string", "character", "keyword1", "number", "variable", "comment", "comment_line", "variable", "operator" ] }, "perl": { @@ -186,6 +188,17 @@ "default", "error", "comment_line", "default", "number", "keyword1", "string", "character", "default", "default", "operator", "identifier", "regex" ] }, + "rust": { + "file_pattern": "*.rs", + "keywords": [ + "alignof as be box break const continue crate do else enum extern false fn for if impl in let loop match mod mut offsetof once priv proc pub pure ref return self sizeof static struct super trait true type typeof unsafe unsized use virtual while yield", + "bool char f32 f64 i16 i32 i64 i8 int str u16 u32 u64 u8 uint", + "Self" + ], + "lexer_map": [ + "default", "comment", "comment_line", "comment_doc", "number", "keyword1", "string", "character", "uuid", "preprocessor", "operator", "identifier", "string_eol", "default", "regex", "comment_special", "keyword2", "keyword3", "error" + ] + }, "shell": { "file_pattern": "*.sh;*.bsh;*.run", "keywords": [ @@ -205,7 +218,7 @@ ] }, "xml": { - "file_pattern": "*.xml;*.xsml;*.xsl;*.xsd;*.kml;*.wsdl;*.xlf;*.xliff", + "file_pattern": "*.xml;*.svg;*.xsml;*.xsl;*.xsd;*.kml;*.wsdl;*.xlf;*.xliff", "keywords": [ "" ], diff --git a/config/themes.json b/config/themes.json index f2105bb..a3dc451 100644 --- a/config/themes.json +++ b/config/themes.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "value": [7, 54, 66], "preprocessor": [181, 137, 0], "script": [88, 110, 117], + "variable": [203, 75, 22], "error": [220, 50, 47] }, "bold": { @@ -64,57 +65,6 @@ }, "underline": { - }, - "line_numbers": { - "foreground": [147, 161, 161], - "background": [238, 232, 213] - } - }, - "Solarized Dark" : { - "background": { - "default": [0, 43, 54] - }, - "foreground": { - "default": [131, 148, 150], - "keyword1": [220, 50, 47], - "keyword2": [203, 76, 22], - "keyword3": [181, 137, 0], - "keyword4": [181, 137, 0], - "keyword5": [181, 137, 0], - "keyword6": [181, 137, 0], - "comment": [147, 161, 161], - "comment_line": [147, 161, 161], - "comment_doc": [131, 148, 150], - "comment_special": [101, 123, 131], - "character": [108, 113, 196], - "character_eol": [108, 113, 196], - "string": [108, 113, 196], - "string_eol": [108, 113, 196], - "delimeter": [38, 139, 210], - "punctuation": [101, 123, 131], - "operator": [101, 123, 131], - "brace": [101, 123, 131], - "command": [101, 123, 131], - "identifier": [38, 139, 210], - "label": [38, 139, 210], - "number": [211, 54, 130], - "parameter": [0, 43, 54], - "regex": [7, 54, 66], - "uuid": [0, 43, 54], - "value": [7, 54, 66], - "preprocessor": [181, 137, 0], - "script": [88, 110, 117], - "error": [] - }, - "bold": { - "keyword2": true, - "operator": true - }, - "italic": { - - }, - "underline": { - }, "line_numbers": { "foreground": [147, 161, 161], diff --git a/src/definitions.h b/src/definitions.h index a6596d2..b40cf57 100644 --- a/src/definitions.h +++ b/src/definitions.h @@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ #ifndef DEFINITIONS_H #define DEFINITIONS_H +// Top level menus enum { myFILE_MENU, myEDIT_MENU, myVIEW_MENU, + myLANG_MENU, myHELP_MENU }; @@ -28,41 +30,57 @@ typedef map StringConstMap; const wxString TYRO_FILE_OPEN_WILDCARDS = "All files (*.*)|*|" - "Bash (*.sh, *.bsh) |*.sh;*.bsh|" "Batch (*.bat, *.cmd, *.nt)|*.bat;*.cmd,*.nt|" - "C/C++ (*.c,*.cpp,*.h)| *.c;*.cc;*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cs;*.h;*.hh;*.hpp;*.hxx;*.sma;*.cp |" + "Caml (*.ml,*.mli,*.sml,*.thy)|*.ml;*.mli;*.sml;*.thy|" + "Cmake (*.cmake) |*.cmake|" + "C/C++ (*.c,*.cpp,*.h)|*.c;*.cc;*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cs;*.h;*.hh;*.hpp;*.hxx;*.sma;*.cp|" + "Coffeescript (*.coffee)|*.coffee;*.litcoffee|" "CSS (*.css)|*.css|" "Fortran (*.f9*, *.f, *.for)|*.f9*;*.f,*.for|" + "Haskell (*.hs,*.lhs,*.las)|*.hs;*.lhs;*.las|" "HTML/XHTML (*.html, *.htm)|*.htm*|" "Java (*.java)|*.java|" - "JavaScript(*.js)|*.js|" + "JavaScript (*.js,*.json,*.ts)|*.js;*.json;*.ts|" + "Lisp (*.lsp,*.lisp)|*.lsp;*.lisp|" + "Lua (*.lua)|*.lua|" "Makefile |Makefile;makefile.*;MAKEFILE;configure.*;*.mak|" - "Pascal (*.pas, *.inc, *.pp)|*.pas;*.inc;*.pp|" + "Markdown (*.md,*.markdown)|*.md;*.markdown|" "Perl (*.pl, *.cgi)|*.pl;*.pm;*.cgi;*.pod|" "PHP (*.php)|*.php|" + "Python (*.py,*.pyw)|*.py;*.pyw|" "Ruby (*.rb)|*.rb|" + "Rust (*.rs)|*.rs|" + "Shell (*.sh, *.bsh)|*.sh;*.bsh|" "SQL (*.sql)|*.sql|" - "TCL (*.tcl)|*.tcl|" - "Text (*.txt)|*.txt"; + "Text (*.txt)|*.txt|" + "Yaml (.yml,*.yaml)| *.yml;*.yaml"; const wxString TYRO_FILE_SAVE_WILDCARDS = - "All files (*.*)|*.*|" - "Bash (*.sh, *.bsh) |*.sh;*.bsh|" + "All files (*.*)|*|" "Batch (*.bat, *.cmd, *.nt)|*.bat;*.cmd,*.nt|" - "C/C++ (*.c,*.cpp,*.h)| *.c;*.cc;*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cs;*.h;*.hh;*.hpp;*.hxx;*.sma;*.cp |" + "Caml (*.ml,*.mli,*.sml,*.thy)|*.ml;*.mli;*.sml;*.thy|" + "Cmake (*.cmake) |*.cmake|" + "C/C++ (*.c,*.cpp,*.h)|*.c;*.cc;*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cs;*.h;*.hh;*.hpp;*.hxx;*.sma;*.cp|" + "Coffeescript (*.coffee)|*.coffee;*.litcoffee|" "CSS (*.css)|*.css|" "Fortran (*.f9*, *.f, *.for)|*.f9*;*.f,*.for|" + "Haskell (*.hs,*.lhs,*.las)|*.hs;*.lhs;*.las|" "HTML/XHTML (*.html, *.htm)|*.htm*|" "Java (*.java)|*.java|" - "JavaScript(*.js)|*.js|" + "JavaScript (*.js,*.json,*.ts)|*.js;*.json;*.ts|" + "Lisp (*.lsp,*.lisp)|*.lsp;*.lisp|" + "Lua (*.lua)|*.lua|" "Makefile |Makefile;makefile.*;MAKEFILE;configure.*;*.mak|" - "Pascal (*.pas, *.inc, *.pp)|*.pas;*.inc;*.pp|" + "Markdown (*.md,*.markdown)|*.md;*.markdown|" "Perl (*.pl, *.cgi)|*.pl;*.pm;*.cgi;*.pod|" "PHP (*.php)|*.php|" + "Python (*.py,*.pyw)|*.py;*.pyw|" "Ruby (*.rb)|*.rb|" + "Rust (*.rs)|*.rs|" + "Shell (*.sh, *.bsh)|*.sh;*.bsh|" "SQL (*.sql)|*.sql|" - "TCL (*.tcl)|*.tcl|" - "Text (*.txt)|*.txt"; + "Text (*.txt)|*.txt|" + "Yaml (.yml,*.yaml)| *.yml;*.yaml"; #endif /* DEFINITIONS_H */ diff --git a/src/widgets/EditPane.cpp b/src/widgets/EditPane.cpp index 32816b1..562d03d 100644 --- a/src/widgets/EditPane.cpp +++ b/src/widgets/EditPane.cpp @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ EditPane::EditPane( lexerMap["perl"] = wxSTC_LEX_PERL; lexerMap["python"] = wxSTC_LEX_PYTHON; lexerMap["ruby"] = wxSTC_LEX_RUBY; + lexerMap["rust"] = wxSTC_LEX_CPP; lexerMap["shell"] = wxSTC_LEX_BASH; lexerMap["sql"] = wxSTC_LEX_SQL; lexerMap["xml"] = wxSTC_LEX_XML; @@ -62,6 +63,8 @@ void EditPane::Highlight(wxString filePath) // Get the configuration name for the selected language string lang = this->GetLangByFile(); + + wxLogDebug("Language selected: %s", lang); this->StyleClearAll(); @@ -147,9 +150,11 @@ void EditPane::ApplyTheme(string lang, string theme) wxLogDebug(output.str().c_str()); } + + int offset_count = 0;//(lang == "php") ? 104 : 0; // Do the appropriate mappings to load the selected theme - this->_ApplyTheme(lexer_map); + this->_ApplyTheme(lexer_map, offset_count); } /** @@ -370,6 +375,12 @@ JsonValue EditPane::GetThemeValue(string type, string key) return value; } +/** + * Retrieve the configured color for the specified theme + * @param type + * @param key + * @return + */ wxColor EditPane::GetThemeColor(string type, string key) { JsonValue color_value = this->GetThemeValue(type, key); @@ -392,9 +403,10 @@ wxColor EditPane::GetThemeColor(string type, string key) * Iterate through the theme settings and apply them * * @param JsonValue lexer_map - Maps token types to theme colors + * @param int addtoi - Offset for some languages * @return void */ -void EditPane::_ApplyTheme(JsonValue lexer_map) +void EditPane::_ApplyTheme(JsonValue lexer_map, int addtoi) { // Font setup #ifdef __WXMAC__ @@ -437,20 +449,29 @@ void EditPane::_ApplyTheme(JsonValue lexer_map) this->StyleSetBackground (wxSTC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, line_number_background); this->SetMarginType (MARGIN_LINE_NUMBERS, wxSTC_MARGIN_NUMBER); - for (int i = 0; i < lexer_map.size(); i++) + int min = 0 + addtoi; + int max = lexer_map.size() + addtoi; + + for (int i = min; i < max; i++) { - string key = lexer_map[i].asString(); + int n = i - addtoi; + string key = lexer_map[n].asString(); + + //wxLogDebug("Token type: %s", key); + //wxLogDebug("Lexer constant: %i", i); // Set the foreground color, if it exists if ( ! this->GetThemeValue("foreground", key).isNull()) { this->StyleSetForeground(i, this->GetThemeColor("foreground", key)); + wxLogDebug("Set foreground color for %s token type, on value: %i", key, i); } // Set the background color, if it exists if ( ! this->GetThemeValue("background", key).isNull()) { this->StyleSetBackground(i, this->GetThemeColor("background", key)); + wxLogDebug("Set background color for %s token type, on value: %i", key, i); } // Set bold, if it applies diff --git a/src/widgets/EditPane.h b/src/widgets/EditPane.h index bfae8ce..ac55702 100644 --- a/src/widgets/EditPane.h +++ b/src/widgets/EditPane.h @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ private: JsonValue GetThemeValue(string type, string key); wxColor GetThemeColor(string type, string key); JsonValue GetKeywordList(string lang); - void _ApplyTheme(JsonValue lexer_map); + void _ApplyTheme(JsonValue lexer_map, int addtoi=0); }; #endif // TYRODOC_FRAME_H