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* UTF8 string library.
* Allows to use native UTF8 sequences as a string class. Has many overloaded
* operators that provides such features as concatenation, types converting and
* much more.
* Distributed under GPL v3
* Author:
* Grigory Gorelov (gorelov@grigory.info)
* See more information on grigory.info
#ifndef _UTF8_String_H
#define _UTF8_String_H
#include "Exception.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
namespace UTF8 {
* The only string class containing everything to work with UTF8 strings
class String {
static const int SearchDirectionFromLeftToRight = 1;
static const int SearchDirectionFromRightToLeft = 2;
* Search substring in string
* @param StartPosition Position to start search
* @param Direction Search forward or backward, uses SearchDirectionFromLeftToRight and SearchDirectionFromRightToLeft
* @return Returns position of substring if found. Otherwise returns -1
long Search(const UTF8::String &SubString, unsigned int StartPosition = 0, int Direction = SearchDirectionFromLeftToRight) const;
/// Simple constructor only initiates buffers
* Create string object from UTF8 char * string
String(const char *str);
* Create string object from UTF-32 string
String(const uint32_t *);
* Create string object from UTF8 std::string
String(const std::string &);
* Copying constructor. Feel free to such things UTF8::String s2=s1;
String(const String& orig);
* Converting from long constructor. Automatically generates string from number.
String(const long double d,const UTF8::String &ThousandSeparator = "", const UTF8::String &FractionSeparator = ".", const int IntegerPartLength = 0, const int FractionPartLength = 0);
* Converts UTF8::String to std::string
std::string ToString() const;
* Reads content from a file and returns as UTF8::String
static String FromFile(const UTF8::String &Path);
* Converts UTF8::String to long
int64_t ToLong() const;
* Converts UTF8::String to double
double ToDouble() const;
* Converts UTF8::String to const char *
const char * ToConstCharPtr() const;
* Separates string using given separator and returns vector
std::vector <String> Explode(const String &Separator) const;
* Creating String from array of String adding separator between them.
static String Implode(const std::vector <String> &Strings, const String &Separator);
* Sum operator. Provides String1+String2 exression.
String operator+(const String &) const;
* Sum operator. Provides String1+"Str" exression.
String operator+(const char *) const;
* Unary sum operator. Provides String1+=String2 expression.
String & operator+=(const String &);
* Assign operator. Provides String1=String2 expression.
String & operator=(const String &);
* Assign operator. Provides String1="New value" expression.
String & operator=(const char *);
* Assign operator. Provides String1=(uint32_t*) UTF32_StringPointer expression.
* Automatically converts UNICODE to UTF-8 ans stores in itself
String & operator=(const uint32_t*);
* Assign operator. Provides String1=(long double) expression.
String & operator=(long double);
* Returns substring of current string.
* @param Start Start position of substring
* @param Count Number of sybmols after start position. If number==0 string from Start till end is returned.
String Substring(unsigned int Start, unsigned int Count = 0) const;
* Replaces one text peace by another and returns result
* @param Search Search string
* @param Replace Replace string
* @return Returns result of replacement
String Replace(const String &Search, const String &Replace) const;
* Returns trimmed string. Removes whitespaces from left and right
String Trim() const;
* Returns string with nice quotes like this « ».
String Quote() const;
* Replaces region of string by text peace and returns result.
* @param Search Search string
* @param Replace Replace string
* @return Returns result of replacement
String SubstringReplace(unsigned int Start, unsigned int Count, const String &Replace) const;
* Returns position of substring in current string.
* @param Start Position to start search. Default is 0.
* @return If substring not found returns -1.
long GetSubstringPosition(const UTF8::String &SubString, unsigned int Start = 0) const;
* Get one char operator. Provides UTF8::String c=String1[1];
String operator[](unsigned int const) const;
* Test operator. Provides String1==String2 expression.
bool operator==(const UTF8::String &) const;
* Test operator. Provides String1!=String2 expression.
bool operator!=(const UTF8::String &) const;
* Test operator. Provides String1=="Test" expression.
bool operator==(const char *) const;
* Test operator. Provides String1!="Test" expression.
bool operator!=(const char *) const;
/** Test operator. Provides String1<String2 expression.
* Operator compares left characters of two strings.
* If String1[0] value is less then the String2[0] returns true.
* If they are equal then goes to second character and so on.
* Can be used to sort strings alphabetical.
bool operator<(const UTF8::String &) const;
/** Test operator. Provides String1>String2 expression.
* Operator compares left characters of two strings.
* If String1[0] value is greater then the String2[0] returns true.
* If they are equal then goes to second character and so on.
* Can be used to sort strings alphabetical.
bool operator>(const UTF8::String &) const;
* Returns current string length. Also see DataLength to get buffer
* size
unsigned int Length() const;
* Returns current char data array length, containig UTF8 string.
* As one character in UTF8 can be stored by more then one byte use
* this function to know how much memory allocated for the string.
unsigned int DataLength() const;
* Clears current string as if it is just created
void Empty();
* If string is a one character check if it is one of given
bool CharacterIsOneOfThese(const UTF8::String &Characters) const;
* Checks if this string contains given another string
bool HasThisString(const UTF8::String &Str) const;
* Special function to convert from very big integers
* Normally it is ok to assing UTF8::String to number. Or construct from it.
* This function exists only for very very big integers conversion.
void ConvertFromInt64(int64_t n);
char *Data;
unsigned int DataArrayLength;
unsigned int StringLength;
unsigned int GetSequenceLength(const char * StartByte) const;
void CheckIfStringIsCorrect(const char *str) const;
void CalculateStringLength();
void InitString();
void AppendString(const char *str);
void SetString(const char *str);
int GetSymbolIndexInDataArray(unsigned int Position) const;
void ConvertFromUTF32(const uint32_t *);
void ConvertFromDouble(const long double d, const UTF8::String &ThousandSeparator = "", const UTF8::String &DecimalSeparator = ".", const int IntegerPartCount = 0, const int FractionPartCount = 0);
* Not in class overloaded operator +. Provides "Sample"+String1 expression.
UTF8::String operator+(const char *, const UTF8::String &);
* Not in class overloaded operator +. Provides std::string("123")+String1 expression.
UTF8::String operator+(const std::string &, const UTF8::String &);
* Not in class overloaded operator +. Provides 123+String1 expression.
UTF8::String operator+(long, const UTF8::String &);
* Not in class overloaded operator ==. Provides "Test"==String1 expression.
bool operator==(const char *, const UTF8::String &);
* Not in class overloaded operator ==. Provides std::string==String1 expression.
bool operator==(const std::string &, const UTF8::String &);
* Not in class overloaded operator !=. Provides "Test"!=String1 expression.
bool operator!=(const char *, const UTF8::String &);
* Not in class overloaded operator !=. Provides std::string!=String1 expression.
bool operator!=(const std::string &, const UTF8::String &);
* Overloading for cout. Provides std::cout << (UTF8::String) operation;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const UTF8::String &s);
#endif /* _UTF8STRING_H */