Timothy J. Warren 5a5421cee9
Some checks failed
timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit
Use images directly from Kitsu for the rest of the views
2022-01-17 09:59:27 -05:00

112 lines
3.6 KiB

<?php if ($auth->isAuthenticated()): ?>
<h2>Edit Anime List Item</h2>
<form action="<?= $action ?>" method="post">
<table class="invisible form">
<h3><?= $escape->html($item['anime']['title']) ?></h3>
<?php foreach($item['anime']['titles'] as $title): ?>
<h4><?= $escape->html($title) ?></h4>
<?php endforeach ?>
<td rowspan="9">
<?= $helper->img($item['anime']['cover_image']) ?>
<td><label for="private">Is Private?</label></td>
<input type="checkbox" name="private" id="private"
<?php if($item['private']): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif ?>
<td><label for="watching_status">Watching Status</label></td>
<select name="watching_status" id="watching_status">
<?php foreach($statuses as $status_key => $status_title): ?>
<option <?php if(strtolower($item['watching_status']) === $status_key): ?>selected="selected"<?php endif ?>
value="<?= $status_key ?>"><?= $status_title ?></option>
<?php endforeach ?>
<td><label for="series_rating">Rating</label></td>
<input type="number" min="0" max="10" maxlength="2" name="user_rating" id="series_rating" value="<?= $item['user_rating'] ?>" id="series_rating" size="2" /> / 10
<td><label for="episodes_watched">Episodes Watched</label></td>
<input type="number" min="0" size="4" maxlength="4" value="<?= $item['episodes']['watched'] ?>" name="episodes_watched" id="episodes_watched" />
<?php if($item['episodes']['total'] > 0): ?>
/ <?= $item['episodes']['total'] ?>
<?php endif ?>
<td><label for="rewatching_flag">Rewatching?</label></td>
<input type="checkbox" name="rewatching" id="rewatching_flag"
<?php if($item['rewatching'] === TRUE): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif ?>
<td><label for="rewatched">Rewatch Count</label></td>
<input type="number" min="0" id="rewatched" name="rewatched" value="<?= $item['rewatched'] ?>" />
<td><label for="notes">Notes</label></td>
<textarea name="notes" id="notes"><?= $escape->html($item['notes']) ?></textarea>
<input type="hidden" value="<?= $item['id'] ?>" name="id" />
<?php if ( ! empty($item['mal_id'])): ?>
<input type="hidden" value="<?= $item['mal_id'] ?? '' ?>" name="mal_id" />
<?php endif ?>
<input type="hidden" value="true" name="edit" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<form class="js-delete" action="<?= $url->generate('anime.delete') ?>" method="post">
<legend>Danger Zone</legend>
<table class="form invisible">
<td class="danger">
<strong>Permanently</strong> remove this list item and <strong>all</strong> its data?
<input type="hidden" value="<?= $item['id'] ?>" name="id" />
<?php if (!empty($item['mal_id'])): ?>
<input type="hidden" value="<?= $item['mal_id'] ?? '' ?>" name="mal_id" />
<?php endif ?>
<button type="submit" class="danger">Delete Entry</button>
<?php endif ?>