router = $container->get('aura-router'); $this->request = $container->get('request'); $this->output_routes = $this->_setup_routes(); } /** * Get the current route object, if one matches * * @return object */ public function get_route() { $error_handler = $this->container->get('error-handler'); $raw_route = $this->request->url->get(PHP_URL_PATH); $route_path = "/" . trim($raw_route, '/'); $error_handler->addDataTable('Route Info', [ 'route_path' => $route_path ]); return $this->router->match($route_path, $_SERVER); } /** * Get list of routes applied * * @return array */ public function get_output_routes() { return $this->output_routes; } /** * Handle the current route * * @codeCoverageIgnore * @param object|null $route * @return void */ public function __invoke($route = NULL) { $error_handler = $this->container->get('error-handler'); $controller_name = AnimeClient::DEFAULT_CONTROLLER; $action_method = AnimeClient::NOT_FOUND_METHOD; if (is_null($route)) { $route = $this->get_route(); $error_handler->addDataTable('route_args', (array)$route); } if ( ! $route) { // If not route was matched, return an appropriate http // error message $error_route = $this->get_error_params(); $params = $error_route['params']; $action_method = $error_route['action_method']; } else { $params = (isset($route->params['params'])) ? $route->params['params'] : []; if (isset($route->params['controller'])) { $controller_name = $route->params['controller']; } if (isset($route->params['action'])) { $action_method = $route->params['action']; } if (is_null($controller_name)) { throw new \LogicException("Missing controller"); } // Get the full namespace for a controller if a short name is given if (strpos($controller_name, '\\') === FALSE) { $map = $this->get_controller_list(); $controller_name = $map[$controller_name]; } if ( ! empty($route->tokens)) { foreach ($route->tokens as $key => $v) { if (array_key_exists($key, $route->params)) { $params[$key] = $route->params[$key]; } } } } // Actually instantiate the controller $this->call($controller_name, $method, $params); } /** * Get the type of route, to select the current controller * * @return string */ public function get_controller() { $route_type = $this->__get('default_list'); $request_uri = $this->request->url->get(PHP_URL_PATH); $path = trim($request_uri, '/'); $segments = explode('/', $path); $controller = reset($segments); if (empty($controller)) { $controller = $route_type; } return $controller; } /** * Get the list of controllers in the default namespace * * @return array */ public function get_controller_list() { $default_namespace = AnimeClient::DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE; $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $default_namespace); $path = trim($path, '/'); $actual_path = realpath(\_dir(AnimeClient::SRC_DIR, $path)); $class_files = glob("{$actual_path}/*.php"); $controllers = []; foreach ($class_files as $file) { $raw_class_name = basename(str_replace(".php", "", $file)); $path = strtolower(basename($raw_class_name)); $class_name = trim($default_namespace . '\\' . $raw_class_name, '\\'); $controllers[$path] = $class_name; } return $controllers; } /** * Create the controller object and call the appropriate * method * * @param string $controller_name - The full namespace of the controller class * @param string $method * @param array $params * @return void */ protected function call($controller_name, $method, array $params) { $error_handler = $this->container->get('error-handler'); $controller = new $controller_name($this->container); // Run the appropriate controller method $error_handler->addDataTable('controller_args', $params); call_user_func_array([$controller, $action_method], $params); } /** * Get the appropriate params for the error page * pased on the failed route * * @return array|false */ protected function get_error_params() { $failure = $this->router->getFailedRoute(); $error_handler = $this->container->get('error-handler'); $error_handler->addDataTable('failed_route', (array)$failure); $action_method = AnimeClient::ERROR_MESSAGE_METHOD; $params = []; if ($failure->failedMethod()) { $params = [ 'http_code' => 405, 'title' => '405 Method Not Allowed', 'message' => 'Invalid HTTP Verb' ]; } else if($failure->failedAccept()) { $params = [ 'http_code' => 406, 'title' => '406 Not Acceptable', 'message' => 'Unacceptable content type' ]; } else { // Fall back to a 404 message $action_method = AnimeClient::NOT_FOUND_METHOD; } return [ 'params' => $params, 'action_method' => $action_method ]; } /** * Select controller based on the current url, and apply its relevent routes * * @return array */ protected function _setup_routes() { $route_type = $this->get_controller(); // Add routes $routes = []; foreach ($this->routes as $name => &$route) { $path = $route['path']; unset($route['path']); $controller_map = $this->get_controller_list(); $controller_class = (array_key_exists($route_type, $controller_map)) ? $controller_map[$route_type] : AnimeClient::DEFAULT_CONTROLLER; if (array_key_exists($route_type, $controller_map)) { $controller_class = $controller_map[$route_type]; } // Prepend the controller to the route parameters $route['controller'] = $controller_class; // Select the appropriate router method based on the http verb $add = (array_key_exists('verb', $route)) ? "add" . ucfirst(strtolower($route['verb'])) : "addGet"; // Add the route to the router object if ( ! array_key_exists('tokens', $route)) { $routes[] = $this->router->$add($name, $path)->addValues($route); } else { $tokens = $route['tokens']; unset($route['tokens']); $routes[] = $this->router->$add($name, $path) ->addValues($route) ->addTokens($tokens); } } return $routes; } } // End of Dispatcher.php