Stack trace:
thrown in %s on line %s"; // alter your trace as you please, here $trace = $exception->getTrace(); /*foreach ($trace as $key => $stackPoint) { // I'm converting arguments to their type // (prevents passwords from ever getting logged as anything other than 'string') $trace[$key]['args'] = array_map('gettype', $trace[$key]['args']); }*/ // build your tracelines $result = array(); foreach ($trace as $key => $stackPoint) { $result[] = sprintf( $traceline, $key, $stackPoint['file'], $stackPoint['line'], $stackPoint['function'], implode(', ', $stackPoint['args']) ); } // trace always ends with {main} $result[] = '#' . ++$key . ' {main}'; // write tracelines into main template $msg = sprintf( $msg, get_class($exception), $exception->getMessage(), $exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine(), implode("
", $result), $exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine() ); echo $msg; } set_exception_handler('on_exception');