2023-01-20 11:30:51 -05:00

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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Query
* SQL Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer
* PHP version 8.1
* @package Query
* @author Timothy J. Warren <tim@timshome.page>
* @copyright 2012 - 2023 Timothy J. Warren
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
* @link https://git.timshomepage.net/aviat/Query
* @version 4.0.0
namespace Query;
use function is_array;
use function is_int;
use function mb_trim;
use PDOStatement;
* Convenience class for creating sql queries
class QueryBuilder extends QueryBuilderBase implements QueryBuilderInterface {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! Select Queries
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Specifies rows to select in a query
public function select(string $fields): self
// Split fields by comma
$fieldsArray = explode(',', $fields);
$fieldsArray = array_map('mb_trim', $fieldsArray);
// Split on 'As'
foreach ($fieldsArray as $key => $field)
if (stripos($field, 'as') !== FALSE)
$fieldsArray[$key] = preg_split('` as `i', (string) $field);
$fieldsArray[$key] = array_map('mb_trim', $fieldsArray[$key]);
// Quote the identifiers
$safeArray = $this->driver->quoteIdent($fieldsArray);
// Join the strings back together
foreach ($safeArray as $i => $iValue)
if (is_array($iValue))
$safeArray[$i] = implode(' AS ', $iValue);
$this->state->appendSelectString(implode(', ', $safeArray));
return $this;
* Selects the maximum value of a field from a query
* @param string|bool $as
public function selectMax(string $field, $as=FALSE): self
// Create the select string
$this->state->appendSelectString(' MAX'.$this->_select($field, $as));
return $this;
* Selects the minimum value of a field from a query
* @param string|bool $as
public function selectMin(string $field, $as=FALSE): self
// Create the select string
$this->state->appendSelectString(' MIN'.$this->_select($field, $as));
return $this;
* Selects the average value of a field from a query
* @param string|bool $as
public function selectAvg(string $field, $as=FALSE): self
// Create the select string
$this->state->appendSelectString(' AVG'.$this->_select($field, $as));
return $this;
* Selects the sum of a field from a query
* @param string|bool $as
public function selectSum(string $field, $as=FALSE): self
// Create the select string
$this->state->appendSelectString(' SUM'.$this->_select($field, $as));
return $this;
* Add a 'returning' clause to an insert,update, or delete query
* @return $this
public function returning(string $fields = ''): self
$this->returning = TRUE;
// Re-use the string select field for generating the returning type clause
if ($fields !== '')
return $this->select($fields);
return $this;
* Adds the 'distinct' keyword to a query
public function distinct(): self
// Prepend the keyword to the select string
$this->state->setSelectString(' DISTINCT' . $this->state->getSelectString());
return $this;
* Tell the database to give you the query plan instead of result set
public function explain(): self
$this->explain = TRUE;
return $this;
* Specify the database table to select from
* Alias of `from` method to better match CodeIgniter 4
* @param string $tableName
public function table(string $tableName): self
return $this->from($tableName);
* Specify the database table to select from
public function from(string $tableName): self
// Split identifiers on spaces
$identArray = explode(' ', mb_trim($tableName));
$identArray = array_map('mb_trim', $identArray);
// Quote the identifiers
$identArray[0] = $this->driver->quoteTable($identArray[0]);
$identArray = $this->driver->quoteIdent($identArray);
// Paste it back together
$this->state->setFromString(implode(' ', $identArray));
return $this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! 'Like' methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a Like clause in the sql statement
public function like(string $field, mixed $values, LikeType|string $pos=LikeType::BOTH): self
return $this->_like($field, $values, LikeType::parse($pos));
* Generates an OR Like clause
public function orLike(string $field, mixed $values, LikeType|string $pos=LikeType::BOTH): self
return $this->_like($field, $values, LikeType::parse($pos), 'LIKE', 'OR');
* Generates a NOT LIKE clause
public function notLike(string $field, mixed $values, LikeType|string $pos=LikeType::BOTH): self
return $this->_like($field, $values, LikeType::parse($pos), 'NOT LIKE');
* Generates a OR NOT LIKE clause
public function orNotLike(string $field, mixed $values, LikeType|string $pos=LikeType::BOTH): self
return $this->_like($field, $values, LikeType::parse($pos), 'NOT LIKE', 'OR');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! Having methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Generates a 'Having' clause
public function having(mixed $key, mixed $values=[]): self
return $this->_having($key, $values);
* Generates a 'Having' clause prefixed with 'OR'
public function orHaving(mixed $key, mixed $values=[]): self
return $this->_having($key, $values, 'OR');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! 'Where' methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Specify condition(s) in the where clause of a query
* Note: this function works with key / value, or a
* passed array with key / value pairs
public function where(mixed $key, mixed $values=[]): self
return $this->_whereString($key, $values);
* Where clause prefixed with "OR"
public function orWhere(mixed $key, mixed $values=[]): self
return $this->_whereString($key, $values, 'OR');
* Where clause with 'IN' statement
public function whereIn(string $field, mixed $val=[]): self
return $this->_whereIn($field, $val);
* Where in statement prefixed with "or"
public function orWhereIn(string $field, mixed $val=[]): self
return $this->_whereIn($field, $val, 'IN', 'OR');
* WHERE NOT IN (FOO) clause
public function whereNotIn(string $field, mixed $val=[]): self
return $this->_whereIn($field, $val, 'NOT IN');
* OR WHERE NOT IN (FOO) clause
public function orWhereNotIn(string $field, mixed $val=[]): self
return $this->_whereIn($field, $val, 'NOT IN', 'OR');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! Other Query Modifier methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Sets values for inserts / updates / deletes
public function set(mixed $key, mixed $val = NULL): self
$pairs = is_scalar($key) ? [$key => $val] : $key;
$keys = array_keys($pairs);
$values = array_values($pairs);
// Use the keys of the array to make the insert/update string
// Escape the field names
array_map([$this->driver, '_quote'], $this->state->getSetArrayKeys())
// Generate the "set" string
$setString = implode('=?,', $this->state->getSetArrayKeys());
$setString .= '=?';
return $this;
* Creates a join phrase in a compiled query
public function join(string $table, string $condition, JoinType|string $type=JoinType::INNER): self
// Prefix and quote table name
$tableArr = explode(' ', mb_trim($table));
$tableArr[0] = $this->driver->quoteTable($tableArr[0]);
$tableArr = $this->driver->quoteIdent($tableArr);
$table = implode(' ', $tableArr);
// Parse out the join condition
$parsedCondition = $this->parser->compileJoin($condition);
$condition = $table . ' ON ' . $parsedCondition;
$this->state->appendMap("\n" . strtoupper(JoinType::parse($type)->value) . ' JOIN ', $condition, MapType::JOIN);
return $this;
* Group the results by the selected field(s)
public function groupBy(mixed $field): self
if ( ! is_scalar($field))
$newGroupArray = array_merge(
array_map([$this->driver, 'quoteIdent'], $field)
$this->state->setGroupString(' GROUP BY ' . implode(',', $this->state->getGroupArray()));
return $this;
* Order the results by the selected field(s)
public function orderBy(string $field, string $type=''): self
// When ordering by random, do an ascending order if the driver
// doesn't support random ordering
if (stripos($type, 'rand') !== FALSE)
$rand = $this->driver->getSql()->random();
$type = $rand ?? 'ASC';
// Set fields for later manipulation
$field = $this->driver->quoteIdent($field);
$this->state->setOrderArray($field, $type);
$orderClauses = [];
// Flatten key/val pairs into an array of space-separated pairs
foreach($this->state->getOrderArray() as $k => $v)
$orderClauses[] = $k . ' ' . strtoupper($v);
// Set the final string
$orderString = isset($rand)
? "\nORDER BY".$rand
: "\nORDER BY ".implode(', ', $orderClauses);
return $this;
* Set a limit on the current sql statement
public function limit(int $limit, ?int $offset=NULL): self
return $this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! Query Grouping Methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a paren to the current query for query grouping
public function groupStart(): self
$conj = empty($this->state->getQueryMap()) ? ' WHERE ' : ' ';
$this->state->appendMap($conj, '(', MapType::GROUP_START);
return $this;
* Adds a paren to the current query for query grouping,
* prefixed with 'NOT'
public function notGroupStart(): self
$conj = empty($this->state->getQueryMap()) ? ' WHERE ' : ' AND ';
$this->state->appendMap($conj, ' NOT (', MapType::GROUP_START);
return $this;
* Adds a paren to the current query for query grouping,
* prefixed with 'OR'
public function orGroupStart(): self
$this->state->appendMap('', ' OR (', MapType::GROUP_START);
return $this;
* Adds a paren to the current query for query grouping,
* prefixed with 'OR NOT'
public function orNotGroupStart(): self
$this->state->appendMap('', ' OR NOT (', MapType::GROUP_START);
return $this;
* Ends a query group
public function groupEnd(): self
$this->state->appendMap('', ')', MapType::GROUP_END);
return $this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! Query execution methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Select and retrieve all records from the current table, and/or
* execute current compiled query
public function get(string $table='', ?int $limit=NULL, ?int $offset=NULL): PDOStatement
// Set the table
if ( ! empty($table))
// Set the limit, if it exists
if (is_int($limit))
$this->limit($limit, $offset);
return $this->_run(QueryType::SELECT, $table);
* Convenience method for get() with a where clause
* @param mixed $where
public function getWhere(string $table, $where=[], ?int $limit=NULL, ?int $offset=NULL): PDOStatement
// Create the where clause
// Return the result
return $this->get($table, $limit, $offset);
* Retrieve the number of rows in the selected table
public function countAll(string $table): int
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->driver->quoteTable($table);
$res = $this->driver->query($sql);
return (int) (is_countable($res->fetchAll()) ? count($res->fetchAll()) : 0);
* Retrieve the number of results for the generated query - used
* in place of the get() method
public function countAllResults(string $table='', bool $reset = TRUE): int
// Set the table
if ( ! empty($table))
$result = $this->_run(QueryType::SELECT, $table, NULL, NULL, $reset);
$rows = $result->fetchAll();
return (int) count($rows);
* Creates an insert clause, and executes it
public function insert(string $table, mixed $data=[]): PDOStatement
if ( ! empty($data))
return $this->_run(QueryType::INSERT, $table);
* Creates and executes a batch insertion query
public function insertBatch(string $table, $data=[]): ?PDOStatement
// Get the generated values and sql string
[$sql, $data] = $this->driver->insertBatch($table, $data);
return $sql !== NULL
? $this->_run(QueryType::INSERT_BATCH, $table, $sql, $data)
* Creates an update clause, and executes it
public function update(string $table, mixed $data=[]): PDOStatement
if ( ! empty($data))
return $this->_run(QueryType::UPDATE, $table);
* Creates a batch update, and executes it.
* Returns the number of affected rows
public function updateBatch(string $table, array $data, string $where): ?int
if (empty($table) || empty($data) || empty($where))
return NULL;
// Get the generated values and sql string
[$sql, $data, $affectedRows] = $this->driver->updateBatch($table, $data, $where);
$this->_run(QueryType::UPDATE_BATCH, $table, $sql, $data);
return $affectedRows;
* Deletes data from a table
public function delete(string $table, mixed $where=''): PDOStatement
// Set the where clause
if ( ! empty($where))
return $this->_run(QueryType::DELETE, $table);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! SQL Returning Methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the generated 'select' sql query
public function getCompiledSelect(string $table='', bool $reset=TRUE): string
// Set the table
if ( ! empty($table))
return $this->_getCompile(QueryType::SELECT, $table, $reset);
* Returns the generated 'insert' sql query
public function getCompiledInsert(string $table, bool $reset=TRUE): string
return $this->_getCompile(QueryType::INSERT, $table, $reset);
* Returns the generated 'update' sql query
public function getCompiledUpdate(string $table='', bool $reset=TRUE): string
return $this->_getCompile(QueryType::UPDATE, $table, $reset);
* Returns the generated 'delete' sql query
public function getCompiledDelete(string $table='', bool $reset=TRUE): string
return $this->_getCompile(QueryType::DELETE, $table, $reset);