'where', * 'conjunction' => ' AND ', * 'string' => 'k=?' * ) * * @var array */ protected $query_map = array(); /** * Map for having clause * @var array */ protected $having_map; /** * Convenience property for connection management * @var string */ public $conn_name = ""; /** * List of queries executed * @var array */ public $queries; /** * Whether to do only an explain on the query * @var bool */ protected $explain; /** * The current database driver * @var Driver_Interface */ public $db; /** * Query parser class instance * @var Query_Parser */ protected $parser; /** * Alias to driver util class * @var \Query\Driver\Abstract_Util */ public $util; /** * Alias to driver sql class * @var \Query\Driver\SQL_Interface */ public $sql; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set values in the class, with either an array or key value pair * * @param array $var * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $val * @param int $val_type * @return array */ protected function _mixed_set(&$var, $key, $val=NULL, $val_type=self::BOTH) { $arg = (is_scalar($key) && is_scalar($val)) ? array($key => $val) : $key; foreach($arg as $k => $v) { switch($val_type) { case self::KEY: $var[] = $k; break; case self::VALUE: $var[] = $v; break; default: case self::BOTH: $var[$k] = $v; // break; } } return $var; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Method to simplify select_ methods * * @param string $field * @param string|bool $as * @return string */ protected function _select($field, $as = FALSE) { // Escape the identifiers $field = $this->db->quote_ident($field); $as = ($as !== FALSE) ? $this->db->quote_ident($as) : $field; return "({$field}) AS {$as} "; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Helper function for returning sql strings * * @param string $type * @param string $table * @param bool $reset * @return string */ protected function _get_compile($type, $table, $reset) { $sql = $this->_compile($type, $table); // Reset the query builder for the next query if ($reset) { $this->reset_query(); } return $sql; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Simplify 'like' methods * * @param string $field * @param mixed $val * @param string $pos * @param string $like * @param string $conj * @return Query_Builder */ protected function _like($field, $val, $pos, $like='LIKE', $conj='AND') { $field = $this->db->quote_ident($field); // Add the like string into the order map $l = $field. " {$like} ?"; if ($pos == 'before') { $val = "%{$val}"; } elseif ($pos == 'after') { $val = "{$val}%"; } else { $val = "%{$val}%"; } $conj = (empty($this->query_map)) ? ' WHERE ' : " {$conj} "; $this->_append_map($conj, $l, 'like'); // Add to the values array $this->where_values[] = $val; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Simplify building having clauses * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $val * @param string $conj * @return Query_Builder */ protected function _having($key, $val=array(), $conj='AND') { $where = $this->_where($key, $val); // Create key/value placeholders foreach($where as $f => $val) { // Split each key by spaces, in case there // is an operator such as >, <, !=, etc. $f_array = explode(' ', trim($f)); $item = $this->db->quote_ident($f_array[0]); // Simple key value, or an operator $item .= (count($f_array) === 1) ? '=?' : " {$f_array[1]} ?"; // Put in the having map $this->having_map[] = array( 'conjunction' => ( ! empty($this->having_map)) ? " {$conj} " : ' HAVING ', 'string' => $item ); } return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Do all the repeditive stuff for where/having type methods * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $val * @return array */ protected function _where($key, $val=array()) { $where = array(); $this->_mixed_set($where, $key, $val, self::BOTH); $this->where_values = $this->_mixed_set($this->where_values, $key, $val, self::VALUE); return $where; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Simplify generating where string * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $val * @param string $conj * @return Query_Builder */ protected function _where_string($key, $val=array(), $conj='AND') { // Create key/value placeholders foreach($this->_where($key, $val) as $f => $val) { // Split each key by spaces, in case there // is an operator such as >, <, !=, etc. $f_array = explode(' ', trim($f)); $item = $this->db->quote_ident($f_array[0]); // Simple key value, or an operator $item .= (count($f_array) === 1) ? '=?' : " {$f_array[1]} ?"; // Get the type of the first item in the query map $first_item = end($this->query_map); // Determine the correct conjunction if (empty($this->query_map)) { $conj = "\nWHERE "; } elseif ($first_item['type'] === 'group_start') { $conj = ''; } else { $conj = " {$conj} "; } $this->_append_map($conj, $item, 'where'); } return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Simplify where_in methods * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $val * @param string $in - The (not) in fragment * @param string $conj - The where in conjunction * @return Query_Builder */ protected function _where_in($key, $val=array(), $in='IN', $conj='AND') { $key = $this->db->quote_ident($key); $params = array_fill(0, count($val), '?'); foreach($val as $v) { $this->where_values[] = $v; } $conjunction = ( ! empty($this->query_map)) ? " {$conj} " : ' WHERE '; $str = $key . " {$in} (".implode(',', $params).') '; $this->_append_map($conjunction, $str, 'where_in'); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Executes the compiled query * * @param string $type * @param string $table * @param string $sql * @param array|null $vals * @return \PDOStatement */ protected function _run($type, $table, $sql=NULL, $vals=NULL) { if (is_null($sql)) { $sql = $this->_compile($type, $table); } if (is_null($vals)) { $vals = array_merge($this->values, (array) $this->where_values); } $start_time = microtime(TRUE); $res = (empty($vals)) ? $this->db->query($sql) : $this->db->prepare_execute($sql, $vals); $end_time = microtime(TRUE); $total_time = number_format($end_time - $start_time, 5); // Add this query to the list of executed queries $this->_append_query($vals, $sql, $total_time); // Reset class state for next query $this->reset_query(); return $res; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Add an additional set of mapping pairs to a internal map * * @param string $conjunction * @param string $string * @param string $type * @return void */ protected function _append_map($conjunction = '', $string = '', $type = '') { array_push($this->query_map, array( 'type' => $type, 'conjunction' => $conjunction, 'string' => $string )); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Convert the prepared statement into readable sql * * @param array $vals * @param string $sql * @param string $total_time * @return void */ protected function _append_query($vals, $sql, $total_time) { $evals = (is_array($vals)) ? $vals : array(); $esql = str_replace('?', "%s", $sql); // Quote string values foreach($evals as &$v) { $v = ( ! is_numeric($v)) ? htmlentities($this->db->quote($v), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8', FALSE) : $v; } // Add the query onto the array of values to pass // as arguments to sprintf array_unshift($evals, $esql); // Add the interpreted query to the list of executed queries $this->queries[] = array( 'time' => $total_time, 'sql' => call_user_func_array('sprintf', $evals), ); $this->queries['total_time'] += $total_time; // Set the last query to get rowcounts properly $this->db->last_query = $sql; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sub-method for generating sql strings * * @param string $type * @param string $table * @return string */ protected function _compile_type($type='', $table='') { if ($type === 'insert') { $param_count = count($this->set_array_keys); $params = array_fill(0, $param_count, '?'); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} (" . implode(',', $this->set_array_keys) . ")\nVALUES (".implode(',', $params).')'; } elseif ($type === 'update') { $sql = "UPDATE {$table}\nSET {$this->set_string}"; } elseif ($type === 'delete') { $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table}"; } else // GET queries { $sql = "SELECT * \nFROM {$this->from_string}"; // Set the select string if ( ! empty($this->select_string)) { // Replace the star with the selected fields $sql = str_replace('*', $this->select_string, $sql); } } return $sql; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * String together the sql statements for sending to the db * * @param string $type * @param string $table * @return $string */ protected function _compile($type='', $table='') { // Get the base clause for the query $sql = $this->_compile_type($type, $this->db->quote_table($table)); $clauses = array( 'query_map', 'group_string', 'order_string', 'having_map', ); // Set each type of subclause foreach($clauses as $clause) { $param = $this->$clause; if (is_array($param)) { foreach($param as $q) { $sql .= $q['conjunction'] . $q['string']; } } else { $sql .= $param; } } // Set the limit via the class variables if (is_numeric($this->limit)) { $sql = $this->sql->limit($sql, $this->limit, $this->offset); } // See if the query plan, rather than the // query data should be returned if ($this->explain === TRUE) { $sql = $this->sql->explain($sql); } return $sql; } } // End of abstract_query_builder.php