model = ( ! is_null($model)) ? $model : new GtkTreeStore(Gobject::TYPE_PHP_VALUE, Gobject::TYPE_PHP_VALUE); parent::__construct($this->model); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get the value of the cell at the provided coordinate array * * @param array $coord * @return mixed */ public function get(array $coord) { // @todo implement } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set the value of the cell at the provided coordinate array * * @param array $coord * @param mixed $val */ public function set(array $coord, $val) { // @todo implement } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Empty the model */ public function reset($model = null) { $this->model->clear(); $cols = $this->get_columns(); foreach($cols as $c) { $this->remove_column($c); } } } // End of data_grid.php